Chapter 366: The Queen Wants to Fight

With individuals like these, it means more influence for their Village and more contracts for ninjas, consequently, more money.

There were no doubts that the villages would be interested.

Even they, with more money in their pockets, would become easier targets.

"This is a good opportunity for your Village to participate. I'm sure if your Genin can excel, Amegakure will benefit greatly," Yuki quickly explained the merits of the situation, listing the rules and the exam set.

"I understand..." Closing the scroll, Konan took a deep breath.

"That's good. I'm glad we could come to an agreement. Now, if it's not too much trouble... could you leave your seal on the scroll? We need your official confirmation."

"Alright..." Sealing and handing over the scroll, Yuki took the opportunity to grab Konan's hand.

"And about what I said a moment ago, we can start by being friends."

"... " Perhaps because Yuki was still a child or due to some other anomaly, Konan smiled and leaned in a bit.

"Interesting offer. Do you mind if I get closer?"

"Of course not! Go ahead..."

Approaching slowly, Konan lowered her body and whispered her response.

"I refuse..."



Simultaneously, Konan disintegrated into dozens of paper bombs that lit up, exploding instantly, leaving no chance to react.



"You little brat..."

Floating in the distance, a pair of white wings made of paper appeared on Konan's back.

Looking at the smoke cloud caused by her paper clone, she squinted her eyes.

Since welcoming Yuki, she had used a clone, expecting an opportunity to attack.

Who would have imagined that the boy would be so careless and bold as to try to court her? This was his mistake, providing Konan the perfect opportunity to strike.

With dozens of paper bombs exploding point-blank, it would be impossible to escape unscathed.

"Well, well, it's fine if you want to reject me, Miss, but there was no need to go to such extremes."

After the smoke dispersed, Yuki appeared unharmed, with several pink crystals covering his body like armor.

The Apocalypse Virus sensed danger and activated automatically to protect its host.

Looking towards Konan, Yuki smiled, and the crystals began to disappear.

[You were right; this woman has ill intentions.]

"Not just her, but her whole village. I guess I won the bet..."

[Tch! Yuki, you scoundrel, it's only natural for her to strike you if you constantly harass her, pervert.]

From the beginning, both Eggy and Yuki had made a bet: Konan would try to kill him at the first opportunity. For this, Yuki acted boldly, showing his vulnerabilities and giving her the chance to attack.

However, Konan was smarter than she seemed, not falling for Yuki's little act, waiting until her paper clone was closest.

So Yuki won the bet...

[You got lucky this time! This Queen admits defeat! But you won't fool me again.]

"Alright, I'll be waiting for my prize when I return..."

Thinking about his reward, Yuki's mind began to wander, and he licked his lips.

"Miss, attacking an emissary of a village is a serious crime that can lead to war."

"Your mere presence is an act of war, your Excellency."

Responding calmly, several paper shurikens formed around her.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Miss, but if you insist on continuing this, I have no choice but to defend myself."


Without leaving room for more debate, Konan's shurikens flew towards Yuki, who, in response, joined both hands, and the smile on his face widened.

"Well, let me see how powerful the world spiritists are."


Suddenly, a purple barrier appeared in front of Yuki, successfully blocking all the shurikens.


Squinting her eyes, Konan flew higher, and hundreds more shurikens formed and struck the barrier.


[You know, even if you're a purple-tier spiritist, that barrier won't withstand more of those attacks.]

"I know. I'm just gathering important data."

With cracks appearing in the barrier, Yuki rotated his hand, condensing his powerful spiritual power, and various weapons began to materialize.


Imitating Konan, Yuki also sent his spiritual weapons, which were larger than shurikens and faster.

Seeing this, Konan didn't defend herself, letting the shurikens pass through.

Paper Ninjutsu

It was a very versatile technique that allowed Konan to ignore all weapon attacks and physical attacks like Taijutsu.

Due to this, she emerged unscathed from Yuki's spiritual formations.

In response to the attack, she moved her fingers, and the paper shurikens changed shape, turning into airplanes that were launched as projectiles.

*Bam, Bam


Watching his barrier break, Yuki jumped, and once again, several spiritual formations appeared, this time forming several snakes about 20 meters long.


Opening their mouths, the snakes showed their fangs and lunged at Konan. However, like before, the snakes passed through Konan, who dispersed into hundreds of papers.


Some of them were burning and exploded, destroying the snakes.

Undeterred, Yuki summoned several giant hands that materialized and struck down forcefully.


But none of it changed, as the papers dispersed more frequently, and airplanes were shot from various directions, causing a bubble to form around Yuki, protecting him from the projectiles.

[I told you, you won't win if you only use your spiritual power.]

"A purple-tier spiritist is very weak."

[No, it's not weak. It's just that this woman is too strong. Also, don't complain. If it weren't for you being a novice and not controlling your spiritual power, you would easily be a Gold-tier or Royal-tier.]

"Whatever you say, Milady Queen."

[Ah! Don't mock me, you idiot Yuki!]

Continuing this small talk, Yuki kept dodging and materializing various inanimate objects with his spiritual power, hitting Konan with force, who remained unharmed.

They had reached a stalemate; neither could inflict significant damage on the other.

[I'm tired of this, Yuki. Let this Queen out.]

"Do you also want to dance?"

[Hmp! I just hate that you think I'm too weak. Let me teach that woman a lesson.]

"If that's what you want, I'll do it."

Shrugging, Yuki rotated his hand, and the door to his spiritual world condensed. At the same time, black gas began to emanate from the door.

"Hm? What are you doing?"

Noticing the anomaly, Konan materialized and took her distance. Her instincts warned her of the danger of that black gas, so she squinted her eyes, and various projectiles formed around her as a defense.

"Nothing special. I'm just letting my Queen have a bit of action, right, Eggy?"

Smiling cruelly under his mask, a demonic aura appeared around Yuki and the door. Simultaneously, a delicate hand took his, and a small, elegant figure emerged from the black gas.

"That's right. I just want a breath of fresh air. This Queen is so tired of waiting inside that I'm bored to death."

Alongside the black gas, Eggy made her entrance, walking with elegance and a charming smile on her face.

She looked directly at Konan and sighed with coldness.

"You should be honored that this Queen personally appears to deal with you. It must be the luck of your past lives."


Konan didn't respond; she just furrowed her brow, and the projectiles around her were quickly launched.

This woman in front of her is very peculiar. She wore a dress made of feathers and was barefoot, undoubtedly beautiful, suggesting a noble lineage. But this didn't matter to Konan; she never thought that the Devourer would come accompanied.

This ninja who had made a name for himself in his brief appearance didn't think he would need help, given his strength.

But feeling the demonic aura of this woman, Konan didn't underestimate her and attacked instantly.

"Hmp! Small tricks won't work on me."

Raising her hand, the black gas rose, forming a barrier that, unlike the spiritual barrier, directly consumed the paper airplanes.


Continuing her attack, a massive demonic claw made of black gas formed and struck Konan.


TN: This junior is so arrogant