Chapter 272: Beginning of Chaos

"Remember what I told you, Yuno... This won't be easy."

Emerging from the shadows, Yuki glanced towards the enormous building towering in the city center, simultaneously warning Yuno, who now wore the Anbu battle suit with a massive katana at her waist and a fox mask.

"Yes, Yuki~... I'll do whatever you say."

Yuno, of course, didn't question him, clinging to his arm like a enamored maiden.

"Good... It's time to take action."

Executing a quick succession of hand signs, the Sharingan spun, consuming a significant portion of his chakra.

(Hmp! Don't think I'll enter that place full of traps)

Internally mocking, Yuki exhaled coldly; that enormous building was filled with traps.

There were multiple bombs around the building, both above and below ground. It was obvious that Eleventh was expecting them.

But that was fine. If Eleventh hadn't set traps around, then he would be an idiot.

Eleventh had the power of time, and although Yuki didn't know to what extent he could control time, Yuki assumed it would be around his level.

But with the severe consequences of its use and the inexperience of Eleventh, Yuki made him the first target. This person must be eliminated; otherwise, his potential threat will increase.

"Let's make a grand entrance, Yuno..."

"Yes, Yuki~"

[Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Gurētoaisuraion]



With a loud explosion and a cloud of smoke, the enormous Ice Lion roared...

(Let's see... How many of you will fall for this trick... Eleventh, let's see what you're made of)

As the Lion roared, Yuki took Yuno with him, returning to the shadows.

With 9 nuclear bombs in the city, Yuki hoped to get rid of at least two. His time was running out, and the pressure from the Demon King was increasing.

"Yuki ~ that's so cool."

Looking at the giant rising to the sky, Yuno's eyes turned into stars.

That monster looked so rugged and beautiful at the same time, with that mane and powerful exoskeleton. Yuno had the impulse to ride it, but this wasn't the time for that.

So, she could only admire with passion while clinging to Yuki, who smiled bitterly in response.

"Don't worry... When all of this is over, I promise to take you for a ride on it."

"Really, Yuki?! Would you do that for me?!"

"Of course..."

"Yuki~ you're the best!"

Hanging from his neck, Yuno couldn't resist kissing his lips, as this was considered a date...

Their first proposal for a date...

Fortunately, no one saw them, as both had entered the shadow dimension. Otherwise, they would be a very young couple that people wouldn't hesitate to give a second look and worry about their future.




With loud explosions and roars of a giant, Sakurami City witnessed the first day of chaos...




A giant was summoned in the city center, causing panic and destruction.

After all, the Ice Giant swept away everything around it, and most of its attacks focused on the large building...

Killing thousands of people in the process, while thousands more ran in absolute terror, the giant was unstoppable for these ordinary people.

Who would think that a monster of tens of meters would be summoned in the middle of the night, in the city center.


Crashing its enormous body into the building, the giant roared, shaking the ground, and several bombs were activated in succession, causing a terrifying explosion heard in every corner of Sakurami City.


However, none of that stopped the giant, as it razed the building, leaving debris scattered everywhere...

"What a monster...."

Watching from a considerable distance, Eleventh frowned; he was now standing on top of a building, frowning.

His house was demolished in seconds, and even the bombs he placed in the building weren't enough to stop that monster.

"Well, no matter... someone else will take care of that monster..."


And as Eleventh predicted, someone brought down the monster with an explosion...


But at the same time as the explosion, the entries in his future diary changed, and seeing it, Eleventh's expression couldn't help but change...


"Don't fear, citizens! Justice has arrived!"

Wearing a tight-fitting black suit with a black belt, black gloves, and tall boots of the same color, a man in the sky struck some poses while looking at people running in absolute terror, paying no attention to the unknown person who appeared out of nowhere.

And although some people curiously turned their heads to see this strange character, they didn't take long to run away. With the peculiar outfit of this person, he looked more like a villain than a hero...


Rising unscathed, the giant roared at the newcomer, its body specially modified to withstand explosive attacks and brute force.

This giant is invincible while touching the ground...

(Hmp! That won't kill you, but it doesn't matter; you won't be able to continue your evil acts. In the name of justice, I will defeat you!)

Snorting coldly, the man flew around the giant, while a small distorted black sphere formed in his left hand...

"Try this!.... Justice Strike!"

Dodging the giant claws, the man threw the small black sphere, which instantly expanded, trapping the giant in a bubble.




Feeling his body heavy as if thousands of tons were crushing him, the giant roared while trying to move his body. Unfortunately for him, his body was so heavy that a single movement was nearly impossible, causing his body to be crushed against the ground, creating an enormous crater...


"Only one, huh?"

Watching from the shadows, Yuki brought a hand to his chin, analyzing the man with the peculiar attire who fought against his summon.

"Twelfth... I guess only you are foolish enough to fall for this."

Sighing, Yuki didn't know what to think. On one hand, it was good that no more participants were joining, but on the flip side, Yuki hoped to attract as many participants as possible to create a small conflict among them. This would trigger a fight among them while he patiently waited in the shadows for the opportune moment to strike and reap all the benefits.

However, all the other participants were cautious. Even when his summon destroyed a part of the city, apart from Twelfth, none of them acted.


Yuno, who was by his side, tilted her head while she watched her beloved frown, looking at the outside world.

"It's alright... Everything is going as planned. Make sure to follow the plan."

"Yes, Yuki~ I won't let you down..."

Smiling in response, they both exited the shadow dimension, heading toward their objectives.

(First things first... That annoying Future Diary)

Tracking Eleventh's whereabouts, Yuki stepped out of the shadows, simultaneously performing a quick succession of hand signs.

Creating a massive electric fist, Yuki's body vanished, appearing instantly on top of the building where Eleventh was. Seeing the enormous fist, Eleventh opened his eyes in surprise.

[Raiton: Hakai]


Striking forcefully, Yuki didn't let Eleventh react, attacking the building...


Creating strong winds and a terrifying explosion, Yuki's Sharingan spun.

His punch was more than enough to bring down the building. However, the building remained standing, with only a few fractures around it. His jutsu had been stopped.

(Did I fail? No, it's something else)

With his Sharingan spinning, Yuki could clearly see how his condensed chakra floated in the air in the form of thunder.

Time around Eleventh came to a halt, creating a small barrier that completely stopped the attack.

(But for how long can he maintain this barrier?)

Manipulating time is challenging, and Yuki knew it required great effort and energy. With Eleventh being a complete novice, his barrier wouldn't last.


Just as he suspected, Eleventh's barrier couldn't hold any longer, causing his time-stopped jutsu to resume, creating another explosion that brought down the entire building.