Chapter 334: Fūinjutsu: Shiki Fūjin!

"No... Is it possible, did she devour time?"

Like Yuki, Minene could also use others to devour time and use it as her own life source. Upon discovering this, Yuki frowned deeply.

"I underestimated her..."

Initially, Yuki planned to wear her down and kill her when her vitality ran out. No matter how many times she came back from death, once she ran out of vitality, Minene would have to die.

However, Minene knew her weakness well, so she chose to obtain more time by stealing it from others.

With this, Minene is invincible and can die as many times as she wants.

"No, I have no choice... I'll have to seal her soul!"

A simple normal seal wouldn't work on Minene; she could escape by teleporting or accelerating time. So, Yuki had to opt for a seal that would render her unable to use her abilities and escape.


Unfortunately, he couldn't approach Minene and the sphere where Yuno was trapped; otherwise, Yuki would free her instantly. However, it was better not to do so, as it could disrupt his plans. Apparently, Minene had learned her lesson from Kurumi and kept Yuno's prison surrounded, keeping her away from Yuki's clones.



With the explosions growing louder, Yuki clenched his teeth and made his decision...

"Est, what I'm about to do might hurt a bit, please bear with it."

[I will, Master, for you, no matter how much pain I have to endure, I will never yield.]

"Thank you... I hope it works, or the Demon King won't let us go."

Looking up at the sky, where the huge crown rotated in the world, Yuki sighed and made a hand gesture.

"Est, at my signal, I want you to release control of my Spiritual World."




Without knowing what Yuki wanted to do, Est obeyed and stopped controlling the spiritual world. At the same time, a small hole opened in the crown protecting the world.

"Fūinjutsu: Shiki Fūjin!"

Clasping his hands together, a huge and terrifying chakra materialized.

Behind Yuki, a spiritual being appeared, white hair with a long white robe, and demonic horns, with a soul tied to its body, ready for sacrifice.


Seeing this, Est shouted in fear. After all, this was a Shinigami, the spirit of death summoned behind Yuki.

"I'm glad it worked..."

Sweating, Yuki smiled. He had doubts, but it worked. With the crown protecting the world and his soul, any harm to his soul would be denied by the absolute shield.

Due to that, Yuki couldn't summon the spirit of death. However, his absolute shield still had a weakness.

Due to his injury and the separation, the Demon King and Yuki, his absolute shield couldn't negate allied summons...

In other words, Yuki's own summons to his soul couldn't be denied, just like contracts. Due to this injury, Yuki could form a contract with Est.

Otherwise, due to the Absolute Shield, his contract would be denied.

Now Yuki had exploited this weakness, allowing the Shinigami to take his soul and form a seal.

[Master! This is dangerous! We cannot allow beings from beyond to invade your soul!]

"Trust me, Est... I have my plans."

Despite Est's warning, Yuki could still maintain his smile. He knew the price of using this jutsu was very high, to the point where his soul would be forever sealed in the stomach of the Reaper.

But this jutsu was the only one that could defeat Minene and her annoying ability.

"After all... I won't fall so easily."

But despite this terrible side effect, Yuki wouldn't be defeated, at least not the Demon King.

"I don't have much time... Let's go!"

Stomping the ground with force, Yuki's chakra surged.

"The fifth gate, the gate of pain... OPEN!"

After activating the Reaper's jutsu, he had to hurry and catch his enemy, or he risked the Reaper killing him.

Because of that, Yuki didn't hesitate to use all the chakra he had left and activate the 8 inner gates.


Stomping the ground forcefully, his body shot out while gusts of wind were created around him.


Minene was in trouble...

How many times had she died?

She stopped counting after ten times. However, because of these thousands of clones, she kept getting killed.

Fortunately for her, she managed to kill several clones with her explosions, so their number was drastically reduced.

But she also knew that if she didn't catch Yuki, things would get ugly.

Especially with his power and vitality...

However, since she made her preparations by devouring the time of hundreds of people, Minene wasn't worried about falling in this place. As long as she could revive, no one could stop her.

"I need to find the original brat."


Creating hundreds of spatial bombs, Minene watched as hundreds of clones died caught in the explosions.

She also made sure to find the original...


But while she was in the midst of the war, Minene saw an object approaching at high speed...

"It's the brat! He decided to show himself!"

With his power greater than the rest, Minene identified him instantly. The clones of Yuki began to block and press Minene's clones, leaving a path for the original to pass through easily.

"Hmp! Don't think I'll fall for this!"

Seeing abnormal actions, Minene snorted coldly. She had seen Yuki fight and wasn't stupid enough to let Yuki get close; she didn't want to suffer the same fate as with Yuno.

So, she instantly snapped her fingers, while hundreds of black spheres were teleported in front of her.


Unfortunately, this didn't stop Yuki, who quickly hid among the shadows.

"You're so persistent!"

Without giving up on her goal, Minene opened her hands while more spatial bombs were teleported to Yuki's location.


But Yuki was unstoppable. Whenever a bomb approached, he evaded with agility, making his way at high speed.

With Sennin Mode activated, detecting energy fluctuations was easy, so the bombs were easily avoided.

"Damn it! Hm?!"

Seeing that it was useless, Minene wanted to teleport. However, before doing so, the shadow beneath her feet expanded, and from it, a pair of white arms grabbed her tightly.

"I got you! I won't let you escape!"

Emerging from the shadows, Yuki clenched his fists.

The game was over...

"What?! Impossible!"

That Yuki could penetrate her barrier and grab her was impossible, not to mention that a moment ago, this same Yuki was evading her bombs.


But looking ahead, she was surprised. The Yuki who was evading her attacks is a clone...

This made Minene open her eyes; she was fighting against a decoy while the original used this distraction to break her barrier with a terrifying blow and then capture her.

"But... So what? I'm immortal; you can't kill me!"

Even if Yuki managed to catch her, that didn't mean he could defeat her. She had died so many times that she was getting used to the sensation of coming back from death, so a few more deaths didn't bother her.

How wrong she was...

"Shiki Fuujin!"

Holding her shoulders tightly, Yuki clenched his teeth as he felt a strange invasion in his soul. The Shinigami had finished his preparations, and the seal was ready. Feeling the surge of chakra, the Shinigami didn't hesitate to pierce Yuki's soul, grabbing Minene's soul with force.

"What the hell are you doing, brat?!"

This strange sensation didn't go unnoticed by Minene, who instantly felt a strange chill, and her body stopped moving.

"What am I doing? Isn't it obvious? I'm going to kill you!"

Smiling cruelly, Yuki increased the chakra in his body, while Minene's soul slowly left her body.


With cold sweat falling down her face, Minene opened her eyes in shock, as behind Yuki, she saw something horrifying.

The Reaper was smiling as it slowly devoured her soul...


Feeling death approaching, Minene didn't just sit still. Instantly activating her ability to teleport.



"It's useless... As long as the Shinigami touches our souls, we can't use our powers."



TN: Damn too cold outside that I caught cold aswell... Looks like author's virus got me ;-;