Chapter 29: Would You Like to Be Hokage?


"What does this mean, Hiruzen?!" with a slam on the table, Danzo stared at Hiruzen. He had received information from the new Anbu captain that all his spies had been eliminated.

This infuriated him.

"What do you mean, Danzo?"

With a puff of his pipe, Hiruzen looked at his good friend. He knew Danzo wouldn't stand idly by.

"You know what I mean! You gave away control of Anbu! Do you realize what this means?! We could be attacked at any moment!"

"You're wrong, Danzo. Anbu still serves Konoha; I just appointed someone else to handle it."

"Don't lie to me! I know that Uchiha kid bribed you! I heard a massacre started on the first day! Are you insane, Hiruzen?"

Hiruzen sighed towards his friend. He was in a tight spot, having heard about it as well, but there was nothing he could do. He had received numerous complaints since Anbu stopped protecting Konoha's politicians, and the whole village erupted with dissatisfaction over the new captain.

"Those were spies. According to their report, they had been leaking crucial information from Konoha."

"That's impossible! Hiruzen, you better understand the sin you've committed!"

With an intense look, Danzo left his office. In truth, he felt cornered. With his spies dead, he was blind when it came to Anbu.

(Yuki Uchiha!)

With a determined look, Danzo devised a plan.

(Hiruzen, you asked for this!)

The position of Hokage had belonged to him for a long time; it was time to relinquish it.

He had to be a bit thankful to the kid since it gave him a good reason to convene a meeting and force Hiruzen to step down.

With these thoughts, Danzo decided he had to move quickly.


"Here's the report, Captain."


Seated in his office, Yuki examined various intelligence documents.

He was 12 years old now, soon turning 13.

A year had passed since he took full control of Anbu. Though it was challenging at the beginning, he ensured all members were loyal to him, which wasn't that difficult. Many had tried to kill or poison him, but all attempts ended in failure, and the would-be assassins were, of course, devoured. After witnessing their grim fate, the Anbu hunters decided to behave.

As captain, he had complete control over Konoha's security and mission assignments, much like a Hokage but on the dark side. And, of course, he did his job. He made sure not a fly entered Konoha without his permission, and he also caused plenty of trouble for a certain organization, 'Root.'

"Thanks for the report."


Yuki looked at the woman with long purple hair. A year ago, he had made her his secretary. Yuki thought it would be better to have a woman serving him than a man. However, he had to admit that this woman had been very loyal.

Her name was Yūgao Uzuki. He had thoroughly investigated her and discovered many interesting things. Despite being hidden behind her Anbu gear, she had a pretty face and a good body.

"From what I see, the new candidates for Hokage will enter the vote soon."

"That's correct, Captain. But I have to say, Tsunade-sama is leading."

"Of course, she is. She's amazing, after all."

Looking at the voting statistics, Yuki couldn't help but recall Tsunade's pleasant face from a month ago.


A month ago, while Yuki was having his weekly break in Tsunade's bosom.

"Big sister Tsunade."

"Yes, little Yuki?"

Rubbing his face in the enormous sacred valley, Yuki felt like he had entered nirvana for a moment.

(Smells good.)

Enjoying her rich aroma, Yuki was tempted to kiss those huge mountains, but he knew it would be his end if he did. His relationship with Tsunade hadn't progressed much since then; she still treated him as her younger brother, although she was more aware of him as a man. But it couldn't be helped; after all, he was still 12 years old. However, Yuki was confident that in a couple more years, he would put this woman in her place.

"Would you like to be Hokage?"


An awkward silence filled the room.

"Well, little Yuki, you have a good sense of humor, hahaha."

After locking eyes for a moment, Tsunade couldn't contain her laughter; she thought the boy was joking.

"But big sister Tsunade, you're perfect for the position."

"Haha, come on, little Yuki, these jokes are too funny."

"But I'm not joking. People would support you."


After several minutes, Tsunade had a bad feeling.

"Little Yuki, don't joke like that. You know someone like me wouldn't be suitable for the position. Besides, being Hokage would be too troublesome... no, that's definitely not for me."

Shaking her head, Tsunade took a bottle of sake and decided to forget everything in alcohol.

"But big sister Tsunade, you're the favorite. If things continue like this, you'll be the Fifth Hokage."

Slipping his hand into his clothes, Yuki showed her the results of the votes.


Seeing it, Tsunade couldn't help but spit out all the sake.

"What does this mean, brat?! Why is my name on this list?!" Several veins bulged on Tsunade's forehead; she looked at Yuki, who was still between her breasts.

Yuki quickly averted his gaze while whistling.


"Brat, what have you done?!" Tsunade quickly found the culprit; she hugged Yuki tightly.

"Hmmm~ big...sister... I can't... breathe."

"Speak, brat! Don't think I'll forgive you!"


Yuki was on the borderline between heaven and hell in Tsunade's bosom.

After several compliments and useless comments, he convinced Tsunade, and, of course, he dragged Shizune into it too.


While remembering Tsunade and Shizune's faces, a smile formed on his face.


"Captain?" tilting her head, Yūgao looked at him with doubts.

"It's nothing, don't worry."

Waving his hand, Yuki pondered his next move.

Everything was going as planned. By having control of Anbu, he blinded Danzo across Konoha. He also cornered him, forcing him to convene a meeting for the selection of a new Hokage. With no Anbu protecting Konoha's politicians, he was sure they would support Danzo in pressuring Hiruzen to step down, as they were dissatisfied with the Third Hokage.

Without eyes, arms, and legs and forced into a tight spot, Danzo's only way out is to be elected as Hokage.

Something that will never happen. He was waiting for this and had the perfect candidate for the position.

With popularity and fame on Tsunade's side, it's impossible for her not to be chosen.Without the shield that was the Third Hokage, Danzo would be like a fish on the chopping block.

(However, those votes need to be secured.)

Thinking about some individuals, Yuki decided to pay them a visit.His body flickered, leaving a clone in his office while he made his visit.