Chapter 306: Something That Should Not Be Awakened


Murmuring, Tsubaki trembled at this terrifying blow. If she had been a bit slower, she would have been in the ninth position and died miserably.

It must be said that if it weren't for her intuition and Yuno's coldness, deceiving Minene would have been a dream.

After all, Tsubaki exchanged body positions in space, causing Minene to be caught off guard in the act of betrayal, unable to dodge Yuno's attack.

It was very dangerous; fortunately, she succeeded in the exchange; otherwise, she wouldn't even be able to cry now.

"Ha... Ha..."

Breathing heavily, Yuno smiled, finally having dealt with this annoying woman.

Although she had to borrow Tsubaki's power, a victory is a victory.

Yet, she couldn't help but look towards Tsubaki, who, like her, was also breathing heavily. The amount of vitality and power they used in this fight was not small.

(She's not as useless as I thought, but she's dangerous.)

The fact that Tsubaki could react to that attack increased Yuno's danger level for Tsubaki. She must know that although Yuno prepared that blow for Minene, she didn't care in the least if Tsubaki died in the process. In fact, she hoped that would be the case, to avoid future troubles and dangers—a two-birds-one-stone situation.

Unfortunately, Tsubaki survived, so now Yuno had no reason to attack her...

(That katana...)

But looking again at the weapon in Tsubaki's hand, Yuno frowned. After all, if she's not mistaken, that weapon belongs to Yuki.


Thinking about it, Yuno turned her head in search of her beloved. Unlike her, Yuki had to face two diary owners alone.


"Gasai-san, be careful!"


However, as she searched, the sound of her diary echoed, followed by Tsubaki's warning.

Trusting her instincts, Yuno's decision was swift—teleporting. Because of that, the guided missile missed, crashing into the ruined city and exploding.


[Alpha 1: Target No. 1 lost... I repeat, Target No. 1 lost]

[Continue assault for Target No. 2]



"Uh-oh, we've attracted too much attention."

Watching the supersonic fighter jets appear in the sky, Tsubaki gritted her teeth.

What's most annoying is a third party meddling in this Survival Game. It's bad enough having to watch your back for nuclear monsters, and now they had to watch their back from their own country. This was too much.

Especially with these supersonic military planes. Although they didn't pose a significant threat, their speed and missiles were something they had to be cautious about.


"This is troublesome; we need to escape... Exchange."

Watching the guided missile speeding toward her, Tsubaki, like Yuno, didn't hesitate to escape.


Causing another missile to crash into the city...


"Ha... Ha..."

[Master, we can't continue like this; we're pushing the limit]

After killing Reisuke, Yuki exited the Time Castle. However, the price he had to pay to kill that child was enormous.

Beyond expectations.

His clone sent with Tsubaki depleted all his energy reserves and even entered Sennin Mode.

He didn't fare any better, as collecting the fragments forced him to strain his body and energy, traveling from mirror to mirror. This exhausted a lot of his energy, and the suction of the Sephira Crystal increased, causing Est to struggle to stabilize his spiritual world.

*Shii... Shiii

With his body flickering like a broken video tape about to disappear, Yuki took deep breaths. Things have gotten worse.

"I'm sorry, Est, but I had no choice."

[Master, this is the last time. I don't think I can prevent spiritual collapse if we fight again.]

Besides Yuno and Tsubaki, there were still three more participants to defeat...

At this rate, he'll disappear before it all ends.

(No, it's not three; it's four.)

Yes, with Rasiel, he had information on all participants and the anomaly that is Seventh.

Also, the implication Seventh would have in this fight, as if his assumptions are correct, then they won't be long in appearing and destroying a significant part of this country.

(I can't give up yet; I need to win as much time as possible...)

Gritting his teeth, Yuki took another deep breath. But...

[Master, be careful!]



The guided missiles were heading towards a defenseless Yuki catching his breath.



Before he could react, a missile fell from the sky, destroying everything around. Followed by a woman's scream.


[Targets lost... I repeat, targets lost]

In the military room, using satellite cameras, the general in charge of this operation frowned. None of their targets were hit; on the contrary, each of them disappeared mysteriously.

(This is bad; is it some kind of teleportation ability?)

Analyzing the video footage, the general brought a hand to his chin until the camera found another target.

"Huh? Is he alive?"

He found Yuki, who emerged from the ruins of the Omekata Temple. It's worth noting that the general was surprised; the last time they saw Yuki was when he was killed by an explosion. They never imagined that this child would continue to live.

"They're tough to kill, but he's weak."

Seeing Yuki kneeling and taking deep breaths, as well as his battered body, the general issued a new order.

"New target, kill Target No. 0, coordinates are sent to you."


[Target in sight, authorized to fire]


With several fighter jets firing guided missiles, they turned and turned in search of the next lost targets.


Meanwhile, high in the sky, Yuno appeared with a flash, using the clouds as camouflage.

"Hmp! Damn pieces of junk!"

Snorting with coldness, Yuno wanted to take her katana and eliminate these annoying oversized flies. However, due to her depleted vitality and power, Yuno thought it would be better to retreat. It's not worth exhausting her power for something so stupid.

There are still more participants; she can't drain her power for something trivial.

So, she decided to find Yuki. He must still be on the ground. Fortunately for Yuno, she didn't take long to find him.


Seeing him injured and his energy diminishing hurt her heart, and just as she decided to descend, something happened...


The fighter jets would send their missiles towards a defenseless Yuki catching his breath.



Unable to teleport, Yuno's body remained rigid, unable to believe what she was witnessing. Her eyes lost their light, and her energy fluctuated with force.


[This is Alpha 3; Target No. 2 has been found, preparing to shoot]

With Yuno emerging from the cloud and staying motionless in the air, the fighter jets quickly spotted her, preparing to fire.



"Unforgivable, unforgivable..."

Yuno, on the other hand, paid no attention to the approaching missiles. She continued to gaze at the impact area where Yuki was, muttering...

There was something Yuno could not allow.

That was Yuki being in danger. She had endured a lot because of her love; she didn't want Yuki to hate her. That's why she followed his orders and allowed Yuki to participate in this Survival Game.

And so far, Yuki had emerged unscathed from the battle. Even when she thought he died, it turned out to be a Yuki clone. But this time, she could clearly feel that this 'Yuki' was the original. The mark under her chest burned and hurt because of this.

And even though she didn't know she had a mark, these jets touched her reverse scale...

Just as Twelfth did...

And this was something she would not forgive...



Swinging her katana, Yuno didn't hesitate to cut the approaching missiles. The space split, and the missiles exploded.


Of course, those who witnessed this were surprised. A katana...

A damn katana destroyed those guided missiles.

This was unheard of, no matter how strong and sharp a katana is.

But the missiles were the least of their concerns, as something they shouldn't provoke had been awakened.



Stepping heavily on the sky, Yuno shot up like a rocket, breaking the wind and reaching the nearest fighter jet in an instant.




Without giving it space to escape or turn, Yuno swung her katana again, a light flashed, splitting the fighter jet in two...

This was the beginning of the Nightmare...


Author's Note: Well, I just entered the final part of Mirai Nikki.

TN: Ok