Chapter 423: Enjoying the View?

"Infecting you was a mistake, and even if I let you go, you'll die if the virus spreads further in your body. Are you still willing to leave?"

Releasing her hands and ceasing to press against her body, Yuki snapped his fingers, crystallizing one of Kuhinata's fingers.


Feeling the sudden pain, Kuhinata looked at her finger, eyes widening. This was it; her fate was sealed. She had read about how terrifying this virus was.

Everyone infected died without exception. She glanced at her teammates, Takitsubo's arm covered in crystals, Frenda's legs affected, even Mugino had crystals on her face.

ITEM was finished. It was just a matter of time before they all perished. It was a mistake to try to kidnap Octavo.

Seeing that Kuhinata made no attempt to escape, Yuki raised a finger, pointing at himself.

"I am the cure for this virus. If you're willing to offer something in exchange for your life, I can save you."

"I... I..."

Not knowing what to say, Kuhinata lifted her gaze. At this moment, Yuki resembled a demon. After all, Kuhinata was sure that what she possessed wasn't what attracted Yuki.

Money? The bank accounts of Level 5s have plenty of zeros.

Information? It's possible, but Kuhinata instinctively rejected this, sensing it wasn't what this demon desired.

So, was it her body?

"What do you want from me, exactly?"

Dropping her shoulders, Kuhinata surrendered. It was all lost. The weak would be eliminated or turned into test subjects. That's how the dark side of Academy City operated.

With a glint in his eyes, Yuki seized the opportunity, smiling sweetly. He took Takitsubo and Mugino in his arms, starting to walk.

"There's a nice hotel nearby. If you want to live, bring Miss Frenda with you and follow me."

Lowering her head, Kuhinata knew what Yuki wanted. She trembled slightly and clenched her fists.

But after a few seconds, she resigned. There was nothing she could do.

She wanted to live, and this Apocalypse Virus caused horrible pain. Just hearing Frenda and Takitsubo's painful screams was enough.


(At least my first time will be with a handsome super guy...)

Dropping her shoulders in defeat, Kuhinata found solace in this thought. She walked towards the unconscious Frenda, carried her on her back, and followed Yuki, sinking into the darkness of the night.


"Mhn! Anh!"

In the darkness of a certain hotel night in Academy City, several moans from a girl could be heard.

Clothes were scattered on the floor, and on the bed, two bodies tangled in sheets, engaged in a forbidden act.

"No... please don't, super... Mh!"

After reaching the hotel and renting a room, Yuki wasted no time. He tied up the unconscious Frenda, Takitsubo, and Mugino. While tearing apart what was left of Kuhinata's nano-machine suit, he made sure to explore every inch of her body, bringing pleasure and lust to the girl beneath him.

Yuki had given Kuhinata the option to back off, but she didn't. Retreating now meant death. So, she let Yuki push her body onto the bed, placing her in a missionary position, enjoying it.

Kuhinata did her best not to moan and tightly closed her eyes. Her small, underdeveloped breasts were being sucked, and intense pleasure coursed through her body.

"Mhn! Ahh!"

Unfortunately, she couldn't keep her mouth shut. An invader suddenly found its way between her legs, causing her to moan in pain and pleasure.


Simultaneously, as the invader entered, her lower region also experienced a leak. Her back arched, hands gripping the sheets tightly. Overstimulating her sensitive nerves made her climax with just penetration.

However, Yuki wasn't going to stop there. He smiled and began thrusting harder and faster.

"Mhn! Ahh! Ahn!"

Kuhinata's immature body got lost in pleasure, while Yuki enjoyed her reactions. With each thrust, he could see sweat accumulating on her forehead, consumed by pleasure.

Unfortunately, her breasts hadn't grown yet, so there was no bouncing motion, but that didn't stop Yuki from lowering his head and forcefully sucking on her underdeveloped mounds.

"No! Ahn! Super, stop! Please! Anhh!"

Suddenly, Kuhinata's body began to tremble, and that strange indescribable sensation returned. Her eyes opened in fear.

Yuki, on the other hand, released her breasts and gave her a passionate kiss before pushing harder and faster.

"You must endure, Miss Saia. Remember, my fluids are the cure..."

Looking at each other, Kuhinata's hands clutched Yuki's back. It was unclear if she heard Yuki's words or not as he continued his movements.

"Ahh! Ahhhh~"

After a few seconds, Kuhinata opened her mouth, desperately clinging to her partner. She could feel it—a strange, warm liquid filling her insides. It felt so good that she couldn't help but bite his shoulder and twist her body in joy.

"Well done~"

After a few seconds, Yuki gave her one last kiss before pulling away. A strange liquid came out of her lower region as Kuhinata's eyes slowly closed. The intense exercise had exhausted her, combined with waves of pleasure—it was all too intense.

Seeing this, Yuki assisted. Naked Kuhinata on the bed was sexy, not to mention that his seed was coming out of her. For some reason, this boosted his ego, and his smile widened as he turned his head to a lady who had awakened prematurely.

"So, did you enjoy the view, Miss Shizuri?"


Mugino felt the world spinning, her head ached, and she felt uncomfortable.


Her eyelids trembled but refused to open. Her mind was confused, and she couldn't remember.

"Mhn! Ahh! Ahn!"

Suddenly, strange moans reached her ears—the sound of something hitting, irregular breathing, and spring squeaks.

Mugino turned her head from side to side, trying to stop the noise. Unfortunately, the moans grew louder, making it impossible for the weak Mugino to keep her eyes closed.

However, as her sleep faded and her vision cleared, Mugino remembered everything. She was knocked out by Octavo's blow.


As her brain recovered, she felt a terrible pain in her face. Mugino didn't know why, but it hurt. Fortunately, the effects of the Apocalypse Virus stopped; only a part of her cheek crystallized, and the pain wasn't as extreme as Frenda and Takitsubo.

Mugino tried to touch her face, but she couldn't. Her hands were tied behind her back. This made Mugino quickly analyze the situation. If she wasn't mistaken, she was a prisoner, but at the same time, it was confusing. The place she was in didn't resemble a prison or a torture chamber—it was too elegant for that.

"No! Ahn! Super, stop! Please! Anhh!"

"!? What...?"

Suddenly, Mugino heard a familiar voice. She raised her head, and the source of the moans became apparent. Shockingly, Kuhinata was having sex in front of her, and worse, it was with the man who defeated them.

Something was off. Mugino began to suspect that she might still be dreaming. After all, Kuhinata seemed quite happy, as if this wasn't forced. She clung to her partner's back and even opened her legs wider, as if wanting Yuki's weapon to penetrate even deeper.

Mugino stayed silent. The atmosphere and the situation made her a bit nervous, and the couple finishing their obscene act didn't help.


TN: Uwahhh SORRY for slow updates I really got no time cuz of college and shit again and I am saying this despite being a no grass toucher!! Yess I am busy smhw the world is gonna end soon

Btw the author really got a thing for underdeveloped breasts and lolis i swear


