Chapter 148: Progenitors

There were many more things that differentiated a Hero from a Champion, but Loki no longer had the spirit to continue speaking.

Yuki felt the same; after all, Loki's words were embarrassing, to the point where he wondered if being a Champion was truly so wonderful.

Fortunately, Loki stopped talking, but this didn't stop the people present from staring at him.

Riveria's eyes were lit up, as were the rest of her family's. Even Mia closed her eyes, as if Loki's words revealed that the little one in her bar must lead a very difficult life.

After all, unlike the others, she didn't see the achievements but rather the pain he had to endure to reach where he is today. His path was tough, so Mia admired his effort more than his accomplishments.

"Well, it's not that big of a deal, so please stop looking at me like that."

Even Yuki's thick skin couldn't withstand the enthusiasm and admiration of dozens of people because he knew that nothing Loki said was true—at least he had never done those things.

(Sigh... Why did I let Loki speak?)

Internally sighing, Yuki was tempted to use Zafkiel to rewind time and prevent all of this from happening.

"Sorry for the wait... Here is your food, Champion-sama."


Fortunately for Yuki, the food had arrived, dispelling the awkward atmosphere a bit.

So, looking as if she were an angel, Yuki took Syr's hands and smiled beneath his mask.

This action made both Inori and Chloe raise an eyebrow in doubt, while Syr blushed.

"Darling, eat as much as you can."

Letting go of Syr's hands, Yuki took the first plate of food, at the same time glancing at Inori, who, in response, touched her small stomach.


Lowering his head, Yuki was indecisive. The food looked appealing, and it smelled delicious, but there was a problem—they still had Anbu masks on their faces. Eating with them was a bit challenging, especially for Inori, who wasn't accustomed to such things, not to mention her abrupt body change.

This made Yuki furrow his brow; he didn't want to reveal their faces, but both he and Inori were hungry.

(Well, it doesn't matter. I already have enough attention thanks to Loki.)

Sighing internally, Yuki decided that there was no harm in removing the masks. There were many cute girls and handsome people in this place, so taking off the masks shouldn't be an issue. Plus, thanks to Loki, they already had everyone's attention here, so removing the masks was just a small bonus.

With that in mind, Yuki assisted Inori, at the same time removing his mask.

Seeing him, Inori imitated him, also taking off her mask, revealing her beautiful face.


Opening their eyes in shock, everyone in the tavern couldn't help but hold their breath.

The moment they removed the masks, their aura changed abruptly...

Inori's aura was gentle and fresh, like a spring breeze...

While Yuki's aura was bright and warm, like the first rays of the sun each day, but there was something more.

Riveria, Lefiya, and Ryuu were surprised to see Yuki because now they could feel it...

He was too bright, and at the same time, they could feel the love of the world on his shoulders. This made the trio open their mouths in amazement.

They had never seen anything like it. Even among the Gods, they had never seen someone carry such a bright and warm aura. As elves, they were closely connected to nature and the world. They were very selective about who could touch them, proud to be the purest race in the world. But now they knew how arrogant their race was because, unlike the Champion who carried the love of the world, their race was nothing...

This fact depressed them because, to the Champion, it didn't matter to be touched by other people. However, it did matter to them, whose pride meant nothing compared to someone who carried the love of the world.

Loki, on the other hand, narrowed her eyes. She already knew about the aura of the love of the world, so she wasn't surprised, but there was something more...


Looking at their faces and aura, Loki instantly knew that she was seeing the parents of an entire race.

Adam and Eve, being perfect, enjoyed a peculiar aura that set them apart from the rest of the world.

(As expected of a Champion, a box of surprises.)

Expanding her smile, only now did Loki know why both Yuki and Inori bore that strange mark on their bodies.

The mark of a couple. As progenitors, they were made for each other.

Tiona and Tione were left speechless. The abrupt change in aura made these Amazon sisters hold their breath, but seeing those beautiful faces, now they understood why both wore masks.


Eyes widening, Ais took a step back, feeling a tightness in her chest.

She could sense it. From the moment Yuki removed the mask, something inside her sent a pulse of energy that made her body tremble. As if receiving a response, another pulse of energy met hers, sending spiritual sparks deep into her soul.


With deep fear and high expectations, Ais looked back at Yuki, who now sent her a mischievous little smile.


Trembling with joy, Chloe wagged her tail vigorously. Her instincts were not wrong; the little one was more adorable than she imagined. As someone who adored children, Chloe knew she had found the ultimate Shota.

So, her eyes gleamed intensely, not taking them off Yuki.

(Yes! Yes! Yes!)

Syr, on the other hand, was delighted. To gaze upon that adorable face, his tender, blushing cheeks, was a feast for her eyes. Exerting all her self-control, she avoided jumping on Yuki and calling her family to take Yuki to her house.


Yuki: "Waaa, I miss Tsunade."

Yuno Gasai: "I miss you too, baby."

Yuki: ...

TN: ...

Readers: ...