Chapter 260: World Rank 9

In an unknown universe, two enormous crowns traversed the cosmos and stars, their radiance so breathtaking that it rivaled that of a star.

"Your Majesty, we are about to arrive."

With deep respect, a hooded figure bowed while gazing at a masked figure seated on a massive throne. The body concealed behind a veil generating static, preventing a complete view as the image fluctuated simultaneously.

Revealing only gender and the Mask.

"Is that so? Fine..."

Casually crossing legs, the masked figure reclined on the throne, staring forward into the infinite darkness of space.

"Majesty, may I ask you a question?"

Trembling and swallowing nervously, the hooded figure had sweat running down their body.

After all, the figure in front of them was someone they feared and respected more than anyone in the multiverse. As master and disciple, they knew how terrifying the masked figure could be, boldly traversing the cosmos using their crown, seemingly disdainful of all Overlords in the darkness, disrupting realms and galaxies, leaving their lords despondent as they couldn't do anything to this figure.

Yet, she had the right to do so. After all, she is the Empress, the current leader of the Champions, a Level 3, Cosmic Low.

Her power was so terrifying that it could destroy a galaxy.


Without looking at the disciple, the masked figure slightly closed their eyes.

"Is it necessary to go to that world? I don't think it's a good idea."

Lowering their head, the hooded figure didn't know what to think. Despite their master's power, the world they were heading to was very dangerous.

"There's no need to fear. I'll just retrieve something; it's not like that world is in danger."

Looking disdainfully at their disciple, the Empress understood their concern.

"Besides, my master saved a world of the same rank in the past. There's nothing to fear."


"I didn't ask for your opinion!"

Raising her voice, the Empress frowned. She knew the danger of going to that world, but she had to.

"I apologize, Your Majesty. I shouldn't have questioned your orders."

Instantly apologizing, the figure knelt.

Fortunately for them, the Empress remained silent; they had arrived.

"So, this is a Rank 9 Mega World."

Looking at the gigantic illuminated body in front of them, the Empress rose from her throne, and her crowns returned to her head.

"Impressive... It's the first time I've seen one."

With deep disbelief, the hooded figure widened their eyes. After all, these worlds were so rare that they could be counted on fingers.

"To think the top Champion saved only one of them."

The powerful influence of this world was immense. She wondered how something of this size could be saved. She also pondered how powerful the Overlord must have been to attempt to destroy this world and even more powerful, the top Champion who saved it.

"My master once saved a giant like this, and there are no Overlords capable of destroying a world like this... My master faced something more terrifying."

Closing her eyes, the Empress thought of the past—a world as vast and powerful as a Rank 9, requiring at least Level 2 strength to destroy it.

Something that should have been impossible, yet it happened. If not for the top Champion, a profound evil would have escaped from these illuminated giants, plunging the multiverse into calamity.

"Let's go."

Clearing her mind, the Empress no longer hesitated, entering the world.


Following closely, the hooded figure entered as well.


Asura Spirit World.

Within the Rank 9 world, there exist sub-worlds, realms, astral planes, star fields, and galaxies—all created within the mighty Rank 9 world.

The Asura world is one of them—a powerful sub-world, one of the most potent within the Rank 9 world.

"Hm~ with this spirit, my son's future is secured."

And into this world, a human invaded.

Being a spiritual sub-world, this should have been impossible. However, this human was powerful enough to tear through the astral plane to enter the spiritual world.

And the Asura World, hosting the most powerful World Spirits, saw this woman wandering, seeking the most talented World Spirits who would become companions for her son.

Fortunately, the Asura Spirit World did not disappoint. Among the World Spirits, two stood out, and without hesitation, the woman sealed them both in spiritual eggs that would accompany her son.

However, not everything goes as planned.

"Who's there?!"

Raising her voice, the woman frowned while releasing her spiritual power.

"Being able to detect us... not bad, as expected of a resident of the Rank 9 World."

Emerging from the void, two crowns materialized, revealing a woman seated on a throne and a hooded figure.

Nodding respectfully, the hooded figure was slightly surprised to find a being capable of detecting her. This ability was typically reserved for Overlords; even Gods wouldn't be able to. After all, she was proud to be a Level 4, Mid-Stellar, one of the most powerful Champions in the entire Multiverse.

"Who are you?! What do you want?"

Frowning intensely, the woman knew she couldn't underestimate these two figures. The sensations from them weren't good.

Especially the woman on the throne—she couldn't sense her strength at all. However, the hooded figure exerted powerful pressure, as if looking at mere insects.

Another thing that caught her attention was that neither of them was a World Spirit. Their race was unknown, and the Asura Spiritual Sub-World, being an astral plane, meant she was supposed to be the only one able to enter, except for the World Spirits, of course.

But now, two others appeared like her.

"I want that..."

In response to her questions, the woman on the throne pointed her finger, indicating the giant egg beside her.

"You heard her Majesty; give us the egg, and we'll let you go."

With a sinister laugh, the hooded figure materialized a massive scythe, eyeing the woman.


The woman's expression sank; she didn't know why these two wanted this World Spirit. However, she was a supreme genius, the strongest spiritualist of the seven worlds. Her power surpassed even that of her palace mistress. But above all, she was a mother and wanted the best for her son. That's why she refused to hand over the World Spirit.

"I am Jie Ranqing, a member of the Sacred Mansion of the Seven Realms! How dare you try to steal from me?"

With clear anger in her tone, Jie Ranqing released her spiritual power, changing the environment and making the world's atmosphere heavier. She was one of the greatest experts in this world, with power that could rival the hooded figure.

This was the power of a Spiritist World Capa Dragon Marked God, someone whose power could seal the heavens.


Despite all this, the hooded figure laughed, unimpressed by her identity and power. To this figure, this woman was just a pest, a parasite of the world, an opponent that must be destroyed. Her blood was boiling; it had been a while since she had an enjoyable fight. Her crown expanded, covering the entire Asura Spirit World, causing Jie Ranqing's spiritual power to vanish without a trace. The crown rotated in the sub-world.


This surprised Jie Ranqing; the hooded figure was more powerful than she had imagined. Her expression changed, realizing that there weren't many individuals capable of what the hooded figure had just done.

The atmosphere was tense, and a confrontation was inevitable. Both had almost the same level of power, and Jie Ranqing didn't want to lose. Releasing more of her spiritual power, she awaited the first move, but...



TN: Ohhhh it's a junior you dare world!!! xD