Chapter 69: A New Race

"No, you don't look good... Adam."


Upon hearing those words, the Ice Lion roared, going on the defensive.

Yuki also remained alert; he had already begun extracting some paper bombs, but he didn't reveal them. He simply lifted his gaze to see a blond-haired teenager with blue eyes, clad in a long coat with a white collar, a black shirt, and pants.

Yuki eyed this teenager with utmost caution. He wasn't in a condition to fight at the moment, but he was also somewhat surprised. The teenager was floating. However, something else caught Yuki's attention. Using his Sharingan, he saw a mark on the teenager's right hand. Although it was different from his, the power emitted by the mark was the same as his Void Genoma.

(Void Genoma)

Observing the enormous fangs and the structure of the Blue Lion, the blond teenager smiled with interest. He was intrigued by Yuki's abilities, who, without using the Void Genoma, accomplished such feats.

"No need to be nervous; I'm here to talk."

Raising his hands in a gesture of goodwill, the teenager stopped floating and touched the ground.

He looked at Yuki with interest, a warm smile on his face as he regarded Yuki as a superior race. This made the disdainful look disappear from his face, replaced by an expression of acceptance.

"No one is foolish enough to believe a guy who came out of nowhere claiming he just wants to 'talk.'"

Firmly wearing the ANBU mask, Yuki didn't buy into his act. He wasn't naive to be easily deceived.

"Hee~ You're right, but this time, believe me, I don't want to harm you. You're very special, after all."

Even with a smile on his face, the teenager only tilted his head in confusion. Yuki, on the other hand, just cursed his luck.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you believe me or not... Shall we introduce ourselves?"

Shrugging, the teenager sighed.

"My name is Yuu. What's yours, Adam?"


Though a bit puzzled by the way he was addressed, Yuki replied curtly. He didn't want to continue talking with this guy, at least not in this state. After all, you never know what he's capable of.

"Yuki... Snow? A good name! Worthy of our Eva. I'm sure you two will get along."

Nodding, Yuu liked it a lot. The name Yuki was akin to the Lost Christmas, both involving snow and marking the beginning of everything.

"Sorry, but I don't know any 'Eva.'"

Looking at Yuu with suspicion, Yuki didn't take his eyes off him. Yuu, however, just smiled. He looked at Yuki's crystallizing body with admiration, marveling at his ability to still talk and stay conscious, a testament to his superior body.

"No, you don't know her yet... But that can change. Tell me, Adan, don't you think this world deserves a change?"

"What do you mean?"

Narrowing his eyes, Yuki's gaze became dangerous.

"Scary~ Don't look at me like that, Adam."

Feigning shock, Yuu stepped back in jest.

"You're not funny." Shrugging, Yuu noticed that Yuki's gaze didn't waver. Yuki still looked at him seriously.

"The world deserves a change... Humanity deserves a change."


"That's right." Nodding in response to Yuki's question, Yuu smiled.

"In this era, humanity seeks its continual destruction—wars, murders, destruction. Humanity is a highly destructive race. That's why it deserves a change. They deserve to evolve, to grow."

Looking at Yuki with arms wide open, Yuu created an apple out of nowhere.

"That's why, Adam, don't you think this race deserves a change? To become superior! To grow! To become as strong as you! Don't you think? A race where they no longer seek wars! A race where all its inhabitants are as strong and intelligent as you! A race worthy of this world! However, for that, we need a pair to be their progenitors. So, Adam, do you accept to follow Eva on the path of evolution? To marry and procreate the next generation of humans?"

Looking at Yuu with pity, who was now handing him a red apple, Yuki sighed.

He knew it was impossible to fulfill Yuu's dream. Yuki was from the Shinobi world, so he knew what would happen if all humans were as strong as him.

And that's an endless war. Human greed knows no bounds; no matter how much the human race changes, they will always want more.

Therefore, Yuki sighed at Yuu's ideal, but now he knew who the real enemy was.

"You... You're not from this world."

With just those words from Yuki, Yuu's body couldn't help but tremble. He retracted his hand holding the apple and looked at Yuki.


Staring at each other for a moment, Yuu just shrugged.

"You found out, huh?... Tell me, how did you figure it out?"

"Not so difficult. No human from this world wanted to destroy their own race, at least they never took the initiative themselves."

"I guess so."

Sighing in defeat, Yuu lowered his head.

"Can I take those words as a rejection?"

"Of course. Human greed won't change even if they evolve. Humanity is fine as it is now."

"I understand... I hope you don't regret this decision."

"I won't."

With a disappointed look on his face, Yuu shook his head before disappearing. He was very sad and disappointed; after all, Yuki was the perfect candidate to be Adam, with his superior DNA. Yuu was excited to see the new race of humans, but now it seemed like a mere illusion.

Watching Yuu disappear, Yuki breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want to fight at the moment, but he gained a lot in this conversation.

"A virus... A new race... I understand."

Something in his mind clicked, and Yuki had an epiphany.


Thinking of the pink-haired girl, Yuki worried. Thinking about it, Yuki couldn't help but remember the conversation he had with Gai.


"Why do you fight? Why do you want to liberate this country? With your skills, making a living in another country would be easy."

"For a woman."

Looking at Yuki with a serious gaze, Gai answered without hesitation.

Yuki, however, was stunned for a moment before smiling.

"I understand." Though it might sound silly, fighting for a woman is what a man would do. A man goes to war for his woman and children; after all, Yuki would do the same if he had to fight for Tsunade or any of his women. That's why Yuki supported Gai, even if his reason seemed stupid and crazy. But the crazy ones are the ones remembered throughout history.


At that time, Yuki thought Gai was only doing it for love or some kind of revenge. However, it seems things are more complicated than they appear.

"Eva, huh? Gai, what are you hiding from me?"

With a hand on his chin, Yuki's eyes lit up.

"Inori... No matter what happens, I will protect you."

As if the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, Yuki now understood why Inori was the only one with a cellular-level connection to the Apocalypse virus.


With a puff of smoke, the Ice Lion disappeared.

"It doesn't matter; I just have to be more careful now."

With a tired sigh, Yuki decided to replenish his chakra. Although he was frustrated and angry, Yuki assumed a lotus position. He, too, was tired.


TN: I keep my promises :>

Next chapter instant release on 15 more powerstones
