Chapter 137 : Peeping Tom

"Well, we've arrived."

Looking towards the city walls, Yuki smiled.

It had been a long journey—or it should have been. However, since he could travel through shadows, it wasn't much of a hassle.

"Hm? Is that Orario?"

On the other hand, Inori frowned, observing a city protected by walls, reflecting its technological backwardness. In the modern world, walls could be easily breached, making them somewhat pointless. However, this was the world of the Gods, so Inori kept her comments to herself.

"Yes, that's Orario... Let's not waste any more time."

Unlike Inori, Yuki was excited. Gazing at this ancient city and the towering tower that reached the skies, Yuki eagerly anticipated entering the dungeon, fulfilling the dream of many gamers—to play a full-immersion RPG. Although this wasn't a game but real life, it didn't dampen Yuki's enthusiasm.

Taking Inori's hand, Yuki headed towards the city entrance, passing through the long lines of people waiting to enter.

"Hm? Hey, don't cut in line!"

"You have to wait your turn!"

However, the guards, seeing two masked individuals bypassing the line, could only watch without intervening. But before they could react, the shorter of the two glanced at them for a moment before turning and continuing, leaving the guards with blank expressions on their faces as they crossed the gate.


"Don't worry, just a slight Genjutsu; they'll wake up in a few minutes."

Responding to Inori, Yuki waved his hand nonchalantly. He had easily subdued the guards because entering the normal way would only be a pain, and Yuki didn't have the patience for that.

Inori, on the other hand, remained silent. She knew Yuki could manipulate people's minds for a short period, controlling them. This revelation surprised her but also made her view Yuki differently, wondering if he would use this power to engage with other women.

However, Inori's concern was in vain. Yuki preferred the thrill of conquest over simply sleeping with women, although his body's lust was increasing.

"Wow, as expected from a fantasy world, everything is so primitive."

Looking around in excitement, Yuki's eyes lit up. There were various people in the city wearing armor, carrying swords, and more. But what excited Yuki the most was...

(She's a catwoman!)

Yes, there were various races living in this city, including catwomen. Although Yuki knew this from Rasiel, seeing and experiencing it were entirely different. His eyes sparkled at the thought of how good it would feel to touch their fluffy tails and ears.

"Ouch?! Inori?"

While Yuki excitedly eyed women of other races, Inori couldn't contain her jealousy and pinched his waist forcefully.

[Please refrain from looking at other women with those lustful eyes.]

Even Mana within Inori disapproved. She watched as her Adam looked at other women with that perverted gaze, puffing her cheeks.

"Sorry... Although, in my defense, it's not what you think."

Acknowledging his mistake, Yuki raised both hands. Despite looking at those women, it wasn't as Inori and Mana thought. He didn't want to sleep with them; he was curious about their animal features. From his previous life, Yuki had raised many animals, so it could be said that he liked them a lot. Seeing people with animal characteristics, Yuki was genuinely curious.

But it was a pity that both Inori and Mana didn't believe his explanation, even though he tried to clarify.

"It doesn't matter... Shall we continue?"

Shaking her head, Yuki felt hurt that his girlfriend didn't believe him. It was a tough blow since he had been involved with her best friend; Inori had been more sensitive to Yuki's relationships with other girls.

"Where can we find Hestia-sama?"

"According to the map, she should be with the Hephasteus Familia, so she shouldn't be far."


Downloading a map through Rasiel, Yuki memorized it, making navigating the city no problem. So, without caring too much, Yuki followed the map's route.

He wanted to see Hestia again and hoped that she would give her blessing to Inori, making them adventurers.

However, as they walked further into the city, more and more eyes fell on them.

And how could they not? The aura they both possessed was very peculiar. Not to mention their attire and the fact that both wore masks made many people turn their heads.

This, of course, included a certain Goddess in the Babel Tower.


(TN: Hoe)


"He's here! He's here! He's here!

Muttering with a crazed expression, a very beautiful woman with long silver hair and beautiful purple eyes, exuding mature charm and possessing a perfect body, was Freya, the Goddess of Beauty.

She looked through her 'Insightful Eye' as a giant entered Orario.

She had been waiting for a long time, ever since she learned that Hestia had a special child. She made sure to use her ability every day, hoping to find him.

And now, she found him.

"Beautiful... Beautiful..."

With a trembling body, Freya brought a finger to her lips as saliva dripped.

She was in ecstasy; it was just as she expected. The giant was beautiful.

So beautiful that even its radiance covered all of Orario. However, what Freya liked the most was that enormous crown atop the giant's head, resembling an Emperor surveying the world and covering it with their arms.

The giant was very beautiful, very strong, very dazzling, a soul, and its color was something that excited Freya.

Because it was a beautiful rainbow color...

Its colors were something Freya had seen before, but there was something more—this soul had a form.

No matter how strong an adventurer was, their soul would never take form; only their colors would shine or fade. However, here was this giant, with a human form and a huge crown on its head.

But as she enjoyed the view, the giant turned its head, locking eyes with her.


Covering her eyes with both hands, Freya screamed in pain.


Emerging from the shadows, a tall, muscular man with rust-red hair and eyes, as well as a pair of boar ears, quickly arrived before his goddess, who now had her hands pressed against her eyes.

"I was careless... How could I forget?"

Rubbing her eyes, Freya regretted her oversight. Unlike other adventurers, the Champion was not someone to toy with. Additionally, detecting her was so easy that the Champion didn't hesitate to blind the onlooker.

And now Freya paid the price, as her eyes were bleeding from this.


Softly murmuring, the muscular man was puzzled since he hadn't seen anyone harm Freya. However, his goddess was now injured, further confusing him.


But for Freya, this was nothing. The sight of that marvel was worth every drop of blood.

"Ahh~~ Champion... What shall I do with you?... FUFUFU"

Freya was exhilarated, and her smile deepened as she pondered how to seduce this extraordinary individual.


TN : Never liked her she belongs to the street fight me