Chapter 121: The Beginning of the End

With his body crystallized, Yuki walked slowly. It had been a long journey, but it finally came to an end.

"Hm? It's all over, huh?... Quite regrettable, I missed the fun."

Opening the last door, Yuki looked at his clone, now playing with the Apocalypse Rock.

"Hm!.. Very regrettable indeed... Kihihi, the look on their faces was quite amusing."

"I see."

Shaking his head, Yuki sighed. He had indeed missed the best part, so he could only envy his clone, who was now laughing.


Looking around for a certain clown-faced person, Yuki tilted his head.

"Hehehe, he's already in a better place."

Snapping his fingers, a small doll materialized in Yuki's (clone's) hand. This was the hanging doll from Segai's old phone.

"I understand, so, in the end, that bastard found what he wanted, huh?"

"Yes, he was a very peculiar person. Even with his Void destroyed, he died with a smile."

"Haaa~ that damn bastard."

Holding his head, Yuki could only sigh. Segai had been a very useful pawn, despite being crazy and obsessed with Voids. So, Yuki (Clone) fulfilled his wish by destroying his Void. However, Segai died with a satisfied smile, indifferent to his entire body crystallizing and disappearing without a trace.

"Well, it's time to finish this."

"Hm! It's time, I leave it to you."

Nodding, Yuki (Clone) threw the Apocalypse Rock to Yuki and disappeared into the shadows. His existence was no longer necessary; everything now depended on the original.


Taking the Apocalypse Rock, Yuki looked at his hand, where the King's mark now shone brightly.

"All set... Well, my dear Eva, it's time to become one."

Turning his head, Yuki looked towards the staircase, where a woman in a sphere, in fetal form, stood at the top.

The last piece was in place: the Apocalypse Rock, Eva, and Adam.

Everything was ready for procreation.

* * *

*Bang, Bang, Bang

"Damn! Why are there so many white coats?!"

Gritting her teeth, Tsugumi was shooting like crazy. The way to GHQ had been smooth, except that suddenly, several GHQ soldiers appeared out of nowhere.

"It can't be helped! It's their headquarters, after all!"

Answering her question was Ayase, who, like Tsugumi, gritted her teeth. These white coats just wouldn't give up.


Arisa and Haruka, on the other hand, just growled. They had been shooting too, but Arisa was a complete novice, so her shots never hit the target. Haruka was the same, so she could only grumble in frustration.

"Ah~ to hell with it!... I just hope Inoreen can make it in time."

Sighing in defeat, Tsugumi shook her head. After all, Inori had separated from them, running wildly while crystals emerged from her body.

But Tsugumi had to admit that Inori was stronger than she seemed. She had destroyed a few Endlaves with those strange crystals.

(Yukin, Inoreen... Good luck)

Looking towards the towering tower, Tsugumi placed a hand on her chest.

* * *

(Yuki! Yuki! Yuki!)

With her heart pounding, Inori's eyes were glassy. Every passing second, her chest hurt more.

She could feel it; the connection between them was being severed.

She didn't know what Yuki had done, but she knew what he was planning. She knew it very well.

And she didn't like it. Yuki's presence in her heart was a symbol of their love, and now, this symbol was fading away.

(No! No! I don't want this, Yuki!)

Applying more force to her legs, Inori jumped. She had to make it in time... Their connection shouldn't be lost, because if it was lost... It only meant that Yuki was dead.


* * *

"Dear Eva... Your Adam has arrived."

Walking slowly towards the stairs, Yuki materialized his Void without hesitation—a small world floated in his palm as he looked towards the sphere filled with crystals.

[No, No, No, No... You're not Shu! You're not my Adam!]

Opening her eyes inside the sphere, Mana frowned. The person in front of her was not her beloved.

Instantly, the room filled with sharp crystals, pointing towards Yuki's body.

"Come on, Mana, you know very well that this is useless. You're too weak; you can't resist."

Smiling gently, Yuki didn't stop. Although several crystals were aiming for his life, Yuki only mocked Mana's poor attempt.

She had lost her body, leaving it in a state of soul, so her power was less than 5% of what it was ten years ago when she almost destroyed Japan.

[Hmp! We won't know unless I try.]

Snorting in response, Mana didn't like Yuki's smug smile. Giving a mental command, several crystals lashed out at his body like a whip.


Yuki, on the other hand, just licked his lips while materializing his spark gun.



Mercilessly shooting in the stomach, blood flowed from Yuki's body.


Although Mana was surprised because this bastard shot himself, she soon found her answer. The crystals about to pierce Yuki were destroyed, breaking into thousands of pieces.


*Tos, Tos

Coughing blood with a smile on his face, Yuki continued walking towards Mana.

"Do you know, Mana? Do you understand now? Your fate is sealed!"


"But it is... You can't escape... Dear Mana."

Holding his stomach, Yuki sighed in relief. He had succeeded in devouring the power of Yuu and Shu; he had become the only true Adam, so he had become one with Mana at the soul level. Therefore, hurting himself was the same as hurting Mana.

From the beginning, Yuki wondered.

How to defeat an enemy who will keep coming back no matter how many times you kill them?

Devouring them?

That was a good option, but unfortunately, Yuki couldn't do it. If he devoured Mana, he would also have to devour Inori.

So, the only thing he could do was seal her.


How would he seal Mana? A being that is purely spiritual.

At first, Yuki wanted to use force to destroy all this nonsense, but he couldn't.

Mana was very elusive. Even if he got the Apocalypse Rock, Mana wouldn't show up.

Only Yuu could make Mana appear.

So Yuki planned this entire scenario where Yuu would willingly expose Mana, trapping her in a net where she couldn't escape.

The next step was to devour the power of the Genoma Void, so he manipulated behind the scenes for Yuu to give the King's power to Shu.

After all, the power of the King would only manifest in the host's body, and Yuki was already a host. He couldn't have more than one Genoma Void in his body, but devouring it was another story.


TN : Damn he sounds like a villain lmao

Also Keikaku Intensifies