Chapter 10: Time vs Space

The two looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds.

The Sharingan vs Zafkiel

Both had different opinions about their opponent.

Both sides also discovered a weakness of the other.

Both sides were the nemesis of the other, this was not a fight between shinobi, this was a fight between space and time.

*Tick Tock

The awkward silence was broken when the sound of a clock rang.

Yuki pointed his weapon again at the number 1 of his angel.

"Do you think I'll let you?!" several weapons came out, from his sharingan in spiral shape.

The masked man had stopped underestimating the child, now he looked at him as an opponent he had to defeat.

He respected the child's power, being able to hurt him twice is a feat that few have achieved.

The weapons consisted of giant Shuriken, Yuki smiled at this.

"Good move… But you still underestimate me!"

His body blinked red, as the weapons went through him, blood ran from the child's body.

*Bang, Bang

Several projectiles passed through the masked man.

(Too fast!)

This time he had learned his lesson and kept his Dojutsu active.

Quickly locating the child, the masked man saw the child floating in the sky.

(Flying ninja?!) the surprises that this child brought him, were greater than what the Fourth Hokage brought him.

(The same attack doesn't work twice)

Yuki used the same attack as before, but as he supposed, the masked man wouldn't fall for his trick twice.

(My attacks go through him, he only materializes when he attacks… Tch, what a troublesome ability!)

The masked man looked at the place where the weapons went through the child, but the body was gone.

(Izanagi?.. No, it's different) the ability to die and revive, was a troublesome ability.

(But… How many times can you use it?)

Several branches of trees began to come out of his body.

(But enough of games!)

Like a whip the branches, they threw themselves at the child.

"Wood Element?!"

*Bang Bang

Yuki shot several times, but the destroyed branches grew back.


(Damn it!.. My chakra ran out a long time ago, my vitality…)

Suddenly Yuki's body was hit by a great weakness, his body wobbled in the sky.

"This is your limit kid" the masked man said behind the child's body.

"What?!" a black rod pierced his body.


"You played well kid, but this is the end"

Suddenly a feeling hit Yuki's body.

(So you too) sighing internally, Yuki received the message that his clone that he sent to Itachi, had died.

Slowly he raised his spark gun and tried to shoot himself in the head, but, several more black rods pierced his hands, legs and abdomen.

"Enough of games… It's time to go"

Again Yuki felt his body being absorbed, smiling cruelly Yuki snapped his fingers.

(You fell for it!)

"We'll go to hell together!.. Die!!"

"What?!" Yuki's body began to burn, as several paper bombs on his body activated simultaneously.

The light blinded the masked man's sight, seeing only the child's smile.


An explosion was heard in the night, the dust and aftermath of the explosion destroyed several houses.

"An explosion?"

Several figures from Konoha turned their heads to where the explosion came from.

"The Uchiha clan… quickly mobilize the Anbu hunters"

"Yes Hokage-sama"

Several figures disappeared in the middle of the night.

Danzo looked at the Uchiha clan with a smile.

"Quick, before the Hokage arrives"

"Yes Danzo-sama"

Several masked figures blinked, as Danzo stood up.

"Finally… The Uchiha clan will disappear" as Danzo muttered to himself, he decided he had to see the scenery for himself.

In the middle of the explosion, a figure lay gasping, his clothes torn and missing an arm.

This was the Masked Man, Yuki's black barrier had long dissipated.

"Damn brat!" he knew he had fallen into the child's trap, while the child threw the bait and he happily grabbed it with open hands, the child had analyzed his ability and found his weakness instantly.

Even until the end, his body exploded into several pieces.

The explosion cost him an arm and his body with several wounds, the explosion was so fast that he had no time to cancel his ability, causing him to be injured.

"You look terrible" Suddenly a voice sounded, taking the masked man out of his thoughts.


Itachi looked at the masked man, with an expressionless look.

"The Konoha ninja are about to arrive" looking at the damage caused in the surroundings, Itachi sighed and at the same time wondered. Who would have the power to hurt the man in front of him? .

"I see you had trouble"

"Nothing serious, just a little mouse"

Itachi frowned at his answer, but he didn't press him to answer.

"The rest is up to you, Itachi" the masked man said before his body was absorbed, in the form of a spiral and disappeared.

Itachi closed his eyes, before his body also blinked and disappeared.

On the walls of a house, a child came out of the darkness gasping.


This child was Yuki, holding his head, Yuki fought against the desire to faint.

(Luckily, I switched for my clone) From the moment his body blinked, he never showed his original body again.

He knew he was no match for the masked man, the ideal thing would have been to withdraw instead of opting to face him.

But he couldn't, he felt he would regret it for the rest of his life, if he didn't kill his mother's killer.

Yuki had never experienced anything like this before.

(Damn me from this world! … His feelings are very strong)

(If it were the me from the earth, I would never do something so stupid.)

In the end he was able to escape at the moment, that his anger subsided by the battle.

As his legs trembled, he walked to where his mother's corpse was.

After a few minutes, his small body stopped and widened his eyes in shock.

Extracting his mother's eyes was an Anbu hunter, after the extraction the Anbu hunter put both eyes in a jar.

"Ahhhhhhh!" a scream came out of his mouth, as his body trembled from the strong emotions that ran through him.

"What?" The hunter turned his gaze and saw a child with a strange outfit.

"A survivor?.. The orders said to kill everyone" without giving him mercy the Anbu hunter took out his weapon and decided to stab the child.

But four long hands came out of the darkness tying him up.


As if responding to Yuki's anger, Zafkiel manifested on his back.

"W-what is that?!" opening his mouth in surprise, the Anbu hunter's eyes shone with fear, seeing the Old Clock.

"Yud Aleph!" Pointing the spark gun at the eleventh number, Yuki pulled the trigger, shooting at the motionless Anbu hunter.

"Agrhhh!" a tearing moan came out of the Anbu hunter, when his body was swallowed by the darkness.

Yuki's chakra and vitality were restored instantly.

But none of that mattered to Yuki, walking to his mother, blood came out of his mother's eyes that were now empty sockets.

Strong emotions hit his body, as he hugged his mother.

This crimson night came to an end.