Chapter 318: Together for a common goal

"No, it's better this way."

However, thinking about how dangerous the participants can become, Yuki sighed in relief. After all, if any of them were to time travel, their problems would become increasingly brutal. He wouldn't only worry about the participants but also about time anomalies and the destruction of the world. Then, this battle for the God's throne would be an eternal struggle, where participants would travel to the past and prevent their deaths.

Fortunately, the absolute shield negated all of this, an anomaly but also his greatest advantage.

"We must find Seventh before Minene does."

Their most viable option would be to find the last participant, form an alliance, or kill them, as long as Minene doesn't gain more power.

"It's the only way to end this game."

After declaring his intentions, Yuki couldn't stay in bed any longer. He needed to fight. A High Tectonic was waiting, and if they did nothing, it would be too late by the time it turned into a Low Destructor. When that happens, even he won't have any choice but to awaken the Demon King, and that would mean the destruction of the human race on this planet.


Yuno's expression clouded. She looked towards Tsubaki, who, in response to her gaze, nodded.

"Yuki-kun, I don't think he's in a condition to keep fighting."

"Hm? What are you saying, Miss Tsubaki? My condition doesn't matter as long as we win. None of that impor..."

"Yuki-kun, be honest with me... How much time do you have left?"

Without letting Yuki finish, Tsubaki interrupted him, frowning even more.


Yuki, on the other hand, couldn't help but look at Tsubaki. Time and energy were his major concerns, but winning was everything. It would be too late if he started tolerating energy loss and lost this game.

Yuno's life is at stake, as well as Tsubaki's and even the world depends on him. Tsubaki asking this at this stage was unheard of. The winner is the king, and as long as he wins, everything will return to normal. Simple as that. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks like him.

"Time? I don't know what you're talking about, Miss Tsubaki. I think we should stop worrying about the small details and focus on our enemy."

(I knew it.)

Shaking her head, Tsubaki knew it was futile. Yuki wasn't thinking about himself; his mind and energy were all in this Survival game. Even if he gets hurt or disappears, Yuki won't stop until he's the winner.

"Right, Yuki-kun, we should stop focusing on the details."



The next moment, Yuki felt his body trapped in a barrier; gravity increased, and his body was forced to fall.

"You!... What are you doing, Yuno?!"

Unable to believe it, Yuki gritted his teeth, angrily looking at the pink-haired girl. Yuno, who was supposed to be his best ally, attacked him. Yuki was here to help her, but right now, that same girl was attacking him.

"I'm sorry, Yuki, but this is for the best."


But as he tried to find an answer, at the same time his chakra began to fluctuate, another barrier attacked him.

"We'll take it from here, Yuki-kun. Go back to bed."


Being attacked by his allies, Yuki was unable to activate his ability. His chakra and spiritual energy were in total chaos. He never thought his allies would betray him. He could expect this from Tsubaki, but never from Yuno. For her, harming Yuki is an absolute no. Unfortunately, Yuno had stronger reasons for doing this.

So, even if it hurt her to do this, Yuno didn't regret it.


Feeling his body getting heavier, Yuki's eyelids began to close. He knew that being caught off guard and his injuries, resisting the double gravity barrier, and, for some strange reason, not being able to access his spiritual energy, his chakra went crazy.

"Please don't hate me, Yuki."

"Sweet dreams, Yuki-kun."

Closing his eyes, the last thing Yuki saw was Yuno's painful gaze and Tsubaki's determination.

(I understand now, silly girls... Why didn't I notice this earlier?... This is your doing, Est...)

Only after closing his eyes did Yuki understand his actions. After all, these girls were scared.

Scared of losing him... While his sword was the most fearful of the three.


Yes, Est is the trigger that caused all this.

Both Yuno and Tsubaki didn't betray Yuki; they simply followed Est's suggestion.

"The Master's time is running out."

A few hours ago, Est appeared suddenly, causing both girls to be surprised. Someone appearing out of nowhere made both of them quickly take up arms; there was no need to hesitate, especially with this Survival game. However, before attacking, Yuno recognized the girl.

"It's you!"

So, she couldn't help but grit her teeth in hatred. This girl was the one she woke up with a day ago.


"She's a home-wrecker!"

Of course, Est wasn't interested in listening to Yuno's complaints. She quickly got to the point.

"We don't have time anymore. If the Master fights again, he will disappear..."

Lowering her gaze, Est was at her limit. The Demon King was getting stronger every day; she could no longer keep the spiritual world safe. Every minute required great determination to stay alive. Knowing her master's personality, Yuki would fight to the end.

Because of this, Est sought help...

"Disappear? Yuki-kun? Impossible. Who are you exactly?"

And upon hearing this, Tsubaki and Yuno's expressions sank.

Both knew what Est was saying. However, the calculations they had about Yuki's energy were wrong, or rather, they never predicted the energy loss Yuki experienced in each battle.

Yuki's estimated time was shortening with every moment he used his energy. Realizing this, Yuno frowned deeply; Yuki was in this situation because of her.

The situation is the worst possible...


"Est, my name is Est. I'm the Master's contracted spirit, as well as his sword."

Without letting them speak, Est's voice became serious.

"The Master is all I have. If he disappears, humanity is doomed... Don't forget that. The Master will disappear if he fights again; the rest depends on you..."

With those last words, Est returned to the spiritual world, leaving Tsubaki and Yuno speechless.

After a few seconds, both recovered and looked at each other.

Est's intention is clear. Like them, she doesn't want Yuki to get hurt.

He has done a lot for them, and because of them, his situation reached such extremes.

And although Tsubaki didn't know what a contracted spirit was, Yuno knew about Est, or rather, envied her position, so she knew exactly what Est meant to Yuki.

"I will protect Yuki."

"Hm... It's time for us to put an end to this absurd game... But what exactly does she mean by 'humanity'?"

Bringing a hand to her chin, Tsubaki pondered Est's words. There was a hidden message, but due to the lack of information, she couldn't understand it.

"I don't care about humanity; I only care about Yuki!"

Yuno, on the other hand, didn't give a damn about humans or even the world itself. The only thing that mattered was her love.

"Yuki-kun, huh? I guess, if we look at it from the perspective of our goals, Gasai-san is right."

And Tsubaki agreed with this. After all, humans are rotten, and only in dreams could she be happy. If it's about Yuki, the whole of humanity might as well die.

With that in mind, the two girls agreed to prevent Yuki from entering battle once again. They hoped that Yuki would wake up, and they could come to an agreement. However, Yuki was more determined than ever.

Fourth had died, and the balance of the game was tilting more towards the enemy.

Yuki wouldn't accept staying in bed while they fought. Due to this, they had no other choice but to send him to sleep.

Est also helped by preventing his chakra and spiritual energy from assisting him in breaking the barrier.

Est didn't want to take risks, so she had no other option but to forcefully put Yuki to sleep. She suggested this in the first place.
