Chapter 282: How to tame your Yandere

"Bang... Bang."

"Damn it! How dare you cling to Yuki like that?! Where did you come from?! Thieving cat! You deserve to die!"

"I am the Master's sword; it's normal for me to be by his side."

"You're a damn whore! Yuki is mine!"

"Bang, bang."

(How did this happen?)

Putting a hand to his head, Yuki sighed. In these moments, Yuno was furious, knocking over furniture with her katana while chasing Est, who was naked, attempting to cut her.

Yuki, on the other hand, had a headache watching this unfold. Est played a cat-and-mouse game, being a spirit sword, regular katanas couldn't harm her, not even a magical one. Her strength, combined with Yuki, gave them a significant advantage.

"Don't run! I can't cut you that way!"

"Swish... Swish."

Waving her katana back and forth, Yuno had a terrifying expression, while Est leaped and dodged each of her attacks. Yuki found it a headache, as Est teased her like Mana used to, with Yuno chasing her with a massive sword.

As for Yuki, seeing Est's legs and beautiful silver hair was amusing, but he was content with her loli-shaped body.

Now, let's rewind a bit to find out how they ended up in this situation...


After deciding to leave Novena in peace, they moved to another city. Initially, they considered living in the mountains due to the abundant chakra, but the nomadic lifestyle posed challenges.

Living in the modern world with its conveniences was more appealing, so they settled in an abandoned hotel owned by Yuno's wealthy deceased parents. Despite being bankrupt, these hotels served as the perfect hideout with all facilities still operational.

After finding a room, Yuno insisted on sleeping with Yuki, making nighttime surveillance easier.

However, the trouble arose the next morning. Yuno woke up, hugging one of Yuki's arms, only to find Est, naked, hugging the other.

Unsurprisingly, Yuno nearly exploded. She didn't know where Est came from, but having another woman cling to her beloved's arm in her presence drove her mad.

Thus, the scene unfolded.

For Yuki, finding Est clinging to his arm every morning was natural. In the realm of gods, sleeping with Kurumi meant waking up with her on one arm and Est on the other.

The same went for Inori, even when Hestia, drunk, pulled him to bed, Est appeared the next day. He always slept with one woman and woke up with two.

So, it didn't surprise him...


Growling and furrowing her brow even more, Yuno's hands glowed as she neared her breaking point, ready to use her spatial ability while Est prepared to transform.

"Stop both of you now!"

Yet, Yuki intervened faster, halting their small fight.


With white arms holding her, Yuno opened her eyes in disbelief, looking at Yuki in confusion.

"Yuno, Est is my contracted spirit, my fighting partner. She's my sword... It's natural for her to be with me."

"Yuki! How could you?..."

Hearing Yuki's words, Est's cheeks reddened in embarrassment. They were in this together.

As for Yuno, those words felt like the end of the world; Yuki was choosing another woman over her.

"Don't misunderstand, Yuno. As I said, Est is my sword, and part of my power. There's nothing that can be done."

Seeing tears fall from Yuno's eyes, Yuki shook his head; this girl was too emotional.

"Est... Does materializing mean the Sephira crystal stabilized?"

"Yes, Master... The Sephira crystal stabilized, and we can continue our activities as normal, as long as we don't deplete all our energy."

Since falling victim to the chat room, Est stayed in Yuki's spiritual world to stabilize and avoid being consumed by the Demon King. She didn't even emerge when they fought Eleventh and Twelfth.

But now, everything seemed fine, at least regarding their power.

While Yuno was at the limit of her patience, clenching her fists and teeth, seeing them 'flirt' so intimately made her inner power surge...

Of course, Yuki knew how Yuno felt. With his experience with Mana and his past life's woman, he knew this dependency required utmost patience and understanding; otherwise, these women would become uncontrollable killers.

Yuki couldn't allow Yuno to continue; otherwise, her future would be a disaster. He walked slowly toward where Yuno was bound and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. The white arms returned to the shadows, releasing her.


With her mind blank, Yuno looked at Yuki's face, caught off guard by the kiss.

"Calm down... I'll be with you, so don't worry. No matter what happens, I won't abandon you. Trust me."

How to Tame a Yandere?

It's straightforward—give her what she wants.

Many of these women suffer from loneliness and lack of love during their upbringing.

Always alone, without anyone to love and comfort them in their toughest times.

So, when they fall in love, they give themselves completely, losing themselves in madness and fear.

Fear of losing the only person who loves them in the world.

That's the root of their jealousy...

They'll always fear that their most precious person will leave them one day, making any woman approaching their boyfriends the biggest source of their hatred.

[He's the only person I want in the world! There are thousands of men out there! How dare you take him from me?]

[You have parents, a family that loves you, the whole world loves you, and yet you go after my boyfriend! Don't you dare take him away, or I'll kill you! I only need him and only him! Nothing else matters, so stay away from him!]

In their madness, they'll eliminate any potential threat daring to jeopardize their happiness.

To cure this illness...

The boyfriend or victim needs a lot of patience, as one wrong step could end their life.

They need to make her understand that no one can separate them, that her jealousy is unfounded, and she is special in their life.

Of course, this only works if you truly love that person.

And if you don't love them, well... you don't want to know.

"Yuki... I love you! I love you! I love you!"

As Yuki thought, his action worked. Yuno dropped her katana, embracing him tightly, completely forgetting about Est as if she didn't exist in the first place.

(I need to take it step by step...)

This requires a lot of time, as Yuki has to gradually force Yuno to get used to having other women around, or everything will end with Est being the first. Yuki has already pulled strings behind the scenes to introduce the real guinea pig and, if lucky, turn her into an intimate friend of Yuno.


TN: Nah she ain't leaving her yandere traits that easily