Chapter 371: The Secret....

"So it's you; I didn't recognize you with your mask,"Jiraiya sighed in relief, scratching his head. He was relieved yet frustrated. He had gone through great difficulty to discover that Tsunade was bathing here today, and being a man of respect, he wanted to catch a glimpse of those ample mountains. Unfortunately, Tsunade's godson was watching, making it impossible.

Little did Jiraiya know that Yuki was the source of this information.

"Kid, I heard from Tsunade that you brought a girl home... How did you do it? Tell me the secret. How on earth are you still alive?"

As if recalling something, a blush formed on his face while his smile deepened, looking directly at the kid in front of him.

Jiraiya had been enduring Tsunade's complaints and didn't know whether to admire Yuki or strangle him.

This Brat accomplished what no one in Konoha had ever done, to take a woman home with the one who is supposed to be his 'Fiancée' and survive.

Especially with a woman like Tsunade who is a legendary Sannin.

Jiraiya was curious and wanted to write this secret in his novel, hoping more men could survive this ordeal.

"What can I say? I'm too handsome; Sister Tsunade can't live without me."

Yuki placed both hands behind his head, looking into the distance, as if his beauty was a great sin for women.

Jiraiya really wanted to strangle him right now and cry blood while doing it. This kid could go and touch Tsunade's huge breasts without suffering. Now he was even bolder and had another pair of breasts to touch.

Jiraiya really wanted to strangle him and eliminate this great enemy to women.


Even Eggy wondered how thick Yuki's skin was.

"Kid, every time I talk to you, I feel like I'm losing something important."

"Hum, enough of this, Jiraiya-san, I have something important to discuss with you."

"Hm? Something important? If you tell me your little girlfriend is pregnant, I'll tell you now... I won't be the godfather! I barely have money to survive."

"Aren't you one of the legendary Sannin? And you don't have money?"

Looking at him disdainfully, Yuki wasn't going to take his crap, especially with his skills and status, not to mention his hobby as an adult novel author—Jiraiya literally had a lot of money.

"Well, I have many girls to visit; money is necessary."

"Surely you've been scammed many times, Jiraiya-san."

Jiraiya scratched his head, also avoiding eye contact.

"Anyway, I don't want to talk about that. What I want to talk about concerns both you and me."

"What? Is Tsunade pregnant?! Depraved kid! I won't forgive you for this!"

"What does our child have to do with you, Jiraiya-san? You're overestimating yourself..."

"So, she is pregnant! Arghhh! Little demon!"

Continuing their nonsense conversation, both ended up exhausted, looking at each other and breathing heavily.

Taking a deep breath, Yuki brought a hand to his mask.

"I'll say it once; I want to talk about Naruto Uzumaki, the Fourth Hokage's son."

After hearing this, all fatigue vanished from Jiraiya's body, and his aura completely changed.


"Did you hear? We'll have rookies in the Chunin exams."

"Now, that's news; nothing like this has happened in 5 years."

In a training field, three Genin gathered and honed their skills.

There were many test dummies all around, like hedgehogs filled with kunai.

This Genin team was one Yuki was very familiar with—after all, Neji and Rock Lee were in it.

"Surely, they're just Jonin trying to boost their team's value, nothing special," Tenten disapproved while twirling a kunai in her hand.

"I wouldn't be so sure. I heard Kakashi's team will be participating this year."

As an eternal rival to their master, Kakashi was a name they all knew well, and being a strong Jonin, his students were impressive too.

Especially for Rock Lee and Neji, who smiled at the thought.

"Do you know what this means, Neji?"

"Of course, this year, Yuki's younger brother will be participating. It's going to be interesting."

"Exactly! How strong is Yuki's little brother? Is he as strong as him? Are Uchihas really that powerful? Ahhh, I can't wait to face him!"

With fire in his eyes, Rock Lee clenched his fists. After all, Yuki was an unprecedented rival and a comrade on the ninja path.

"I don't think so. Yuki is a Jonin; you can't compare them."

The same went for Neji; Yuki was his childhood friend but, unlike Rock Lee, Yuki was someone who helped him with his family issues and someone he admired.

At the same time, he was excited; he had heard about Sasuke, and although he couldn't compare to Yuki, he could still face him to test his skill level.

"These fools..."

Tenten, on the other hand, placed a hand on her hip and smiled bitterly. The boys on her team had too much energy, and both admired the same guy.

(Although he's cute...)

And, of course, Tenten's attention was elsewhere, having met Yuki; she had flirted once or twice, but unfortunately, the times she saw him were scarce.


The day of the exam had arrived, and as expected, Team 7 made their way through registration.


Suddenly, they saw two guys beating up Genin, smiling and mocking their victims.

Meanwhile, the victim only defended himself and didn't attack; this guy was Rock Lee.

Who had been pretending; Neji crossed his arms while Tenten placed both hands on her hips.

They had agreed to pretend to be weak to keep a low profile, but this was getting out of control.

At that moment, Sasuke intervened, declaring to dispel the Genjutsu these two responsible individuals had cast. One of the responsible ones attacked, but Sasuke didn't stay behind and attacked as well. However, his kicks were caught by Rock Lee's hands.

"Team Kakashi and Team Guy..."

The registration officials didn't intervene further; stopping the weaker idiots was their job, but with the Genjutsu dispelled, their job was done.

And although they had been kicking Genin's butts, they knew these two teams were different, especially Team Guy, whose level was beyond that of a Genin.

"This year will be interesting."

"It will be for us, but not for them."

Laughing at each other, the two officials disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Seeing these two vanish, both Sasuke and Naruto walked toward their destination.

"Halt, you two. You must be Sasuke Uchiha, right?"

After stopping Sasuke's kick, Rock Lee immediately knew he was facing Yuki's younger brother; his hair and the unique Uchiha family emblem gave him away.

"Do you know me?"

With his hands in his pockets,Sasuke furrowed his brow; he didn't recognize this guy with bushy eyebrows.

"So, it is true. Yuki has talked a lot about you."

Smiling, Rock Lee raised his thumb.

"You must be strong. What do you think about a training match here and now?"

Sasuke didn't respond immediately; he was more surprised that this guy knew Yuki. Even Naruto widened his eyes in surprise.


"My name is Rock Lee, the handsome one from the Leaf Village and eternal rival of Yuki."

"Enough, Lee."

Unable to take it anymore, Neji approached, shook his head, smile appearing on his face.

"Sasuke, right? Please ignore him. I'm Neji Hyuga, Yuki has spoken a lot about you."

Looking at the extended hand, Sasuke didn't know what to say; his older brother's influence was significant to know even Neji, a member of a prominent Konoha clan.

(It's nice, as expected from a member of the Uchiha clan.)

Tenten, on the other hand, smiled, narrowing her eyes at Sasuke. She knew Yuki and compared them; the Uchiha clan had good genes.

(This fox!)

Of course, Tenten's gaze didn't escape Sakura's eyes, who clenched her fist, and veins popped on her forehead.

(TN: shut up trash no one cares about you)

"Arghhh! What about me? Did Yuki-nii also talk about me?"

Pointing to himself, Naruto was frustrated; they had been ignoring him for some time.

"Of course, Yuki has also talked a lot about you, like the big airhead."

Neji's words were like a knife piercing Naruto, causing his shoulders to slump, and his eyes turned blank.

"Well, we won't bother you anymore. See you in the exams."

After a bit more conversation, both teams bid farewell; they had achieved their goal of meeting the rookies.

"I'll be waiting for you! I expect a lot from you, Sasuke, Naruto!"


TN: Hmmm