Chapter 67: Hyoton: Kōri no sen no kabe!


Suddenly, a massive pillar of light struck from the sky. Yuki, the first to notice, swiftly performed hand signs.

(Hyoton: Kori no Sen no Kabe!) Instantly using all the chakra he had gathered in the past few days, Yuki clapped.

The water in the sea swiftly moved, crystallizing instantly, creating walls of ice about 5 square meters around him.

Gai and Mark, witnessing this, couldn't help but open their mouths in shock.

Argos and Kyo were also surprised. Kyo looked at him in horror, while Argos stared at him with stars in his eyes.

Yuki's walls were created rapidly, reaching dozens, then hundreds.


However, despite the walls forming quickly, so did the pillar of light, instantly destroying the first wall, moving to the next and the next.

"Ugh! Ahh!"

Watching the pillar of light destroy everything in its path, the Sharingan spun at high speed as hundreds of walls were created in the blink of an eye.

Gai, standing beside him, was amazed. He had never seen something so magical – water obeying Yuki's will, turning into ice and creating hundreds of ice walls.

"What are you waiting for?! Get out!"

However, there was no time to enjoy the view.

Yuki was at his limit; he could feel his body crystallizing at a terrifying speed.

This kind of attack had a wide range, even if he ran at full speed, he could still be affected. Yet Yuki couldn't escape. He looked at Argos, Kyo, and Gai. He knew there were casualties in war, but he wouldn't allow it in his presence. This was Yuki's pride. He couldn't flee with three people in his body, not to mention the remaining nations' squad.

So, Yuki used this Jutsu.

Hyoton: Kori no Sen no Kabe, Yuki's ultimate defense Jutsu. Regarding defense, Yuki was confident he could even stop a Bijuudama from a tailed beast with it, but now he was weak, unable to unleash its true power.

Now he knew why he was so worried. GHQ wasn't foolish; instead of sending soldiers and Endlaves, they chose to attack with Leucocyte.

"Don't just stand there like an idiot! Get out! Everyone, go!"

"Yes! Retreat!" Mark, the first to react, quickly ordered everyone to flee. Though he didn't understand how Yuki performed such a feat, he thought his life was more important. He could see that Leucocyte's powerful attack showed no sign of stopping.

Gai, however, just glanced at him before nodding.

"You must not die!"

"I won't!"

Watching Yuki's serious eyes, Gai ran. He knew he couldn't do anything in this situation.

"You must come back!" Argos, looking at Yuki slowly crystallizing, clenched his teeth, but he ran too. Staying a second longer would only be a burden to Yuki.

Kyo, now running at full speed, couldn't help but look at Yuki one last time.


Starting the car quickly, Gai wasted no time in fleeing. He knew that escaping on foot wouldn't be possible to avoid the impact.

Argos and Kyo also got in; both were very nervous. Argos even had sweaty palms. He glanced at Yuki one last time in the mirror before his figure disappeared into the light.



Looking at Gai and the others' backs, Yuki's pain became increasingly unbearable. More than half of his leg was crystallizing, the same happening to his hands.


Yet, the pillar of light didn't stop; it had already destroyed more than half of the ice walls, and its momentum continued.


Finally, the pillar of light was destroying the last ice walls.

A lot of wind blew, making Yuki's hair dance.

With gritted teeth, Yuki poured a large amount of his chakra into the last ice wall.

*Click, click, click


Breaking through the ice walls, the pillar of light collided with Yuki's last shield.

Turning his gaze, Yuki could still see Gai and the others' figures; at this rate, they would be affected by the impact.

"Curse it!"

*Click, click

Several cracks quickly appeared on Yuki's ice shield, simultaneously, the crystallization of his body reached completion.




Finally, piercing through the last ice wall, the pillar of light hit the ground, creating a huge explosion of fire. Yuki, seeing the immense heat approaching, melting his ice, smiled before performing hand signs.

(Hyoton: Kori no Raion)

With hands on the ground, an ice lion emerged, swallowing Yuki at the same time it returned to the ground, and the flames quickly passed over it.



On the other side, Gai and the others didn't fare any better. The impact's power and wind pressure made the car lose balance and overturn. Despite Yuki buying time for them to escape, Leucocyte's attack was lethal, reaching several squad members and injuring or killing them in the process.

The power of Leucocyte's light pillar had drastically reduced due to Yuki's ice walls, but its attack still had a range of 500 meters.

Once it was all over, Gai slowly got out of the car, now with its tires in the air.

"Curse it!" Cursing his bad luck, Argos held his head. Fortunately, they managed to get out of the impact zone; otherwise, they would be corpses now.

"Is it over?"

Kyo, nestled in Argos's arms, slowly opened her eyes with fear. This was too much for a girl like her.

Gai, however, was astonished by Leucocyte's power. Even though it wasn't finished, it caused all this destruction. This was worthy of a weapon capable of destroying a country.


Murmuring his name softly, Gai couldn't fathom how Yuki would survive such an attack.


As he looked at all the fire and destruction, Tsugumi's voice came from his communicator.


TN: Well I can already see people complaining about mc being dumb etc etc but anyways idc just gonna say keep reading he'll improve he's not our everyday perfect op mc who knows it all

Also gimme powerstones for next chapter button to appear :>