Chapter 269: The World is a Battlefield


"Have you woken up? That's good..."

With Yuno in his lap, Yuki sighed in relief. A little longer, and he might have had to intervene in the Reality Dome and bring her back.

Rasiel is incredible; even that place couldn't escape his detection.

Well, with the Demon King connected to the world's will, Rasiel is more powerful. His omniscience provided information about Deus' death, the world's situation, and this Survival Game.

Practically all the rules, the 'Key,' everything was revealed to Rasiel.

That's why Yuki waited for Yuno to wake up on her own instead of intervening in that meeting.

(Unfortunately, that God died.)

If possible, Yuki didn't want Deus to die. That God is crucial to the world.

So much so that his death causes the world's collapse. When the Crown protecting the world collapsed upon Deus's death, it was evident.

If not for his Demon King joining the world, this world would be finished. That's the power of the Champion's Crown.

Yuki also knew that Deus was responsible for teleporting him to that Reality bubble and having his Demon King respond to the world's call for help.

Apparently, Deus knew Yuki would arrive in this world, so he took all precautions and died before Yuki could act.

Leaving this Survival Game as a salvation for the world.

(I must hurry... Otherwise, I'll be used as a battery myself.)

Another thing that bothered Yuki was that the longer it took, the more the Demon King absorbed them.

And even though both Rasiel and Zafkiel are more powerful, it won't last for long.

Every minute, their strength is decreasing until both he and his Demon King reunite.

He thought that the separation wouldn't affect him, but it was a terrible mistake. He was just postponing the inevitable, a temporary cure before things become chaotic.

His Sephira crystal found its way back to his main body. If he doesn't hurry, Yuki will be trapped in that reality bubble.


Opening her eyes, Yuno smiled. She could see her beloved's face directly – a wake-up she had dreamed of many times. Now, it had come true.

This made her very happy.

"It's good that you're awake. We need to talk."

"I don't want to."

Without wasting more time, Yuki urged Yuno to get up. However, she was stubborn, wrapping her arms around his waist like a spoiled child.

Seeing this, Yuki shook his head. This girl would surely give him headaches.

"Yuno, I am the key."

Since she didn't want to get up, they might as well talk. Yuki got straight to the point – every minute they spent together was precious.


As expected, Yuno trembled upon hearing Yuki's words. After all, he referred to that 'Key' Deus mentioned.


"Why am I the 'Key'? Or why do I know about this Survival Game?"

Not letting her finish speaking, Yuki stared at her, squinting his eyes. It seemed Yuno had no intention of revealing anything.

And he was correct; Yuno had no intention of doing so. In this Survival Game, the winner is the one holding the Key when the 72 hours end.

Though she didn't know where the 'Key' was, Yuno thought it might be her Diary. So her plan was to escape with Yuki and wait for these 72 hours to pass.

No need to kill or compete with other Participants. She had the advantage by having the Key.

She is Deus's favorite.

She just needs to endure, and everything will be over. For that, she thought about taking Yuki to an entirely new land...

But things didn't go as she imagined.

"To answer your questions, I know everything there is to know about this Survival Game. Don't underestimate me."

With Rasiel in his power, there were very few things Yuki didn't know.


Opening her mouth, Yuno panicked. Her plans were failed from the beginning, and her eyes began to lose their light, her hands moving irregularly.


However, before her hands could wander more, she found herself on the ground, looking up at the sky.

"Don't do it, Yuno. I'm not your enemy."

Immobilizing Yuno, Yuki sat her down, holding both hands firmly.


Not knowing what to do, her gaze started losing its brightness again, and her body struggled to break free. Chaos took over her mind, but her eyes regained their sparkle when her lips were sealed.

Yuki had kissed her, causing Yuno to open her eyes wide, and her struggles ceased.



Breaking the saliva bridge between them, Yuki released her arms. This girl's mind is so unstable that she even started using her powers to try to trap him, something Yuki was aware of.

Rasiel provided detailed information about Yuno's abilities and the power bestowed by Deus.

Yuki was surprised to learn that she is a Level 6, Tectonic Medium, just like him.

She's no longer an ordinary high school girl; she has become a powerhouse, even in the Shinobi world, posing a threat to a village.

That's why Yuki was careful in dealing with her; he didn't want her to kidnap him and take him as her honey bear.

And although he wasn't afraid, his power was diminishing every minute.

"Yuki, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"I understand. Calm down and clear your mind. Now that you have powers, you must be mindful of your surroundings when using them."

Patting her head, Yuki comforted her and explained the rules again, along with why he is the Key.

Yuki, being the only thing preventing the world's destruction, had a special bond that automatically made him the Key in this game.

That's why Deus declared that Yuno was the current possessor of the 'Key,' as she was the one who summoned Yuki – it was obvious.

According to Deus, when Yuki is trapped in the reality bubble, he would manifest as a small crown wrapping around Yuno's neck like a collar. It would be impossible to remove unless she was killed.

However, Deus didn't foresee that Yuki would use a clone as bait to prevent the world from collapsing.

So Yuki didn't manifest as a collar; instead, he was in his own main body, with most of his powers.

It was a significant mistake on Deus's part.

But there are several other factors to consider. Not being a collar, killing Yuno was no longer an option.

The other participants could easily kidnap Yuki and wait for time to run out.

"Don't worry, Yuki. I'll protect you. Nothing will happen to you."

With a beautiful smile and dangerous glint in her eyes, Yuno's aura changed completely, sending shivers down his spine.

While Yuki shivered, Yuno added another phrase to her thoughts.

(You belong to me, Yuki. Agree?)

If Yuki knew what this girl was thinking, he would seriously consider either following her or hiding until all this was over.

"Yuki, if we run away from this country, wouldn't it be safer for us?"

After explaining the details and learning that, like Yuno, the other participants were also Level 6 Tectonic Medium, Yuki analyzed the parameters and abilities, formulating options that could lead them to victory.

Of course, Yuno also suggested her old plan of escaping, preferably out of the country.

"No, we can't."

However, Yuki rejected her words. Escaping is not as easy as it seems.

Deus designed this Survival Game to be impossible to escape.

The other participants had abilities related to Time and Space; they could teleport to their location or open a wormhole. No matter where they went, they would be found.

Running is useless; their only acceptable option is to fight.

The world has become a battlefield, where ten people with the power to destroy a country will vie for the Throne of God.


Author's Note: Well, I'll just say that the characters from Mirai Nikki will be quite overpowered...

TN: I call that bs you just didn't want him overpowered yet