Chapter 111 : I want a hero (2)

¶"Where are the good men?

I've already said goodbye

Where do I find a battle hero in you?

Knights are no longer riding their steeds

As I sleep, my dreams bring him, I just want to see him..." ¶

Listening to the song play, Yuki smiled; this was what he expected. He looked disdainfully at Yuu.

"You've lost."

"Is this...?!"

Frowning deeply, Yuu didn't like this. The genomic resonance of the Apocalypse Stone had disappeared, replaced by this song.

"So, this is what you were expecting?!"

Glaring at Yuki, only now did Yuu realize why this monster was so calm.

"Hmp!" Snorting coldly, Yuki no longer held back. After all, he knew that once the genomic resonance of the Apocalypse Stone was in progress, he would be at a disadvantage.

The crystallization of his body was receding at an incredible speed, his chakra was recovering, and his movements were more fluid.

"What's wrong, Yuu? Didn't your mole warn you about this?"

The smile on Yuki's face widened as he saw Yuu's furrowed brow.

Yuki was right; one of the goals of genomic resonance was to destroy Yuki. The Mole knew very well that Yuki was sensitive to the virus, so genomic resonance would leave him at a clear disadvantage.

And he was not wrong; Yuki was at a disadvantage. But it was a pity; Yuki already knew about this, so he used Inori for it.

Genomic Resonance vs. Genomic Resonance.

A battle where Inori emerged victorious by a wide margin.

After all, several soldiers were recovering while reclaiming their weapons.


I want a hero!

I'll wait for a hero

Until the dawn

He'll be strong and act swiftly

Demonstrating coldness in battle." ¶

"It's time to end this."

Looking at the soldiers and Yuu preparing to attack again, Yuki bit his thumb, making a quick succession of hand signs. He placed a hand on the ground, and black lines dispersed.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Gurētoaisuraion"


With a loud sound, a smoke cloud covered a large part of the area.


A loud roar was heard, and from the smoke cloud emerged a huge crystal lion, covered with an enormous exoskeleton and a striking mane.

If Tsunade saw this, she would be surprised and at the same time scold Yuki for how unfair it was; this was her nemesis.

Standing atop the crystal lion's head, Yuki smiled disdainfully. No more holding back, no more hiding. Yuki would take advantage of Inori's resonance to destroy GHQ and Yuu.

And what better way to do it than in a grand manner, even if it meant destroying half of Tokyo.

¶"I want a hero (Hero)

I'll wait for a hero

(Hero until the day) x2

Until the day arrives

He'll be strong, determined

And greater than eternity

Eternity..." ¶


"It's a monster..."

"I must be dreaming..."

Many soldiers opened their mouths as they dropped their weapons; the enormous monster in front of them was something they couldn't face.

"Yuki Uchiha!!"

On the other hand, Yuu was furious. He had been played. He always thought he would be the hunter, with his traps everywhere; it was impossible for his enemies not to fall into them.

But only now did he know that even with all this, the enemy was already prepared.

With a hateful look on his face, Yuu stared at Yuki atop the enormous crystal lion.

"Even if you have a monster by your side! You will fall!"

Despite being surprised, his hatred was deeper. Fearlessly, Yuu waved his hands, pulling the Void from several GHQ soldiers around him, materializing an enormous pistol.



Pulling the trigger without hesitation, an energy sphere accumulated, releasing instantly.

"Hahaha, well, let's dance." Yuki, on the other hand, jumped excitedly. His blood was boiling, so with a wide smile, Yuki gave a mental order to the Crystal Lion, jumping to dodge that attack. Even if the power behind that attack wasn't equal to Inori's Void, Yuki didn't underestimate it.


Breaking the ground, the lion leaped, creating bursts of air, and upon landing, several buildings collapsed like small domino pieces.

¶"At midnight in my fantasies, I saw

Something unattainable

Trying to reach me

Against the storm (UHH)

Or fighting in the heat (UHH)

His super walk (UHH)

But he'll be my victor


Quickly pulling his katana from his shadow, Yuki performed a rapid succession of hand signs, at the same time covering his katana with electricity.

"Hahaha... Raiton: Inadzumanoken"

Yuu was surprised; first the giant and now electricity. Yuki's powers were not of this world. However, he was also confused; the fact that the giant ignored him was something he hadn't expected. After all, he thought Yuki would use the giant to crush him, but now...

Yuu was mistaken. Yuki didn't summon his lion to fight Yuu; he summoned it to completely destroy GHQ. He needed to create maximum destruction, and the Crystal Lion was the best option.

*Clik, click, click

Quickly changing the form of the Void, Yuu created a sword. After all, Yuki moved very fast, so he had no choice but to clash.

*Clik, click


But it was a pity; he underestimated the power behind Yuki's katana. When the Void in his hands collided, it shattered. Fortunately for Yuu, he kicked the air, managing to retreat in time.

But the same couldn't be said for the Void's owner; after losing it, his body crystallized instantly, breaking into thousands of particles.

(I understand. Everything has a risk, huh?)

Yuki, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes. Voids were powerful, but there was a danger in using them, and that was, if they were destroyed, their owner would die. This was something Yuki was aware of, which is why he didn't use Ayase and Tsugumi's Voids often. The King's power was potent but very risky.

Chakra was better, even if it meant enduring pain. He wouldn't use the Voids of people he cared about.

Although he often used Inori's Void, the enormous sword was not weak.

(Well, it's time to finish this.) With a cruel smile on his face, Yuki looked at the nervous Yuu in front of him.
