Chapter 364: Emissary (1)

Country of Water, Hidden Mist Village.

True to its name, the Hidden Mist Village experiences a humid climate conducive to fog formation. However, it boasts dense forests and a natural barrier formed by its mountainous location, making it difficult to find.

In the Mizukage's residence, a strikingly beautiful woman with a slender figure reclined on the sofa. Her reddish-brown hair cascaded down to her ankles, tied in a dark blue ribbon, with two strands covering her right eye and two crossing over her chest just below the chin.

Her clear green eyes focused on the document in her hand as she crossed her legs. Wearing a dark blue, long-sleeved dress that fell just below the knees, this woman was Mei Terumi, the Fifth Mizukage.

"I see, I'm glad the village is recovering."

After ending the reign of terror of the Fourth Mizukage, Mei took over the village and had been busy dealing with the aftermath.

"Everything is going according to plan, Mizukage-Sama."

Responding to her words was a middle-aged man with blue hair and an eye patch over his right eye, named Ao, one of the village's prominent ninjas.

"As expected. Our village has a future, and my job is to ensure it," Mei stated without a change in expression, continuing to examine the scroll.

"Mizukage-sama, urgent news! We have visitors!"

The room's door suddenly swung open, revealing a young man with blue hair, shark-like teeth, and carrying a Hiramekarei on his back covered in bandages. Shuriken holders adorned each of his legs. This young man was Chojuro, also an important ninja in the village.

"Visitors? From whom?" Mei raised her eyebrows, bringing a hand to her cheek, showing disinterest in visits amid the village's recovery.

However, Chojuro's expression was nervous, even fearful. "The Devourer of Konoha."

Ao's expression darkened, and he made a subtle hand gesture.


Veins suddenly bulged around his eye patch. Despite this, Ao's expression remained unchanged. In one of the rooms, a person wearing a mask sat, exuding the most deceptive chakra Ao had ever encountered.

After all, this person's chakra aura was friendly and kind, but Ao knew it was a lie. He had personally witnessed the Devourer killing and consuming people to the bone—a monster in human skin.


With cold sweat running down his face, Ao stared directly at the masked figure, only to be met by a Sharingan.

"He's here! Great, let's go see him quickly!"

Unlike Ao and Chojuro, Mei jumped with joy and swiftly left the room. After all, this 'Devourer' was her savior and a trusted ally. While many feared him, Mei saw him as an orphan in need of a mother's love.

Observing their leader's reaction, Chojuro and Ao exchanged glances and shook their heads. In the Hidden Mist Village, the Devourer was warmly welcomed by the higher-ups for his crucial role in overthrowing the old Mizukage and saving them multiple times.

Yet, as humans, they felt an indescribable fear towards this ninja. One small mistake, and they could be devoured.

Seated, Yuki squinted his eyes, lifting his mask slightly to savor the delightful tea of the Hidden Mist Village.

As an emissary, Yuki didn't wear his Anbu attire but the standard Konoha uniform.

"Good tea... Not poisoned, I hope?" Yuki asked, glancing twice at the cup in his hands, addressing the beautiful woman who served him.

The first time he visited the village, his clone had been charmed by these women and led to a bar. He didn't refuse and enjoyed his stay. Little did he know, he would be poisoned by a cup of tea. Luckily, it took only about 5 minutes for a new 'Yuki' to emerge from the shadows and continue the enjoyment. This incident fueled rumors about the Devourer being immortal.

"I wouldn't dare, Your Excellency," the woman replied, trembling with fear, remembering the past poisoning incident.


"You came! I'm so glad!" The door suddenly burst open, and Mei rushed in, embracing Yuki and showering him with affection.

Fortunately, Yuki placed the tea cup aside, relishing the embrace of this mature and alluring woman. Even though he found himself nestled between her ample bosom, he couldn't fully enjoy it due to the mask.

"You're here! I'm so happy to see you, Yuki-kun," Mei said, ignoring Yuki's protests to call him by name.

Unconcerned about Yuki's objections, Mei continued pampering and caressing him like an older sister would for her adorable little brother.

In the room, the woman sighed in relief and silently left, afraid that Yuki might recall the past and seek her out later.

Chojuro and Ao entered, observing the two with a mixture of surprise and confusion. How had these two gone from fighting to the death to hugging each other?

Indeed, in the past, Yuki and Mei had clashed, ordered by the Fourth Mizukage, who was hunting Yuki at that time. As expected, Yuki won the battle but chose not to kill Mei. Instead, he healed her, marking the beginning of the rebellion that ousted the Fourth Mizukage.

With Yuki and Mei leading the coup, the village plunged into anarchy and battles. Fortunately, it didn't last long, as Yuki eventually killed the Fourth Mizukage, and Mei took over.

With such a close relationship between them, Mei became like a second Tsunade to Yuki in this village. She even proposed that Yuki move to the Hidden Mist Village. Hearing part of Yuki's past and the fate of his clan activated Mei's maternal instincts. She criticized Konoha, calling them cruel for killing their own people, a bit hypocritical given their history as the Bloody Mist Village.

However, Yuki already had a home in Konoha and declined her offer. Nevertheless, whenever Yuki escaped Konoha and visited to continue the rebellion, Mei would lavish him with attention.

"By the way, this is the first time I've seen you in a different outfit than your Hunter attire, Yuki-kun," Mei remarked.

"Well, it's because I have a mission..."

Without wasting more time, Yuki took out a scroll from his bag and handed it to Mei, who raised an eyebrow and began reading.

"Chunin Exams?"

"Yes, my village will soon commence the Chunin Exams, and as an emissary, I'm inviting all our allies to participate in this event."

Yuki explained the event step by step, gradually snuggling into Mei's bosom and using it as a cushion, resting his head between them. Mei was fully absorbed in the explanation, unfazed by Yuki taking advantage of her.

"The Hidden Sand Village has decided to participate and has sent their Genin," Yuki continued.

"I understand. So, should we send some Genin as well?" Mei asked.

"I don't think it's a good idea, Mizukage-sama. The village is barely recovering from the coup. Sending Genin to Konoha in these circumstances wouldn't be wise," Ao interjected, stepping forward, aware of the challenges the village was facing.

"That's exactly why you should participate, Mizukage-sama. Otherwise, other villages might think the Hidden Mist Village is weakened by the coup and send spies to monitor them," Yuki advised.

"Hmm, you're right, Yuki-kun. I can't let them think my village is easily intimidated. Ao, quickly select the best Genin from the village and send them to Konoha," Mei ordered, hugging Yuki once again.

"As you command, Mizukage-sama," Ao sighed, lowering his gaze, realizing there was nothing he could do.


TN: Another Mommy?!? 😩