Chapter 442: Wise Man

"Kya~ kya~ Hokaze-san managed to catch him!"

"No! Impossible!! Joker-sama belongs to all of us!!"


With all the girls screaming for different reasons, this street quickly filled with people. Many girls took out their phones to take a picture; after all, this was hot gossip.

So, quickly, the photos of Junko kissing Joker were seen by all of Tokiwadai...

And this, of course, included Misaki's followers, who, upon seeing the photo, turned pale.

[News! Look at Hokaze Junko-san's boyfriend!]

Quickly, social media exploded with conversations among the Ojou-samas; even others decided to leave their rooms and see for themselves.

This gossip was even hotter than Mikoto's; never underestimate the popularity of the Joker and Tokiwadai's intelligence network, which was full of Ojou-samas who loved gossip.

With so many Ojou-samas hurrying, the girl from Misaki's faction didn't hesitate any longer and also hurried to inform Misaki.

For others, Joker was a clown, an artist, a criminal, etc.

But only they, the Queen's faction, knew how important Joker is to Misaki...


After hearing her subordinate's words, Misaki didn't hesitate and took out her phone, and as she did, her starry eyes lost their shine, and the smile on her face widened.



Her subordinate beside her trembled in fear at this, as she could tell for sure that Misaki was very angry; Misaki's smile was sinister, and she was looking for blood.

(Guh, I hope there won't be bloodshed...)

And just as she hoped, Misaki put away her phone, took out a controller from her bag, and pressed a button.

"Well~... Since you like to play, please let me join~✨"




After separating, Junko refused to let him go and buried her face in his chest out of embarrassment. It was really embarrassing, especially when she heard the sound of the girls.

There were many girls who saw their bold act of love, so she didn't want to see anyone now, especially with her flushed face.


Yuki, on the other hand, smiled and caressed her curly hair; he wasn't embarrassed and looked at the girls around him. With so many people looking at him, it would surely be impossible for Misaki not to find out.

"Joou... Joou... What have I done?"

With her body trembling, Junko quickly thought about what would happen when Misaki finds out; she would surely receive a punishment, and it wouldn't be a light one.

"It's okay; don't worry. I'm sure she won't make things difficult for you..."

Consoling her with a sweet lie, Yuki's purpose was to teach this troublesome woman a lesson, and now that he had succeeded, he could only pray for poor Junko's soul.

She was simply in the right place at the right time; she could only blame her bad luck...

Or maybe good luck? Nobody knew...

(Well, it's time to go)

With his criminal acts carried out, Yuki no longer had any reason to stay; it would be suicide to do so...

"Junko, could you let go of me? Hm? Junko?"

However, just as he was about to escape, Junko didn't let go of him; she held onto him quite tightly, causing his bones to creak, after all, Junko's ability was level 4, and her superhuman strength was nothing to scoff at.

Yuki blinked, then looked around where the girls had stopped screaming and were now staring at him...

(Shit! This was too fast!)

Yuki didn't have to be a genius to know what was going on; Misaki had used 'Exterior' to amplify her powers and control all these girls at this distance...

(Not good!)

Yuki wanted to run, but Junko's arms didn't budge an inch...

"Fufufu, I have you~✨ Don't even think about running from me"

As Junko lifted her head and smiled mischievously, her eyes had a small star pattern, and Yuki shivered when he saw it; after all, Misaki was using Junko as a means to communicate with him.

At the same time Junko said these words, the girls around him also began to step closer, step by step.

"But first, I have to punish this clown who dared to play with my subordinate's pure heart~✨"

The knuckles cracked, fire, water, electricity, and all kinds of abilities began to appear among the girls; there was no doubt that they were ready to strike him.

Tokiwadai, being one of the prestigious schools in Academy City, only admitted girls with high-level abilities, such as levels 3, 4, and 5.

The abilities of these girls were definitely not weak.


"This... Misaki-chan~... Can we talk? There's no need to go to such extremes."

Swallowing hard, cold sweat ran down Yuki's back; seeing this mini army of girls ready to strike him was truly terrifying.

It's not that he was afraid of these girls; after all, even if they all joined forces, they wouldn't be able to hurt him. At most, they would cause him minor annoyances. The problem was that he didn't want to hurt them; they were just girls who liked gossip, innocent ones caught in Misaki's web.

"No~ that's not good. When a child does something wrong, they must be punished~✨"

Yuki wanted to argue that he wasn't a child, but he knew it would fall on deaf ears.

(No matter, I did my best)

Sighing, Yuki decided it was best to retreat. Even though Junko was holding him, this didn't matter; he could simply enter the shadows with Junko and free her from Misaki's control. Later, he would punish this troublesome woman again.

Unfortunately, not everything went as planned; Misaki was already on alert. When she felt Junko being swallowed into the shadows, her smile became even sweeter.

"Don't you dare run away; otherwise, what will our Electric Princess think of this? And also Miss Yami... Hehehe or am I mistaken? 'Apocalypse-san' or perhaps you prefer me to call you little Yuki~✨"


Yuki's eyes widened in shock; he had been quite careful to avoid his identity from being known. Even when he returned to his original form, he made sure to create decoys, using time clones and changing forms using Transformation Jutsu. That Misaki said his name without hesitation surprised him quite a bit.

However, this was natural; others might find it impossible to identify him, but not Misaki.

From the moment she saw him, she would know for sure if it was Yuki. The light of order gave him away, and Misaki was quite familiar with this light, so it wasn't difficult for her to identify him.

It could be said that in all of Academy City, Misaki was the only one who could do this, even among his girlfriends, without using the couple's mark; perhaps only Kurumi and Inori could identify him, which depressed Yuki quite a bit.

If before Misaki was a headache without knowing his identity, now that she knows it, a migraine is asking for glory. Surely she will tell Yami and Mikoto, and Misaki won't leave her house; of that, Yuki was sure. And with how much Yami dislikes Misaki, her house was about to become a war zone.

(I knew it was a bad idea to get close to Tokiwadai!)

Sighing in sadness, Yuki now regretted a bit the date with Mikoto, as it was the only opportunity Misaki had to identify him. He had been so careful, but he had been careless that day. If only he had chosen a different place for the meeting, none of this would have happened...

(No matter, this will pass sooner or later)

But as nothing lasts forever, Yuki knew that this day would come, so he could only face this shithead-on.

"Alright, you win; I won't run away..."

"A wise man knows when to step back~✨"

Dropping his shoulders in defeat, Junko's smile widened, and the arms around him loosened, and she grabbed his hand intimately.

"And I like wise men~✨"

And just as Yuki thought, Junko started dragging him, and the Ojou-samas stopped, and their abilities disappeared. It seemed that this show only served to intimidate him and force him to give in...

And when their figures couldn't be seen, Misaki's ability came to an end.


"Eh? What's happening?"

"Why am I here?"

A sound was heard, and the Ojou-samas were released; they looked around confused, not knowing why they were in that place. After all, Misaki not only controlled them but also took the opportunity to erase their memories of what had happened.

Which, of course, was a futile effort, as the gossip was all over social media; but this was good enough to buy some time.
