Chapter 308: I will not give up my future

"No, please rest, Yuki-kun; I'll finish quickly, don't worry."

However, Tsubaki didn't hear him. She was so focused on her work that his words were like the wind, so she continued bandaging his body until he resembled a mummy. Tsubaki stopped.

"Well, this should be enough to stop the bleeding."

Sighing in relief, Tsubaki's eyes trembled. She was scared; seeing him so injured was a harsh blow for her.

However, Yuki himself seemed unfazed. After all, all he needed was to rest.

"Yuno... What happened to Yuno?"

"Gasai-san is hunting some 'birds'..."

"I see."

Although he wasn't exactly sure what she meant by 'birds,' Yuki could guess. Those 'birds' missiles put them in this state, so it wasn't surprising if Yuno was angry.

(Hopefully, she won't go overboard...)

With his limited vitality, Yuki hopes Yuno exercises some self-control.

"Yuki-kun... Should we visit a doctor?"

With such injuries, Tsubaki was concerned. Even though he's not bleeding now, she knows Yuki is going through a horrible ordeal, fighting between life and death, so she didn't want to lose him.

"It's okay, my wounds will heal on their own... I just need to rest."

On the other hand, Yuki wasn't worried. He was battling insomnia and excessive fatigue; his injuries were the least of his concerns with the Apocalypse virus in his body; dying was difficult.

"Rest, Yuki-kun. This is a safe place; I won't let anything happen to you."

Watching Yuki struggling not to close his eyes, Tsubaki said tenderly.

Even though she didn't know how Yuki would heal, he had never lied to her before. So she decided to trust him. At the same time, she gently stroked his head, the only part not covered in bandages.

"Don't worry, Master, I'll keep watch... Rest."

Even Est encouraged him to sleep, so Yuki could only nod.

"All right."

Fortunately, whether it was the soft bed or exhaustion, Yuki's eyes closed gradually until he entered the realm of dreams.

"How adorable..."

Tsubaki looked at him with tenderness while continuing to stroke his head. This brought back memories of when Yuki was her pet and how she pampered him.

A nostalgic memory. If Tsubaki had the choice, she would never let go of that fragment...


"Yuki! Yuki!"

Unfortunately for Tsubaki, her pleasant time had ended as a light shone, and Yuno emerged from it.


Needless to say, seeing him injured in bed, Yuno burst into tears. At the same time, she ran towards him, disregarding Tsubaki's presence.

"Gasai-san, Yuki-kun needs to rest, please be quiet..."

However, before Yuno reached the bed, Tsubaki stopped her.

"You... How dare you?!"

"Gasai-san, Yuki-kun suffered serious injuries; he needs to rest. Understand, this is not the place for an argument..."

Feeling Yuno's intense bloodlust and her hand gripping her katana, Tsubaki sighed and confronted her.

If it had been in the past, Tsubaki was sure she would have left Yuno alone with Yuki and not interfered in their relationship. But now.

Even her bloodlust couldn't affect her...

"All right, come with me."

Successfully persuaded, Yuno gave one last look to Yuki while leaving the room. After all, she could see that Yuki wasn't in good condition. But feeling his stable breath, she knew he wasn't in danger.

"This is your fault; I knew I couldn't trust a fox like you. You're taking advantage of Yuki's kindness."

Coming out of the cabin, the first thing Yuno did was draw her katana. Yuki's injuries were Tsubaki's fault. If Yuki hadn't agreed to protect her, Yuno wouldn't bother with her.

So for Yuno, Tsubaki remained a threat.

"I know, Gasai-san. Yuki-kun is injured because of me. My selfishness and desire to live put him in that sorry state."

Tsubaki, on the other hand, didn't care that Yuno pointed her katana at her. She bowed her head and apologized deeply. It was her fault, but given the choice between seeking protection or finding another alternative, she would choose the latter without hesitation.

"But... Gasai-san, isn't it the same for you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Gasai-san, you are just like me... Aren't you also taking advantage of Yuki-kun's kindness?"


As Tsubaki said, if it weren't for Yuno, Yuki wouldn't have come to this world, and he would be oblivious to this survival game.

Yuno is the same. She asked for his help, so she had no right to judge Tsubaki. No...

Of all the people in this world, she has the least right, as due to her deception, Yuki got trapped in this absurd game.

Seeing Yuno furrow her brow, a smile formed on Tsubaki's face.

"I'm right..."

"Don't try to explain my relationship with Yuki with your reasoning. Yuki and I love each other. It's natural for us to be together, in sickness and in health. That's our relationship; it has nothing to do with you."

"Is that so? But Gasai-san... Are you sure Yuki-kun loves you? Aren't you forcing him to be with you?"

"He loves me! We're lovers! It's fate that brought us together! We'll be together even in death! He's mine!"

"Is he yours? Are you sure you're not forcing him?"

Finding several openings in her words, Tsubaki was 100% sure that Yuki was being coerced.

No matter how you look at it, Yuki is with Yuno out of sheer kindness and duty.

However, she also thanks Yuno. After all, without her, Yuki would never exist in this world.

But for Yuno, Tsubaki's words were getting more and more terrible, so she couldn't help but let a smile form on her face. At the same time, the light in her eyes faded.

"Heh... I understand now. You want to take what's mine, right? You want to take Yuki from me! Thieving cat!"

Gripping her katana, Yuno's energy began to fluctuate. Tsubaki was touching her reverse scale.

"Yes, I want him."

Without denying her words, Tsubaki remained calm. Even as Yuno's bloodlust became thicker.


"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Gasai-san. Remember, Yuki-kun is still sleeping. We don't want this little argument to get out of hand, and Yuki-kun accidentally gets new injuries."

Seeing Yuno ready to attack, Tsubaki raised her hand, a clash between them was all it would take to destroy this cabin, and Yuno understood this. Her energy receded, and she could only grit her teeth.


"There's no need for that, Gasai-san. In fact, I want to propose a deal..."

Silence filled the air for several seconds as the atmosphere grew increasingly uncomfortable. However, Tsubaki didn't back down. After all, if she had Yuki with her, the throne of God didn't matter. Even with a mortal life, it was more than enough for Tsubaki if she could live with the person who mattered to her. She didn't need a life of thousands of years; a few years were sufficient for happiness.

"Heh hehehehehe."

Nevertheless, Yuno broke the ice, laughing loudly, and madness was easily visible in that smile.

(I failed, huh?)

Tsubaki had already received her answer, so she sighed internally.

She tried, but from Yuno's behavior, she knew persuading her was futile.

(I can only fight...)

Yes, for her future, Tsubaki had to grasp that light with both hands and never let go.

"Do you want Yuki? Don't make me laugh, fox! Yuki is everything to me! I won't give up on my happiness; don't ask me to give up on my future!"

It's nonsense...

Yuno used this Survival Game to lure Yuki; asking him to give it up was a definite NO.

So she sheathed her katana; it wasn't worth continuing this. Tsubaki was just a thieving cat trying to take her boyfriend.


TN: time to activate my powers, skip sleep and finish posting this volume once for all