Chapter 175 : Goliath (2)

Roaring at the top of his lungs, the giant was furious; that blow was too much to stay standing, as if another Goliath had struck him. Now he looked at Yuki as a worthy opponent.

"No matter how much you scream, nothing will change."

Turning his hand again, Yuki prepared for his next strike.



Numerous clashes and roars were heard as Goliath was being knocked down. No matter how strong he was, if he couldn't hit his opponent, it was all in vain.

*Swish... Swish

Moving at high speed, Yuki struck the giant's body several times, who could only growl and roar in response.

(This guy is tough.)

With his Sharingan spinning, Yuki could see that although Goliath was his punching bag, he couldn't land a critical blow with his fists; they were all superficial wounds, causing no real damage. But this was fine; this was what Yuki wanted after all.

(Now let's see how you respond to this.)

Smirking sinisterly, the Sharingan gleamed, and Yuki's chakra increased.

"First gate: Gate of Opening... Open!"

Stepping hard, Yuki's speed suddenly increased, creating several cracks as he jumped and reappeared in front of the giant.

"Leaf Hurricane!"



Spinning on his axis with incredible momentum, Yuki delivered a spinning kick, and Goliath was once again knocked down. However, unlike before, his neck twisted 180 degrees, and several bones in his neck broke.

There was no doubt; this was a fatal blow for any monster, human, or living being whose weakness was their head.

The combination of the Eight Inner Gates with the Strength of a Hundred was terrifying. Needless to say, Yuki was prohibited from using this combination in Konoha. After all, even Tsunade felt threatened by the incredible power these two techniques could unleash when combined. That's why Tsunade and Guy forbade him from using both at the same time. Simply put, there was no rival for Yuki in terms of Taijutsu. If he used it, not to mention how dangerous it was, as a slight mistake could lead to his chakra going out of control and end up with all his bones broken, teetering on the brink of death.

But this wasn't Konoha; this was another world, and his shackles were off. So, Yuki didn't hold back.

"I guess it's over... huh?"

However, as Yuki clapped his hands in victory, something incredible happened.


Goliath's twisted neck returned to its original position, and his body began emitting steam, healing each of his wounds.


Roaring with fury, Goliath glared at Yuki with hatred.

"Wow, you're tougher than you look... Is this regeneration? This will be fun."

With a hand on his lips, the smile on Yuki's face widened; this was getting more and more interesting.

However, as if sensing Yuki's mockery, the giant opened his mouth, and several sound waves shot out like cannonballs.

*Bom, bom, bom

Dodging with great agility, Yuki was surprised.

That this monster had a long-distance attack was something he hadn't considered, not to mention that Rasiel had no information about this.

"You're quite an anomaly, but this only makes my fists itch more."

*Bom, bom, bom

Firing several sound waves, Goliath was in chaos; he couldn't keep up with his opponent's speed. Agitating and stomping with his feet, he did everything he could to destroy his opponent, but...



Another incredible impact, several bones in his face broke again, and his shockwave missed.

How many had he received already?

He didn't know; only his instincts told him that he was facing a completely invincible being.


Nevertheless, Goliath had to destroy the invader; that's what he was created for, and he would give everything for it. He was an anomaly, a stronger Rex monster, so his body emitted steam again, and his wounds started to heal rapidly as he punched the little one.

"Hahahaha. Good! Yes! That's how it should be! Let's dance more! MORE!"

Running at high speed, Yuki's smile twisted; he was enjoying this.

*Bom, Bom

Launching several more punches, Yuki tested his physique, and at the same time, several electric sparks began to form on his arms. He had decided to use Ninjutsu.

"Raiton: Senko!"

Making a quick succession of hand signs, his body flickered, and two huge electric wings grew from his back.

"Second gate: Gate of Rest... Open!"


Creating several cracks, Yuki's speed increased again, causing several electric flashes.

*Swish... Swish

Crossing in an instant, Yuki was on one knee with a single electric wing behind the Giant, who only turned his head.


Roaring, the giant wanted to attack, but...



With incredible pain, Goliath roared at the top of his lungs. After all, both arms were cut off at the root. However, this wasn't all; after his arms fell, Goliath himself fell.

His legs were also cut, causing his body to lose balance.

Nevertheless, this wouldn't stop him, so emitting steam again, Goliath's body began to regenerate at a great speed. This made Yuki's Sharingan spin.

"As I thought, this guy is very troublesome... But."

Blinking again, the electric wing on his back dissipated, creating a path of electricity from side to side of the giant.



Giving his last roar, Goliath's body split in half, and at the same time, his body dissipated into smoke.

"Hmp! No matter how powerful your Regeneration is, if I destroy your core, you're just garbage."

Snapping his fingers, Yuki was satisfied.

This jutsu was one of the most destructive in his arsenal, as it focused on cutting and sharpness.

Creating two wings with which Yuki could cut almost anything, but there was something more to this jutsu. Unlike others, this jutsu was a two-strike technique, with the second cut being stronger than the first.

Canceling his taijutsu and his Sharingan at the same time, after all, having his technique active was a burden on his body.

(The Apocalypse virus is marvelous.)

Clenching his fist, Yuki was delighted. Even though he opened two gates, he wasn't tired, and his torn muscles were being healed at a great speed. This made him feel nothing but an itch, unlike before, where using it would create a great burden and muscle tearing. Now he felt like he could still open the third gate and keep standing.

But, as he contemplated his new power, Ais approached him.

"Please, be my master."


Author's Note: Well, as they wrote somewhere, the violation of Goliath is obligatory, hahaha.

TN: poor Goliath getting played with for no reason :(