Chapter 2: Don't make friends with people you see in your nightmares

I caught my breath in an alleyway nearby before I made my next move. The rain I had sensed earlier had begun, so I had taken cover here so as not to be soaked. A small bundle of garbage bags made my chair, and above me hung a highway, blocking out the sky and keeping me safe from the torrential rain. It was a sad sight but my accommodations were the least of my worries. If the people on that pumpkin phone caught me, I'd probably be no match in a fight, and I needed to get my hand treated quickly, but I also couldn't risk going to the police. I technically only killed the man in self-defense but they'd likely confiscate the pumpkin phone anyway, and I couldn't witness that as an outcome. Speaking of the pumpkin phone, I pulled it out and examined it. It appeared to be made out of plastic and had no buttons or any way to use it. It might be voice-activated or so I thought. The other person on the phone did contact Shiro before, so that should have meant I would receive another word from them right? 

"HEY BUD!" A raspy voice with an odd Brooklyn accent erupted from the phone in my face, causing me to jump back and fall off my trash bags in surprise and drop the phone. The pumpkin phone bounced around on the damp dirty asphalt until slowly coming to a stop. Tilting up my head from my sprawled-out body I saw the jack o lantern was facing me.

"Hey, I'm talking to you, buddy!" The jack o lantern announced angrily. Its carved-out mouth moved not even an inch as it spoke.

"Are you, umm, a talking pumpkin?" I asked, startled and terribly confused.

"Yes, you dolt, who else do you see in this shitty ally, wise guy?" It replied snarkily, and as it spoke it wobbled around, and although it did not have facial expressions, you could almost imagine its smug smirk.

"Sorry uh, Mr pumpkin, I just, didn't know pumpkins could talk," I said apologetically, getting back up and bowing on my knees to the pumpkin.

"First of all, it's Jack to you, and I think it's time you learn some damn manners kid, with your fuggin Mr pumpkin baloney. Second, Obviously, I'm your newly awakened club phone, you uneducated jabroni! I damn well saw you use insanity energy back there fighting my old capo Shiro!" explained the now-named Jack.

"Wait, hold on, so you're a Jack o lantern, named Jack," I said holding back my laughter and a smile. 

"No chief, ya got it all wrong, Jacks my brother, I'm Jack with a hard C. Ya should know every club phone is named Jack, but the thing I'm wondering kid, is how some sucker like you, perfectly enveloped that knife in insanity energy up there?" Jack explained very matter-of-factly.

"So that's what that weird black stuff was. Shiro did say something about me being the one or something, so I guess I'm pretty good with this stuff then eh?" I said proudly pulling out my knife to study it.

"Well, I'd say that's about right. You did manage to awaken me as your own club phone with your insanity energy back there, so whatever's up with you is the real deal kiddo. Unfortunately, I can't say why, as my memory's getting all hazy from the change of ownership." Jack said disappointed.

"Shit, just when I thought I was onto something, but hey Jack, do you mind explaining what this whole insanity energy thing is and how I activated you. I don't remember doing anything, and also what even is a club phone?" I asked, getting overwhelmed now.

"Ahh, you really are fresh meat kid. Listen, I'm too tired to explain all this stuff to you, so imma kick you to the Goodfellas up at D's castle. If you're gonna be joining the slaughter club, which I can tell you are, you're gonna need to have a sit down with D. up there ya hear me? He'll tell ya everything ya need to know." Jack said growing impatient now. Quickly, I got to my feet, wiped myself off, and scooped him up.

"I do wanna join this club actually, so I'm glad we're on the right track. So, who is this D. fellow anyway, and how do I get to his castle? I asked not paying attention to Jack as I stuffed him in my pocket.

"AHH SOLDIER! I CAN'T BREATHE IN HERE. I AIN'T GOIN THROUGH THIS AGAIN, TAKE ME OUT OR I'll PUT A HIT ON YA!" Said Jack in between strained wheezes. I quickly took him out and apologized profusely. 

"Ya gotta wear me on your side, zip! I know I don't have a face but just trust me, a pumpkin's gotta breathe," I turned Jack over to see a little clip on his side that could attach to a strap like a key chain, so I clipped him to the side of my jeans. 

"That's much better goombah. Old boss Shiro used to stuff me in his coat like that all day, but he was a right scary one I tell ya, I'd be scared shitless to tell 'em off, so I'm glad I'm with you now bub. Anyway, as you's was saying, D's castle is located at the graveyard. Just hold me on up at the gate and it'll appear, just like magic." Jack explained. Satisfied with his answer, I started to walk, exiting the alley until I stopped, not realizing the lack of info that he had just somehow passed off as exact directions.

"Wait, Jack, What graveyard exactly is it at? And if you forgot my asking, who exactly is This D. person anyway?" I asked.

"Well, any graveyard will do if you're looking to enter. The don's a real genius, and he made it so all graveyards in the world lead straight on home, and you can choose to exit in whatever one ya like. As for who D. is I think you'll recognize him. You see, all the Slaughter club members take on the identities of, well how do I put this? They imitate very particular characters from the past. You'll see during your initializtion, D's one of the more famous ones. As for who he is to us, he's the original founder of the club, and He's currently the one in charge there right now too. Anyway chief, I think it's time we get a move on, It ain't safe here out in the open" Jack said.

"Yeah, I guess that's a good idea. I don't want to get caught by anyone right now." I replied, nodding, and with my destination in sight, I broke into a sprint with Jack by my side.

After running for what felt like an hour, but was likely around 20 minutes, the scenery started to change. This was the first cemetery that came to mind, as I saw it in passing a few times in my life. They weren't as common anymore, and most people chose to have their bodies cremated as any idea of an afterlife was long gone. The houses in this part of town seemed to become less and less industrialized, sprinkled here and there were a few original architectural works, and there were many abandoned buildings with shattered windows and doors boarded up with wood. Even In the future, we haven't found a way to fix homelessness or drug epidemics, if anything they have gotten worse. While I did not know the cause of these buildings' state, that was my best guess. The torrential rain had ceased luckily, but my feet were damp from striding through the deep puddles lacing the sidewalk. The sky was still a menacing shade of grey, but a warm ray of sun had poked through on the left painting the sky orange. A tall chain-link fence stood tall on one side of me, separating this part of town from a massive factory that had long since stopped production of anything. I had hidden my hand in my pocket to keep my wound concealed, and I had also torn off some of my sweater to serve as a sort of bandage for the time being, but the wound seemed to sting more now. It was soaked in blood, and I had never learned first aid so I likely did a piss-poor job, and I'd have to deal with a nasty infection tomorrow morning. Luckily in this part of town, nobody was really outside. I could get away with being seen so I ripped the fabric off my hand and tossed it over the fence. The wound was nasty and the scab had seemed to heal over, but I'd have to wait to see if it turned a nasty green in the future. It seems Jack noticed the lack of onlookers too, as he decided to strike up a conversation.

"Hey kid, I never did ask ya this, what's your name anyway," Jack asked, rattling away at my side to make me aware of his presence.

"Oh me? My name's Hokari. Last names don't matter to me, just call me by my first." I said nervously trying to avoid further interesting Jack in this subject.

"Hokari? That sounds like a Japanese name to me. Ain't their whole naming thing based on last names? It was a long time ago, and a lot of previous owners have had their control over me, so I might not be right on this, but from what I remember that's completely off. It sounds to me like you don't understand your heritage pal." Said Jack.

"Jack, How old even are you? Nobody cares about their heritage anymore. Besides I was only named that because my parents wanted to name me something unique that you don't see every day. As for last names I'm a new man as of today, I'm throwing away my past, so don't use my last name ok?" I said making up my mind. Jack paused for a second contemplating my newfound determination.

"You're turning into a whole new button there eh, Hokari? Heh, you've gone and went from being a little quiet kid to getting quite the voice for yourself. I must say I'm impressed." Jack said in a half-complementing half-teasing way.

"Hey Jack it seems that you've got quite the soft side to you too huh?" I jabbed.

"Hey don't get it twisted pal, just fuggedaboutit. We're here now anyway soldier, take a look." Jack replied brushing it off. On the other side of the street was the cemetery, nestled between two buildings. It wasn't very spacious but it likely had anywhere from 40 to 50 old stone graves. The iron fence surrounding it had sharp barbs at the top to keep out unwanted guests, but the fence itself was mangled in areas leaving places wide open to enter, so they served little to point other than adding to the atmosphere. The grass inside was a light shade of green and mostly alive, although it was extremely unkept and starting to reassemble a field of wheat more than grass in areas, and some parts of the ground were upturned from fallen trees, showing pockets of dirt like blisters on the ground.

"Alright pal, ya won't need a consigliere for this, it's right easy ya hear?. You're gonna wanna just hold me up nice and high near the entrance and channel your insanity energy into me. Ya did it before, when you's was claiming me, so it shouldn't be hard for you." instructed Jack.

"Okay, I'll give it a shot," I replied stepping up to the entrance. I was a little bit unsure and gulped at the fact that I might make a fool out of myself and screw up. Regardless I held my club phone, or Jack if you owe him that respect, up nice and high and I closed my eyes concentrating. I don't fully remember how I awakened him, In fact, I don't think I did anything, but I tried to recall that feeling I had during my battle with Shirou.

"Hey kid open you're damn eyes, you already did it. Jack pulled me back from the dark, and in front of me, A large void appeared. It completely broke any law of physics I knew, it was like a pocket dimension had suddenly opened up taking the place of this cemetery. Even its proportions didn't match up, as its size must have been larger than the space in the cemetery, but the houses at the back remained undisturbed. Think of it like a one-way door, where entering takes you halfway across the world, but if you were to step around the door you'd notice nothing on the other side. In the center of the void hung a massive gothic castle, with 6 large steeples and massive stained glass windows. It looked like it was almost a mile away, but what made it more of an uneasy sight was that it was Positioned completely upside down. The place where the sky should've been was a chunk of floating rock, supporting the castle's foundation. Likewise, where the ground should have been was a purplish void that the castle's flags spelling out the initials SC, likely for slaughter club drooped into. At least the gravity in that realm was not flipped, although I don't know if that was necessarily a good thing. A thin stone staircase only about a meter wide stretched on from the castle entrance all the way here with no support but still seemed to miraculously hover in place. It resembled a small mountain path but there was no mountain to be seen here. What would happen if you were to fall into that void on your journey there, I don't know but it wouldn't be something I wanted to find out. As I stared in awe at this magnificent sight, a figure approached from behind.

"Ah, so you must be one of them slaughter club members huh? Well, I'll skip the niceties so as not to waste time. I'm not looking for a tour but it looks like I found the right place. Unfortunately for you, I can't have you running your mouth to anyone, so I'll have to put you out of your misery right here." Said the mysterious stalker. His voice was soft and youthful but with a hint of cockyness to it that screamed confidence. Turning around suddenly I took note of his appearance. He looked to be around my age and had luscious short blonde hair and fair skin. His bright green eyes were covered by a shadow from his looming straw cowboy hat. His build was quite slender and he wore a red and black striped sweater that looked like went out of style too many years ago to be anything you'd consider wearing in this day and age.

"Watch out Chief," Jack rumbled at my side "This guy's looking to have you walk across the bridge, and I ain't talking about the one behind us!"

"Your little pumpkin annoys me. I'll shut him up for you when I kill you, how about it? I won't be too quick so you can savor the pain and have some last words alright? He chided with an evil smirk. At that moment from his left hand, 5 iron claws extended, making a metallic sound. He held it up in the air almost to show it off and outstretched his fingers as one would do to catch an incoming ball.

"Get ready!" He said raising his voice and holding his claws in front of him. they looked to be attached to a leather glove on his right hand. With a spring in his step, he almost glided toward me from across the street. Quickly I drew my knife, which was luckily followed by my insanity energy. I guess it wasn't something that would be hard for me to learn as I was already a natural. I didn't know if this man possessed any of that energy himself as from his speech earlier I don't think he belonged to the slaughter club. I couldn't be too sure, but that was an advantage I had, although it would be wise to stay cautious. His first attack came at me very fast But I jumped onto and off one of the graves dodging his deadly claws. They almost made a whistle as they tore through the air, and everything else. The grave I was on half a second ago was slashed into bits by his claws. If I was just a little slower my legs would no longer be connected to my body. The fact that he had this much power without Insanity energy was crazy. I landed behind the fence. We had now traded positions and I had the advantage of more even room to work with but he had more cover. As he quickly turned around he sliced the fence in two. The cut was clean and the fence stood for a second before toppling over on the road with a clang. He quickly leaped over and came at me with another swing which I dodged by quickly ducking. The 5 deadly blades passed just inches from my head. I quickly sprang back even after his swing. There was no room for an opening for me. He was a remarkably fast attacker, and it took him little time to reel back for another swing. He started laughing as he came onto me again, making me take more steps back towards the chain link fence, as he wildly swung. I was being pushed into a corner and I didn't think I'd be able to dodge this next attack. Without restraint, he tore at me, and having no options I took my chances and deflected it with my energy-shrouded knife. It made a clang when they connected, as opposed to the interesting sound it had made in my fight with Shiro. He violently pushed into me with immense strength, but I dug my feet into the ground and twisted my knife to redirect his claws to the fence, likely thanks to some of my insanity energy. The section of the fence he ended up hitting was torn through as I rolled into the middle of the street. With both of our backs to the full length of the road, it was truly even now. Panting, the mysterious attacker put his hand to his head, finally stopping for a breath.

"You're really good at running away huh? Not what I'd hope from the legendary Slaughter club, but you've bored me long enough. With this, I'll finish it." He said his eyes flaring like a snake biting into its prey.

"Hey Hokari," Jack warned from my side. "I can tell from the way you're fighting that you think this kid doesn't have any Insanity energy but that's not the half of it. The way he's using it is much different than yours, he doesn't flare it up as much as you do, but it's way more refined. This next move of his could be a one-way ride to a fate worse than cement shoes if you don't act quick, Soldier ." I decided to do the smart thing we were always taught in school.

"Hey, hey, wait, I'm not part of this slaughter club, I don't know what you're fighting for but I don't have anything to do with it. so stop this pointless fight, you have no reason to kill me!" I tried to reason with him, but I could tell from his expression that it was fruitless. Jack was probably disappointed in my spinelessness but I truly thought that reasoning would be the best way out of this.

"I don't care," The attacker said unable to hold back his excitement. "It's over now anyway," He took a deep breath in, closed his eyes, and tilted his hat forward so that it covered most of his face down until the mouth. After A few seconds, he suddenly opened them again screaming "INSANITY CREEP!" His words had a powerful feeling to them, that shook the world around me like he had just recited an ancient incantation. A Deep black translucent shockwave emitted from his head blew past me and enveloped the whole area around us, about the size of a building before dissipating. It filled me with a sudden crushing sense of dread and anxiety although looking around I didn't notice any changes. It made my skin crawl, and my hair stand on edge. He still stood hunched in the same position, but his sense of confidence seemed to have increased exponentially to the point where he seemed to be as sure of himself as one would be of picking up a succulent fry to eat. Suddenly, as he stepped forward, initiating his attack, his body seemed to split in two, separating down the middle and forming two identical clones that could not be differentiated from each other. There was no blood, it was not a gruesome physical separation. As they separated the effect area resembled that of soapy bubbles until they fully took form. Each clone dashed over to me on a different side of the road. This must be the deadly attack Jack was referring to. It was unlikely that I would be able to successfully fend off two attackers in my current state.

"Hey Jack, What should I do to handle this attack?" I asked anxiously and quickly. Time was running out, but he gave no response. "Jack, Answer me!" I asked again, more demanding and urgent this time, but to no avail. Both bodies of the assailant closed in on me, initiating some sort of pincer attack so that one would attack me from each side at the same time, or so I predicted. I crouched down, readying myself to jump out of the way. As I sprung from the ground I felt something engulf, and tighten around my feet, and, my momentum suddenly stopped, I stumbled, almost falling over if my feet had not been trapped in place. Looking down at the ground, the asphalt seemed to have melted away into a thick liquid that had stuck to me like concrete and submerged my feet inside of it. Trying to free myself again, I tried with all my strength to jump out of this liquid but it was like trying to swim with an anchor attached to your legs. My feet completed no movement and all I could muster was giving my thighs a decent stretch. Needless to say, this was a rough situation to be in, so I scrambled my brain looking for a possible solution. Maybe I could cut myself out of the ground? I thought, reaching down with my knife, but it was to no avail, before I even bent over, both bodies of the attacker, like a flash of a gun, sunk their claws deep into my sides.

At first, it felt just like the stab in my hand, still one of the worst pains in my life but just pain, but then as my internal organs were torn, a wave of weakness and coldness fell over me. As much as my body screamed from the terrible, ripping, ceaseless pain, I only let out a dull grunt. I slouched forward, without the strength the stand up. My warm blood started to leak down my side in what seemed like liters and down his claws. Jack was still absent for some unknown reason. I would've really appreciated his snarky help at this moment. The energy in my knife fizzled out, and I dropped it from my hands as my fingers lost strength. It plunged into the liquid ground, sinking deeper until I could no longer see it as its hilt submerged into the asphalt. I turned over to look at my attacker, my blood had splattered on his face, even covering his eyes and mouth which still kept a cold smile. The ground below him had still kept his solidity, as opposed to mine, still allowing him full movement. Was his power to manipulate the ground? Insanity energy was sure powerful with crazy possibilities, If only I could have known his abilities sooner I might have won, but that couldn't even have been his true ability as it doesn't explain his double. I coughed up a bunch of blood that had collected in my throat with the last of my strength. It dripped down my chin and then onto the pavement adding a shade of red to the asphalt soup.

"It hurts, doesn't it? Isn't it wonderful, this terrible pain? And to think, this is only a fraction of how I feel." He teased sadistically breaking into an evil laugh. Just then an immense surge of energy tore through the street.

"I will not tolerate this sort of buffoonish behavior on my property young men. Break up your squabble at once." A mysterious, eloquent voice thundered from outside the now dissipating and crumbling black sphere that had engulfed me. Suddenly all the pain I had experienced vanished, and I looked down to find that the tightness in my feet, and the ground had returned to a normal state. The wounds that were once on my sides ceased to exist, even my clothes were untorn. My knife too lay flat on the pavement. The last flecks of his attack dissolved into the wind. His two bodies had disappeared and the only remaining one stood, surprised back where he stood when he first cast that shockwave. 

"HOKARI! Are you alright soldier? You look terribly pale." Said Jack. I realized I was sweating profusely and was likely pale as snow, as he had said. I was just relieved he was back.

"What the hell was that Jack? Where did you go?" I asked confused.

"That, Was an Exquisite example of a most fastidious Insanity creep. Had I not shown up, that Virulent illusion technique surely would have done you in good sir." The mysterious voice Boomed at us once again. From what I could tell he certainly had a very unique vocabulary matching his demeanor. His figure was massive, not in a fat, or muscular way, but Large in the the fact that he stood almost 7 feet tall, with a broad physique, beautifully crafted and flowing vintage robes, and long silky grey hair, that looked both old and young at the same time. His face seemed cold yet friendly and his eyes were covered by a dark pair of stylish aviator shades, pointing out like his finely trimmed white goatee. His demeanor was lavish, this was a man who dressed to impress.

"Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing, Interrupting my battle, you looney old fart! I was just about to kill this weakling and his annoying pumpkin too" The mysterious attacker snapped, spit flying from his mouth, and his eyebrows furrowing violently.

"I suggest you watch that tongue of yours, young man. You are in witness to the laudable lord D. of the Slaughter Club. If you want to keep that boisterous head of yours I suggest both of you men accompany me inside, or else face due ramifications. If I even so much as leave this staircase, my presence could lead to disastrous consequences for the world at large including myself, so I place my trust in you that you shall follow me." D. turned around and made his way up the flowing stairs leading to the castle, his cape flowing in the wind, beckoning us to pursue. He had rightfully placed his full trust in us that we would not continue our duel, as we were both too intimidated by his presence to want to do anything other than blindly follow. This man and his palace were truly befitting of the leader of a supernatural group such as this. Truly, what an honor to be in his presence.