Chapter 342: Facing Reality

It feels good~... What do you think, Yuno?"

"Hm! It's very pleasant!"

Feeling the sea breeze and the beauty of the sunset, watching the sun hide behind the horizon, Yuno and Yuki held hands while contemplating this scene.

Two months had passed, and during that time, they traversed the Illusory world. At first, Yuki was surprised; this world is an exact copy of the original world. The sea, the plants, the animals—everything was the same, except there were no humans.

They were the only ones in this world, but they didn't care. They continued to explore the world, from Japan to France, the United States, and more.

They traveled the landscapes together, and in the nights, the young couple entwined in the sheets, consummating their union....

Fortunately, the means of transportation worked, so it didn't matter where they were; they could always take a boat or a plane.

The chains around Yuki were translucent and so long that he no longer worried about limited freedom. Yuno had an issue of emotional dependence, and from the way things were progressing, Yuki knew the end was approaching.

"What do you think of this trip, Yuno?"

"It's very nice, Yuki!"

Clasping Yuki's hand tightly, Yuno smiled with happiness. This time had been the happiest of her life. Everything in this Illusory world was full of beauty, but most importantly, she had the man she loved by her side.

"Sure it is, but I would like our daughter to share this happiness with us."

"Daughter? Kyaa~ Yuki... It's still too early for us~"

Bringing both hands to her cheeks, Yuno moved her body shyly. But an image of her pregnant with Yuki's child, touching her bulging stomach, months later giving birth to a healthy child, filled her with expectations, and she glanced at Yuki with a twinkle in her eye.

After all, having a child was the fundamental step to forming a family and also her ultimate goal—what she desired most in this life.

"It doesn't matter if it's too early for us or not. We already have a daughter, Yuno... Did you forget?"


Blinking in confusion, Yuno couldn't follow the conversation.

Daughter? What is he talking about? Yuno hasn't given birth to anyone.

"Did you forget, huh? I miss our daughter, Yuno."

Feeling disappointed, Yuki sighed with regret as he lowered his gaze sadly.

"Our daughter loves us, Yuno... Don't forget her; she's an important part of our lives."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Yuki... We don't have a child yet!"

"We do. She's waiting for us out there..."


Pointing towards the sky, Yuki smiled while tightly holding Yuno's hand.

Yuki could feel the world's will calling them both. The mother of all was worried and afraid, eagerly awaiting the return of her parents.


Backing away slowly, fear and uncertainty filled Yuno's eyes. After all, she couldn't remember.

If she truly had a daughter with Yuki, not remembering her would be a serious offense and unforgivable towards the fruit of their love.

"Remember, Yuno, you must remember..."

"No!! You're lying! We don't have a daughter! Yuki, you're a liar!"

Feeling threatened, the chains around Yuki began to materialize once again.

Yuno didn't know, but a part of her urged her not to remember. As if remembering would end the happy life she was leading now. She didn't want to go back to the real world; she wanted to stay forever in this illusion...

Yuki didn't care about the chains around him and continued to look at Yuno with a gentle smile on his face.

"If you think I'm lying, then... Why are you crying?"


Feeling tears running down her face, Yuno was surprised. She desperately tried to stop her tears, but they just kept falling.

"Eh? Hick... Eh?! Hick... Why won't it stop?!"

"You know, right? No matter how happy an illusion makes you, in the end, it's just that... an illusion. You must face reality, Yuno."

"No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! I don't want to!"

Holding her head with both hands, the Illusory world began to shake, and the chains around Yuki started to tighten.

However, Yuki didn't fight against the chains and continued.

"I love you, Yuno, no matter who you were or what you've been in the past. Even if you had a past life, you're you right now, and that's all that matters to me. You're my partner, and I've claimed you as mine."

Pointing to the couple's mark below his left chest, Yuki grinned mischievously.

"You can't run from me, Yuno... No matter where you hide and run, I'll always reach where you are."


Looking up, Yuno's lips trembled.

"I accept everything, Yuno. I accept everything about you. I like who you are, and that won't change. But I need you to accept everything about me too...."


The light had returned to Yuno's eyes. The Illusory world had stopped shaking, and the chains around Yuki disappeared, while Yuno placed both hands on her chest and asked anxiously and fearfully, scared of rejection and the darkness in her life.

"Yuki... Seriously? Do you accept me? Won't you hate me? Won't you leave me? Yuki! Seriously? Can I be by your side? Can I love you? Can you love me?!"

Closing his eyes, Yuki sighed and smiled tenderly, bringing a hand to Yuno's cheek, touching it gently while wiping away the tears running down her beautiful face.

"These are words I should be saying to you. Don't belittle yourself; you're a gem shining in the world. You're beautiful and a great woman... Yuno Gasai, do you accept being my partner, my friend, and my wife for all eternity?"

"Yuki... What are you saying? My heart, my body, and my soul belong to you. I love you..."

"I love you too..."

Smiling in happiness, the young couple embraced each other, and the Illusory world collapsed...

The beautiful dream had ended; it was time for true happiness....


"Dad, Mom!"

Once out of the Illusory world, the world's will welcomed them with a big hug.

Since both of them locked themselves in the Illusory world, she had been waiting for their return.

Fortunately, the time they spent in the Illusory world was distorted, so only two hours had passed since Yuno became the new God.


"Mama, Papa, you're back.... I'm so happy!"

Smiling with tears in her eyes, the world's will looked at both Yuno and Yuki.

To her, Yuki and Yuno were her parents, and she wasn't entirely wrong. After all, Deus created the world, but when the Overlord attacked, Deus tried to portray a crown that didn't belong to him. For the world's will, that crown was her father, who protected her for thousands of years from destruction, while the divine energy of Deus was her mother and creator.

That's why, as Yuki was the bearer of the Crown, the world's will mistook him for her father. Yuno, being the successor of Deus, was her mother.

"How lovely... What's your name?"

With her maternal instinct kicking in, Yuno hugged the adorable Gaia. This girl was sweet and pure, and the warmth of her arms was comparable to Yuki's. It felt so good that Yuno couldn't let her go, especially since having the power of Deus, she felt an inexplicable connection with the girl. Automatically, she stopped doubting—Deus might be the creator, but as the successor of God, she is her mother now...

"Gaia... My name is Gaia, Mama."

"What a beautiful name~... My name is Yuno Gasai. Nice to meet you, Gaia-chan."

"I know! Mama!"

"How cute! Yuki, our daughter is so cute!"

"Yes, she is..."

Smiling, Yuki looked at the mother-daughter duo and shook his head.

Who would have thought he'd gain a daughter coming to this world?

Sighing, Yuki glanced towards the world; peace had once again arrived.

The world was safe....

(Everything's over.... We won)

Closing his eyes, Yuki turned and joined the mother-daughter duo. After all, he's a father now...


"I'm glad everything ended well..."

Watching from a distance, Muru Muru nodded approvingly while placing both hands on her hips.

She had fulfilled her mission, and the world had regained peace.

"Although it was close..."

Recalling that monstrous bullet, Muru Muru broke into a cold sweat. That bullet, if it hit the world, would have meant the end of all life, including hers...

"Fortunately, His Excellency succeeded..."

Yuki, who managed to stop the Demon King, might mean she's still breathing now, along with all living beings in the world.

That's why Muru Muru felt relieved and satisfied, watching the family embrace.

"Well, I've fulfilled my part of the deal..."

Materializing a small fragment in her hand, Muru Muru smiled towards the person inside her.


TN: Next chapter last of this volume bet you guys are gonna miss this world too much 🤣