Chapter 146 : Hero or Champion

Listening to Ais and Yuki's words, Loki didn't know what to say; this situation was slipping out of his control.

She had planned to invite the Champion for a meal, gradually lowering his guard, and then extend an invitation to her family. If that failed, at least inviting him to spend the night with her family was an option. However, Ais's abrupt comments disrupted part of the plan. All Loki could do was sigh.

Yet, this situation left several variables she could still manipulate, and Loki didn't lose her smile. On the other hand, Yuki looked at the girls holding onto his arms in complete astonishment. The fact that they were discussing the Champion deepened his suspicions.

With a gulp, Yuki's lips trembled. "You..."

"Me? Nya? My name is Chloe... nya~ little brother, are you the Champion-san?"

"I'm Syr... Champion-sama, are you really Champion-sama?"

Looking at Yuki with starry eyes, both Syr and Chloe gave him a sweet smile. Yuki, on the other hand, just looked at Loki, expecting an explanation.

However, Loki merely shrugged and shook his head, leaving Yuki in chaos, anticipating an explanation.

"Yuki... Food?"

While Yuki was in chaos, someone tugged at his clothes. It was Inori, who had seen the two waitresses intimately clinging to Yuki's arms. Unhappy with this, she hoped these girls would bring the food and stop hugging him. Understanding the hidden meaning, Yuki nodded in agreement.

"Yes, dear... So, ladies, how about we talk later? You know, we just arrived, so we're a bit hungry."

Looking at both girls hanging onto his arms, Yuki gently persuaded them. Even though he really wanted to touch Chloe's ears, he resisted, feeling uncomfortable under Inori's gaze.

"Food? Nya! We'll bring it right away."

"Yes, Champion-sama, right away."

Without wasting time, both girls let go of his arms before rushing to the kitchen, once again forgetting to take Loki and her family's order. This left the group speechless again, as Yuki seemed like an idol, charming a couple of fans.

However, it also saddened Loki's family because Tiona even reached out, trying to stop the waitresses, but unfortunately, none of them noticed.

"Guuu.... I'm hungry."

Lowering her head with tears in her eyes, Tiona felt sad.

"You know, even if you eat, your chest won't grow."

"What did you say?!"

Rubbing salt into her sister's wound, Tione smiled while crossing her arms, emphasizing her enormous chest.

Seeing this, a vein popped on Tiona's forehead, and she had an outburst against her sister.

"Loki-sama, by any chance... In this world, do people know about Champions?"

Ignoring the little drama between the sisters, Yuki greeted the waitresses before turning to Loki, who still wore a smile.

"Of course, in this city, His Excellency is a celebrity."

Without hiding anything, Loki waved her hand, while Yuki now had a headache. After all, Yuki knew about his kind and the weight of the title. The chat room had several functions explaining every detail about Champions. Yuki knew Champions were rare and carried the world's love.

But never in his wildest dreams did he think that this entire city would know about him, let alone treating him like a celebrity.

(Wait... The Gods!)

Yuki had been suspicious since Ais mentioned it, but for common people to have knowledge of Champions was something only the Gods could reveal. Only now did Yuki remember that this world was full of Gods, jumping up and down, creating families. So, their existence being known wouldn't be surprising.

But this also perplexed him, as if they were waiting for him. In the end, Yuki shrugged; whatever happened, it couldn't be that bad.

Too bad for Yuki, he would regret that.

"Is that so? Haaaa... Well, it doesn't matter."

"I see."

Narrowing her eyes, Loki just watched as several adventurers tried to leave the tavern but failed miserably, as Mia knocked them out and stood in front of the door, emitting a threatening aura.

(Well, this will prevent unnecessary commotion.)

Lifting his thumb, Loki had to commend how well Mia handled this.

"So... Is it true? Did you... save a world?"

Gripping her staff, Riveria asked with high expectations. The person in front of her was small and seemingly fragile. She couldn't see how this person could save a world, but conversely, this person defeated two of her members in an instant.

"Yuki is a hero... He saved me; he saved humanity. There's no doubt about that."

Responding to Riveria's question, Inori clenched her fists. After everything they went through together and Yuki choosing her among all options, choosing to disappear with her to save the entire human race, it made her cheeks blush. Unfortunately, due to the mask, her face couldn't be seen.

"I understand... Thank you for answering."

Weakly nodding, Riveria didn't ask any more questions. She could hear the excitement in Inori's voice.

"Hero? Not a Champion? Loki said Champions are different from heroes, right?"

Listening to Inori's words, Tiona couldn't help but frown. She remembered Loki's words well.

(A Champion is equal to or greater than 1000 heroes.)

These words were etched deep in Tione's mind. Looking at Loki again, she asked.

"They're different, very different, aren't they?... Your Excellency."

"Hmm... I suppose we are different."

Crossing his arms, Yuki didn't care about Loki's questions. He was just waiting for the food. Although he knew about Champions and Heroes, he didn't want to explain, as it seemed like a pain in the ass.

"Is that so?.. Hmm." Not convinced, Tiona looked at Loki again, who raised both hands in surrender.

"Alright, I'll explain a bit... if Your Excellency doesn't mind?"

"I don't mind."

Nodding, Loki brought a hand to her chin, recalling the only Champion she had ever known. That figure was unforgettable in Loki's mind, as were the things that person had done.

(It's a shame such a being fell.)

Recalling that person's brave fight, Loki felt sad. After all, that person's legend was still known among the Gods, as was the love that person had for the world.


TN: so bored so am back .-.