Chapter 393: Seeing them again

Fortunately, everything went as Yuki planned. The invasion stopped the moment Anbu intervened in the fight. Without Gaara and Orochimaru, the Sound and Sand Village became vulnerable, unable to continue the invasion.

Everything turned out well, except for Orochimaru, who had to pay the price for killing Hiruzen. His arms were sealed by the Reaper.

Although it was a tough blow for Konoha, losing the Third Hokage, the elders, and Danzo, they only honored their memory. Yuki didn't attend the funeral, staying in the hospital with Tsubaki, contemplating the clouds with his eyes still bandaged, waiting for Tsunade to remove them.

Fortunately, no one suspected him, and he wasn't criticized for not protecting the village, as he was in the hospital or on a mission visible to the public.

This led the ninjas to realize, 'The Sand and Sound could invade because the Devourer wasn't in Konoha.' This thought quickly spread among all the ninjas and people of Konoha. They requested the Hokage not to send the Devourer far from Konoha so that, in case of another invasion or formidable enemy, he could return in time.

"It's time to see them again," Yuki murmured. It had been a while, and he missed Tsugumi and Ayase. Even though time was frozen in Guilty Crown, it had been a long time since he last saw them, and it was necessary to bring them to his world.

After all, the threat of Danzo had disappeared, and Konoha was safe.


Guilty Crown World

With the Apocalypse virus gone, people around the world were cured, and millions of lives were saved. In Japan, GHQ's central headquarters, invaded by Undertaker, saw the loss of many lives. The headquarters was destroyed, the Apocalypse Tower collapsed, and everything ended.

However, those responsible for this disappeared, along with several GHQ high-ranking officials. Undertaker, including its leader Gai Tsutsugami, faded away with Inori and Yuki.

Having no other choice, Undertaker withdrew, allowing OAU to take control. Despite people worldwide being happy that the nightmare was over, Tsugumi and Ayase were in tears.

"Yukin... Liar..."

Unable to stop their tears, Tsugumi knew it. Since her Void disappeared, Yuki and Inori had left this world. Their sacrifice allowed all humans to continue living, but it didn't matter to Tsugumi. All the promises of being together forever ended up being a lie.

Ayase felt the same; her gaze was lifeless. As a terrorist, she was prepared to see her comrades die and die for the cause. However, the pain of Inori and Yuki's death was greater than she had thought.

They simply couldn't accept that they were gone. Inori was special to the group, and Yuki was a superhuman. The death of both hurt even more than Gai's disappearance.

Undertaker, true to its name, mourned, and it was undoubtedly the end for the group. Without Gai and with the Apocalypse virus destroyed, Undertaker lost all purpose. After a few hours, everyone dispersed, including Arisa and Haruka. Controlled to some extent by Yuki's Genjutsu, they were freed and allowed to return to normalcy.

Despite being controlled, Arisa and Haruka didn't want to leave, but after weighing the pros and cons, they decided to leave. Arisa was the granddaughter of Japan's richest conglomerate, and Haruka was a scientist on GHQ's side; it wasn't good for them to stay.

"I'm sorry..."

With both offering condolences, only the closest and original members of Undertaker remained.

"A hero is a hero; your death has freed the world from evil."

Wiping the tears from his eyes, Argos took a bottle of beer and drank without hesitation.

Yuki died, and no one would know. He was the savior of humanity, but only those who lived with him would remember.

A nameless hero...

"Do they really want me to die, huh? What do you think, Inori?"

"We can't blame them, Yuki. We were about to die."

Suddenly, amid the group's tears of pain, voices were heard.

The voices were so familiar that the group froze for a moment before turning their heads forcefully.

Looking towards the source of the voice, a couple was smiling at them with hands entwined. This couple was Yuki and Inori, who had returned to the world.

Their appearance had changed due to the Apocalypse virus, and Yuki's height and age had changed, almost the same as Tsugumi's.

The group took a few seconds to process all the information; it was too shocking. Yuki and Inori had changed so much in just a few hours.

"Inoreen! Yukin!"

Tsugumi was the first to act, running towards the duo and hugging them tightly.

"Inoreen, Yuki! You're alive! Thank you, thank you... Sob... Sob..."

This time, Tsugumi's tears were tears of happiness, wondering if this was a dream, and if so, she never wanted to wake up.

"I knew it... Yuki, you wouldn't leave me alone."

Not knowing what to do, Yuki and Inori exchanged glances before another person hugged them tightly.

This person was Ayase.

"Thank you... You're alive!"

Before Inori and Yuki could react, they were already engulfed in the group's embrace. They were terrorists, but they were happy that their comrades had survived.

[Hmph, fools]

Mana, on the other hand, crossed her arms and sighed coldly. At the same time, her gaze turned warm as she thought about her family.

They didn't know what Shu and Haruka were doing, but she sincerely hoped they were safe and sound, wishing them the best of lives.


"What?! Are you from another world?"

After they calmed down, Yuki and Inori explained their situation. They were friends, and they had the right to know the truth. Surviving the Apocalypse virus, turning into perfect beings, and especially Yuki not being from this world but summoned by Inori.

So much information left the group stupefied, not knowing how to react.

"I understand now; everything makes sense—your incredible strength, your power."

Argos sighed, looking at his friend again. He knew that with the current technology, there was no way superhumans existed. It made more sense if Yuki belonged to another world, as scientists had been searching for life on other planets for years.

Yuki was, to them, an extraterrestrial...

Yuki smiled and continued the explanation, leaving out many things, like the existence of the Champions, the Overlords. He only spoke about the Gods and the world of the Gods.

"This time, we've come to say goodbye..."

Shaking his head, it would be painful to deal with the humans of this world. They were perfect humans, the beginning of a new race. He didn't fear them, but it would be annoying, and he didn't want to kill those who bothered to save.

"Unfortunately, we can't stay long in this world. Our identities are a problem..."


Perhaps because they never expected these words, the group was paralyzed, staring at the pair in front of them.

"Are you leaving this world?"

"Yes, it's likely we'll never see each other again, and I sincerely hope you live your lives as best as you can."

"Thank you for taking care of us..."

Bowing, Inori expressed her gratitude to the group that had welcomed her for so long. Without them, Inori wouldn't know what would become of her life.

"Tsugumi, Ayase, I've come to fulfill my promise..."

Taking Tsugumi and Ayase's hands, Yuki smiled and continued.

"Do you want to come with me?"

Both girls remained silent for a few seconds. This was so sudden; they exchanged glances before nodding.

"Yes!.." x2


Shinobi World

After making time in her busy schedule, Tsunade crossed her arms and waited with a furrowed brow for Yuki.

The death of the Third Hokage and the Council's elders brought various problems. She needed to find capable individuals to replace these elders. Fortunately, leaders of different clans volunteered to fill the positions.

Despite all these problems, Tsunade found time to visit Yuki and see with her own eyes the women Yuki would bring back.

As Yuki promised to notify her whenever he traveled to other worlds, Yuki, after removing his eye bandage, explained his concern and the need to bring other people to this world.

Initially, Tsunade disagreed and wanted to go with him, but Yuki managed to convince her. This left Tsunade waiting with crossed arms.

Shizune and Tsubaki were by her side, also waiting.

Until a light illuminated the house, and four people materialized...

"I've come back, girls, welcome to your new home..."

With Yuki smiling, Tsugumi, Ayase opened their mouths, while Inori looked around, eventually locking eyes with Tsunade.

"We need to talk..."

These were Tsunade's only words, but she made it clear she was in charge. After all, the girls trembled and hid behind Yuki.

They were facing their powerful mother-in-law, after all...

"Yes, we need to talk..."


TN: They think she's mother in law xDD