Chapter 407: Party Rock

"How dare you lay hands on my friend, Circus Clown!"

Ever since Uiharu received Saten's distress call, Kuroko prepared to teach these harassers a lesson. She initially believed that arrest and a hefty fine would be enough for them to learn a lesson, but her opinion has now changed.

Kuroko swore to forgive all criminals, except for that Clown.

In her eyes, Saten was being pressed against the wall, intimidated using despicable methods, and ready to close the deal; the criminal was her worst enemy.

"This time, you won't escape. I'll make sure to take you where you belong... to prison!"

Kuroko's eyes were covered by shadows, and she placed both hands under her skirt.

"Wait, Shirai-san, it's a misunderstanding; Joker-san is my savior."

"I know, Saten-san. It must have been tough being under the claws of this scum, don't worry; I'll finish it soon..."

As things took a wrong turn, Saten came to the rescue. She didn't want her benefactor to be mistaken for a criminal, but Kuroko turned a deaf ear, and a cruel smile formed on her face. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time; today, she would finally have her revenge.


On the other side of the communicator, Uiharu smiled bitterly, preparing for what was about to happen.


Saten didn't know what to say but exchanged glances between them. Apparently, there was bad blood between them, and tensions were about to explode.

"You... Who are you?"

However, the Clown's next question left Kuroko petrified in shock. The Joker tilted his head, trying his best to remember, but the more he looked at Kuroko, the more confused he became.

"You... You..."

Kuroko's lips trembled, and the aura around her turned as black as coal. Her pigtails floated without the help of the wind, and a smile widened on her lips.

"Oh! I remember now. You're that flat-chested girl from Judgment; I almost forgot... How are you?"


Kuroko couldn't bear it any longer and immediately teleported her darts.


The Clown couldn't even react when he was instantly pinned against the wall.


Or so she thought, as the Clown disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving a dummy in his place.

"You won't escape!"

But Kuroko wouldn't fall for these cheap tricks anymore. This Clown had escaped several times using the same method, but Kuroko wouldn't be bothered again.

Teleporting again, Kuroko went after the Clown, leaving Saten speechless.


Although Saten was supposed to be the victim here, she was ignored by Kuroko, who immediately pursued her benefactor. Without falling behind, Saten quickly followed the duo.


"Come on~ we've been through this plenty of times; you should give up, Kuroko. Come, I have sweets, or do you want a balloon?"

With one hand on his hat, the Clown pulled out various candies and offered them to an angry Kuroko.

"Don't treat me like a child! Also, don't address me so familiarly! Human trash like you shouldn't exist!"

"Here we go again. You know what happened last time I treated you like an adult."

"Shut up! Don't remind me, scum!"

Remembering that last encounter, Kuroko's face reddened, and she began to tremble with fury.


Teleporting her darts again, Kuroko definitely wouldn't let this criminal escape.


But this time, several poker cards emerged from his hat, countering the darts.

"What the hell is up with that hat?!"

Kuroko widened her eyes; the fact that the poker cards were in the same place she teleported the darts was surprising. It meant that the Joker possessed an ability to see through spatial waves.

As the confrontation was going nowhere, Kuroko teleported herself, spun, and delivered a flying kick.


However, it was countered again by the hat. The Clown brought a hand to his mask, leaned, and glanced under her short skirt.

"You're wearing quite daring panties for a flat-chest~"

"Agghhh! Don't you dare defile Kuroko!"

Launching kicks and punches, teleporting at the same time, Kuroko gritted her teeth.

The Clown, on the other hand, dodged and blocked all her attacks with his hat.

"You know, as we are now, it seems like we're dancing..."

The Clown wasn't lying; if looked at from another perspective, their steps of dodging and attacking were like a dance, both synchronized, only missing the music.

"Who's dancing?! Let yourself be buried, scum!"

"You need to relax a bit, and I know just what you need."

The Clown turned a deaf ear to this girl and shook his hat, from which several stuffed monkeys emerged.

Seeing this, Kuroko quickly teleported and kept her distance. Anything strange coming out of that hat was not good. However, she opened her mouth in shock at the next scene.

The stuffed monkeys began to come to life, stood up, and the Clown shook his hat harder, dropping small hats that the monkeys used. That wasn't all; tiny canes also fell.


Suddenly, a cloud of smoke formed, and from it, a mini stage with all kinds of instruments and lights appeared.


Jumping onto the mini stage, the monkeys took their positions, and the music started.

*Bomb, Bomb

Drum sounds echoed, and a microphone appeared in the Clown's hand. He lowered his head, and the music changed.



Let's go

Party rock is in the house tonight

Everybody just have a good time (yeah)

And we gon' make you lose your mind (woo)

Everybody just have a good time (clap)

Party rock is in the house tonight

Everybody just have a good time (I can feel it, baby)"

Suddenly, the melody changed, and the monkeys started dancing. Kuroko didn't know what to say with such an unreal sight...

This Clown had suddenly pulled so many monkeys out of his hat and set up this stage in an instant.


With the shadow spreading, Kuroko's body shivered, and her body began to mimic the monkeys' dance.

Even a hat appeared on her head, along with a cane in her hands.

"Agghhh! Bastard! Scum!"

No matter how much she screamed and tried to stop her body, Kuroko was completely trapped in the shadow imitating the monkeys' movements. She even tried to teleport, but it was useless; her body simply didn't obey, and her ability didn't activate.


And before she knew it, Kuroko had another person by her side dancing.

This was Saten, who had caught up with them. However, unlike Kuroko, who was cursing the ancestors and everything related to the Clown, Saten was smiling and happily let her body move to the music.

And like Kuroko, she also wore a hat and a cane.


"Hehehe, this is fun! Just like the rumors say, you can't stop dancing until the music stops!"

[In the club, party rock

Looking for your girl? She on my jock, huh

Non-stop when we in the spot

Booty moving weight like she on the block]

The lights illuminated the alley, and quickly, this high-volume music attracted the attention of people around. Like Kuroko and Saten, when people entered the shadow, they quickly lost control of their bodies and started dancing. Hats fell, canes twirled.

The narrow alley filled with people dancing, and suddenly, the song stopped abruptly, and everyone froze.

[Get up, get down, put your hands up to the sound

Get up, get down, put your hands up to the sound

Get up, get down, put your hands up to the sound (woo)]

A monkey dressed extravagantly appeared, with plenty of face paint. He took the microphone and began to sing.

The shadow expanded even more, bringing more chaos to the surrounding area. Before anyone noticed, hundreds of people were already dancing. The music kept playing, and Uiharu, watching security cameras, opened her mouth in shock.

This was turning into a party. The lights illuminated everything around, people on the streets stopped and started dancing. Even those in their cars stopped, a hat appeared on their heads, and with a cane in their hands, they got out of the car, joining the party.

It was getting out of control; at this rate, the chaos would be unimaginable. While a simple dance might seem harmless, as time passed and more people were affected, the concentrated area would have too many people, causing a breakdown. Not only that, even the robots in the area started malfunctioning, and traffic lights were flashing to the beat of the music; it was becoming a larger disturbance.

"This is not good..."


TN: Sorry for late updates I would have probably finished this volume by this week and started date a live volume from tomorrow but didn't went as planned due to some reason.. well enjoy the chapters for now~