Chapter 231: Patience Has Its Rewards

"Ah! Yuki-sama~..."

Moaning in pleasure, Demeter clenched her fists; today was her day to spend two hours with Yuki. She also took the opportunity to try those delicious massages recommended by Freya, though expensive, she had no regrets, not with those magical hands roaming her body.

"Relax, Demeter~"

Yuki smiled as he applied lotion all over her voluptuous body.

As the club's owner, he had to keep his promise and attend to these goddesses.

(With this, I can finally brag that I've tried a deity.)

After touching and massaging several goddesses, his popularity soared even higher. Fortunately, due to the rules he set himself, the goddesses kept their distance, and their daily lives remained unaffected.


Moaning loudly, Demeter's lower regions experienced a leak; she had reached climax, and with Yuki touching her sensitive area, Demeter felt profound pleasure.

"Well done, Demeter-sama."

Touching Demeter's rosy cheeks, Yuki gave her a deep kiss, causing even more chaos in her mind.

While Yuki acknowledged that this club was profitable, the initial amount of money was good. Over time, these women would fall into a pleasure-driven vicious circle.

Having fame and not taking advantage of it would be a waste, so Yuki was pampered as the sugar boy of these goddesses, touching and playing with them as he pleased. This club was more like his harem, where the goddesses paid to be members.

But it wasn't entirely his fault...

Who said Champions weren't famous?

He also found another use for the seemingly useless chat items; that damn capitalist sold figures using them as models. It was a black market dealer...

But Yuki was even darker, as he bought several of those figures and swindled these women.

And the result?

They sold like hotcakes...

This left him speechless, as he couldn't understand how this worked.

Fortunately, the chat had the option to transfer Karma points.

And unlike Hestia, these goddesses were fat sheep of points, so Yuki squeezed them dry.

This relieved him as he could see some of his money.

(Well done; nothing is more satisfying than seeing women compete for you.)

Praising himself for being so clever, Yuki gave Demeter's buttocks one last pat and left the room.


"Thank you for your work, Yuki-sama."

Once finished, Yuki encountered his stalker, Freya, who bowed and thanked him with a smile.

But seeing that smile, Yuki narrowed his eyes, at the same time extending his hand, squeezing Freya's juicy chest forcefully.

"I hope you're ready."

"Ah! Of course, Yuki-sama, my children are already prepared."

Trembling in ecstasy and pain, Freya tried to contain her moan. Since Yuki entered her home, she fell into his clutches without any resistance. Rather, she didn't want to resist. She could now be considered his most loyal servant, with her influence and power, trapping all of them in a net was easy.

"Don't disappoint me."

"I wouldn't dare, Yuki-sama."

Looking at her with disdain, Yuki was swallowed into the darkness. Freya, on the other hand, trembled at his gaze. At the same time, her lower region began to moisten; her 'M' side began to emerge.


"Well, it's time to see my Renard."


Disguising himself again, Yuki stretched his arms. This was already a routine; during the day, he hunted in the dungeon, and at night, he relaxed.

Although due to his new home, both Kurumi and Mana didn't leave him alone. Every night, both would go to his room to attack him. Mana for pleasure and stress relief, and Kurumi to tie him up and prevent him from leaving, also to further grow her Sephira crystal.

But fortunately, both Est and Hestia stopped them. Est, as his contracted spirit, slept in the same bed, and Hestia invented the excuse that she got used to his warmth, so she also slept in his bed.

Although he initially thought about kicking Hestia out, in the end, he didn't refuse. Both were good excuses to free himself from the clutches of his girlfriends and get away with it.

And it worked, but he had to be very careful. These days, with Kurumi summoned, both she and Mana reached a truce, shifting from killing each other to sharing information. So nighttime security was fiercer.

This made Yuki sweat, as more than once, he almost got caught. He felt a deep fear for his little brother. Fortunately, he was a ninja, and his stealth methods were superior to Kurumi's, so he could evade the shadows.

Since he came to this world, his life was filled with women, from dawn to dusk. He didn't even know when was the last time he slept.

"Welcome back, Arce-sama."

"Arce-sama! We've been waiting for you!"


"Hello, ladies~"

Arriving at the pleasure district, his reputation was well-known among the prostitutes and Berbenas, who surrounded him and took him by the arms. He became very popular among them.

And there were three reasons...

One, because he paid very well for the night, more than the average customer, leaving good tips...

Two, because he was a gentleman and treated them very well.

And three, his sexual technique was very addictive; those who tried it became unable to forget.

Especially the Amazons; with a sexual appetite stronger than a human's, Yuki was their favorite man.

And because of this, the Berbenas were attracted like bees to honey, and Yuki didn't miss this opportunity. He controlled them with a slight Genjutsu; for them, a word from Yuki was enough to drive them crazy.

One could say his hard work was paying off, as with this, the pleasure district fell into his clutches without needing to visit that annoying goddess.

Although there were setbacks, in the end, the result was as desired.

"Arce-sama... Why don't you come to my room? There are many things I want to talk to you about~"

Holding his arm, Lena, the Amazon, tried to lead him, but Yuki refused.

"Not today; I still have some pending matters~"

Winking, Yuki released his arm. At the same time, he looked in a specific direction, where another Amazon beckoned.


Pouting her cheeks in dissatisfaction, Lena dropped her shoulders.

"Don't worry; if I finish soon, I'll visit you."


Affectionately touching her cheeks, Yuki walked away, while Lena attended with happiness.


"Miss Aisha~ I'm glad to see you."

"Hmp! What are you doing? Haruhime is waiting for you."

Snorting coldly at Yuki's greeting, Aisha pointed to a room. This man had paid for her after all, and leaving her waiting was not gentlemanly. Especially with this bastard flirting with other women.

Moreover, since this man came to the district, many things had changed. Haruhime now smiled more often, and the atmosphere in the district was livelier.

"It hurts to see you like this, Aisha... Come on, we've had fun together before."

Taking her by the waist, Yuki brought his face close, giving a light kiss to her neck, causing Aisha to tremble.

This woman pretended to be tough, but like the other Amazonesses, she enjoyed being treated roughly.

"Shut up! You're forbidden to tell Haruhime about this!"

Trying to push the man away, Aisha blushed. She had also shared a bed with this man before. Although she hated to admit it, he was very good at it, and deep down, she hoped to have another good time with him. Even though her conscience pricked her, she knew how much this man meant to Haruhime. Getting involved with her ward's man wasn't a good feeling.

"If you say so~"



Kissing her lips, Yuki didn't hold back and also caressed her plump buttocks, slapping them forcefully, making Aisha surprised.

"You bastard!"


With a smile on his face and licking his lips, Yuki winked at her before walking towards the door.

Aisha, on the other hand, didn't know what to think. She had already uncovered his identity, and even though she knew that if her goddess found out, she and the other Berbenas would be exiled, and the pleasure district would fall into chaos, Aisha thought it was worth it. Being able to share a bed with someone on a worldwide scale was something even her goddess dreamed of doing.

And although there were many troubles with her captain, she and the other Berbenas protected him from that toad. Even though he didn't need it, Aisha knew Yuki couldn't reveal his true identity, so she supported him in that.

Besides, this man promised to help her with her situation, and with Yuki being someone who saved the world, Aisha didn't think he would lie to her.


TN: kukuku