Chapter 24 : Sacred Lands!

"It's time for me to return," said Yuki, caressing a small pink pig.

"Oink, oink," hearing these words, the pig looked at Yuki.

"What, should I stop doing troublesome things?... Nah, Tonton, no worries, my life would be meaningless without them."

"Oink, oink."

"I shouldn't cause trouble for the older sister Tsunade? But she also has fun with this."

Sighing slightly, Yuki looked at the pig, smiled, and braced himself for the impending storm.

"Well, I think I should go."


Opening the door to leave, Yuki found Shizune in defensive mode.

"You're not leaving, Yuki!"

Yuki looked at Shizune, who had her hands extended.

"You have little trust in me, older sister Shizune. I didn't plan on leaving; in fact, I'll wait for the older sister Tsunade at the training ground."

"I'll follow you!" With suspicious eyes, Shizune didn't buy his nonsense; he always manages to deceive her, but this time, she wouldn't let him escape.

"Older sister Shizune, this time I won't escape. I have to face her!" with a raised fist, Yuki looked seriously at Shizune.

Shizune looked surprised for a few seconds before touching her head.

"What are you planning now?"

"Cruel~ I'm not planning anything."

"Only someone with a thick face like yours could lie so easily."

Looking at himself for a few seconds, Yuki couldn't help but be at a loss for words, but it's true; he has a face as thick as a wall.

"Don't worry, older sister Shizune. I'm just going to fulfill my promise."

Raising her eyebrows, Shizune looked at Yuki before turning to Tonton, who just shook his head in confusion.


"Yes! From today, I'll put an end to the older sister Tsunade's single life."

With shining eyes, Yuki left the room, unconcerned about the surprised Shizune.

With a tired sigh, Shizune hugged Tonton. She didn't know what the little demon was planning, but she had a feeling it wasn't anything good. She left the room and decided to wait for Tsunade.


Tsunade was angry.

(I'm going to kill this brat!)

Like an eruption, Tsunade entered her house.


Roaring like a lion, Tsunade took large strides.

Shizune and Tonton trembled at this.

"Where's the brat?! Escaped again?!"

"He's in the... training ground."

"Good! A good place for his burial!"

Without wasting time, Tsunade walked quickly; she wanted to smack the brat, fearing that he might escape again.

(Waa~ she's really angry) Shizune covered her mouth with her hand; she knew Tsunade was angry. Tsunade usually called the kid 'Little Yuki,' but now she called him 'Brat,' and she wondered what Yuki had done this time to anger her so much. Feeling curious, she followed Tsunade.


Yuki crossed his arms while waiting for the furious Lioness.

And the furious Lioness didn't make him wait long. Something shone and fell at great speed.


"Good! I admire your courage for not running away, brat!" from a slight crater emerged a furious figure. Tsunade looked at the kid who didn't budge a single step after seeing her; she was a bit surprised. The brat always escaped when Tsunade was angry.

"Well~ older sister Tsunade, I couldn't run forever... besides, as a man, I have to face it someday!" with a hand on his chest, Yuki struck a dignified pose. Tsunade couldn't help but be suspicious of the kid.

"What are you planning?"

"Cruel~ it's my unlucky day. No one wants to believe in this innocent child."

"You're not fooling anyone with that face!"

A vein throbbed on Tsunade's head; she felt like her years were decreasing every time she got angry with this kid.

"Anyway... grit your teeth!" Clenching her fists, Tsunade walked towards Yuki, a fierce smile on her face.

"Wait a moment, older sister Tsunade! TIME OUT! STOP!"

Waving his hands quickly, Yuki stopped Tsunade.

"What?! Don't think you'll escape this!"

"No, no, no, older sister Tsunade, I'm not planning to escape. I'll accept the punishment... But, what if we make it more interesting?"


Tsunade tilted her head in confusion; she knew the kid was up to something, but she was also curious.


"Yes, of course!" wiping cold sweat, Yuki looked at the newcomers, Shizune and Tonton. Tsunade also looked at them but didn't pay them any mind, waiting for Yuki's proposal.

"If we're going to fight, let's make a bet. If I lose, I promise to spill all the beans, and I'll also prepare all your favorite meals for a week."

"Oh?" Tsunade was instantly interested in this.

"And if you win?" with a sly smile on his face, Yuki looked at Tsunade, more precisely at her chest.

"... "

An awkward silence; Shizune and Tonton were left speechless by Yuki's shamelessness.

Tsunade was also surprised by how forward the kid was.

"Young brat precocious."

"Naa~ older sister Tsunade, it was love at first sight. I promised, I said that someday I would end the single life of my older sister Tsunade."

"How come I never heard such a promise?"

With suspicion in her eyes, Tsunade didn't believe his nonsense.

"I see... And the real reason?"

"Of course, I wouldn't let those breasts belong to another man... Those sacred lands are only mine! I've claimed them as my territory! I AM THE LORD OF THOSE LANDS!"

With a slight blush and a perverted look, Yuki revealed his true intentions.

"... "

Tsunade was speechless; Shizune and Tonton stared at him with wide eyes.

"Pervert," a soft murmur escaped Shizune's mouth.

"Fine, let's do it!"

After a brief silence, Tsunade accepted the bet.

"Tsunade-sama!" Shizune couldn't help but reprimand. Tsunade looked at her for a moment before adding.

"But let's make it bigger... How about this? If we also add Shizune's breasts to the bet, two pairs of tits for one, not a bad deal, right?"

"Tsunade-sama!" Shizune's face turned red at her words; Tsunade didn't care, only waiting for Yuki's response.

"Oh? Tempting, I must admit it's a good offer... What if I lose?" Yuki touched his chin, thinking. He looked at Shizune, more specifically at her breasts. Shizune's face turned even redder due to Yuki's intense gaze. She glanced at Tsunade and Yuki, realizing she was surrounded by perverts.

"If you lose, you'll leave the village with me for three years. Do you dare?" with a mocking smile, Tsunade taunted him.

Yuki, of course, wouldn't let this opportunity pass.

"What man would reject another pair of breasts? Of course, I accept! My clan lacks members, after all."

This was the moment. Shizune lost strength in her body for a moment.

Tsunade and Yuki stared at each other for a moment, both with a smile on their faces.
