Chapter 445 - Chapter 445: Ability that Nullifies Other Abilities

"Stay away from Tokiwadai..."

Hours later, Yuki was with Mikoto and the girls, having escaped Misaki's clutches. Upon returning home, summer vacation began, and Yuki thought it would be a good opportunity to spend time at home with Yami. However, he never expected his Electric Princess to send him a message...

[I'll see you at the same restaurant as yesterday in an hour, and bring Yami-san with you]

This was the message Mikoto sent him. He thought it might be an invitation for a date like yesterday, but it wasn't when Yami also had to go.

With no other choice, Yuki shrugged and left home with Yami.

Upon arrival, Yuki quickly found the group of girls, whom Mikoto unexpectedly brought with her. These girls were Saten, Uiharu, and of course, the one who couldn't be missing, the black life form, Kuroko...

(TN: Ayo what 💀)


Kuroko watched him suspiciously when he entered the restaurant with Yami, hoping to find a flaw in him. After all, Yami was very beautiful, almost at the level of a doll, so it wouldn't be strange if Yuki somehow cheated on Mikoto. Unfortunately for her, Mikoto also invited Yami, not to mention that Yami was practically Yuki's shadow. Even before meeting Yuki, Yami was already with him, and rumors about them always being together were known throughout Academy City. However, even so, Kuroko sat next to Mikoto, thus avoiding these two from having close contact.

"Hello~ it's nice to see you all again~"


Greeting enthusiastically, the girls returned Yuki's greeting, especially Saten. After all, yesterday Yuki was very chivalrous with her, accompanying her home after curfew, something Saten hadn't told Mikoto to avoid misunderstandings with her boyfriend.

"Stay away from Tokiwadai..."

After sitting down, the first thing Mikoto said to him were these words. She had had an argument with Misaki this morning and knew that this woman had her eye on Yuki.

Mikoto adamantly refused to let Misaki meet him, so she warned him severely.

"Even if you didn't tell me, I also don't want to go near that place..."

Taking his iced tea, Yuki responded calmly. Yami stayed silent but looked at him for a few seconds; she could guess why Yuki didn't want to get close, after all, she also didn't want to get close to that devilish place...

"By the way... I heard they caught the one responsible for the Graviton explosions."

This incident had been happening lately, so Yuki changed the subject. He was also surprised to hear that they had caught the culprit.

"Yes! Thanks to Misaka-san, we were able to do it."

Uiharu's eyes lit up as she said these words. If it hadn't been for Mikoto saving her from the explosion, she might not be here right now and might be in the hospital instead.

"Hmph! That's to be expected. Onee-sama is amazing. Although I would like to remind you, Onee-sama, that you are a civilian and it's not good to always be meddling. This is Judgment's job."

Although Kuroko praised her, she also warned her. Unlike her, Mikoto was still a common student, so she had to follow the rules and avoid getting into trouble. That's what Judgment and Anti-Skill were for.


Of course, Mikoto didn't care. After all, when it came to trouble, Mikoto had serious problems with the sisters, so messing with one or two delinquents was nothing.

Also, she wasn't the one who saved Uiharu; it was that spiky-haired boy.

"Alright, I understand."

Dropping her shoulders, Mikoto didn't want to contradict Kuroko, who was libertinage incarnate. When she discovered the slightest opening, she embraced Mikoto and made sure to smell her and give Yuki an accusing look.

(Mikoto belongs to Kuroko!)

This is what her gaze said, to which Yuki smiled in response.


And as always, Kuroko's act ended with her receiving Mikoto's love whip.

"Hey guys! There's another rumor..."

With everyone getting in a good mood, Saten smiled and told the new urban legends. Yuki was quite curious about how this girl knew so much about these urban legends that by chance always turned out to be true.

"Again with that, Saten-san..."

Sighing, Kuroko, who had recovered from the electric shock, couldn't help but look suspiciously at her. Urban legends were unscientific and almost never accurate.

"This time it's about the 'Naked Woman'"

Smiling mysteriously, Saten went on to tell the story behind this urban legend. It seems there's a woman who suddenly undresses, regardless of the place or whether there are other people around, especially if it's a hot day...

"Hmm, interesting..."

Blinking, Yuki was curious about such a legend. He also didn't forget to look this up in Rasiel, as he found it quite amusing...

"What? What's going on?"

Unfortunately for the girls, this didn't seem to be the case, as since he voiced his thoughts aloud, the girls looked at him suspiciously. After all, Yuki was still a man, and his interest in this 'Naked Woman' only meant he was a pervert.


Kuroko even pointed at him, Yami looked at him twice before continuing with her measurement, while the smile on Saten's face stiffened, as she didn't expect Yuki to be interested, although she had to admit she was interested and seriously thought about inviting Yuki to look for this mysterious woman, while Uiharu simply lowered her head.

"Uchiha-san... You're not thinking..."

"It's just curiosity, don't take it seriously, Mikoto."

Raising his hands in surrender, Yuki couldn't handle the penetrating gazes of the group of girls, especially Mikoto's, who literally glared at him, very similar to a wife when she suspects her husband is cheating, well, this is to be expected, after all, Mikoto already knows this guy's habit.

"What about these legends then?"

Fortunately for Yuki, Uiharu saved his skin, pulling out a laptop from her backpack, where a website dedicated to urban legends was displayed.

"There are really websites like this..."

With the whole group looking at the laptop screen, Yuki blinked in surprise, as the urban legends written on that website were true.

They didn't know who created this website, but they really did a good job of compiling these true urban legends.

"You can't trust these legends..."

"Certainly, they are very unreliable scientifically."

"Yes, yes, we're in Academy City, you know?"

"Come on, you have to have a bit of adventurous spirit, remember that Yuki-san was also a rumor..."

With Mikoto, Kuroko, and Uiharu shaking their heads, only Saten thought it was exciting and also believed these rumors were true. Yuki was living proof that this blog told the truth.However, unfortunately, the girls didn't agree.

"It's different; it's clear they're just rumors. Look at this one..."

Pointing to a particular blog, Kuroko raised her hands in disapproval.

"'The ability that nullifies other abilities.' If there were such a convenient ability, that person would be very famous, you know?"

Shrugging in disdain, Kuroko, as a member of Judgment, had access to the students' database for research purposes, such as the Graviton bomb incident.


Mikoto, on the other hand, remembered a certain spiky-haired boy. His ability was very similar to that of the legend, and she wondered if it was true. Fortunately for Mikoto, Yuki spoke up.

"The ability that nullifies other abilities is real; it's called 'Imagine Breaker.'"

With Rasiel in his possession, Yuki knew perfectly well about the powers to be wary of in this city, and the bearer of Imagine Breaker was one of them.

Not because of the ability to nullify other abilities, as this was useless for Yuki, who possessed the power of Order. On the contrary, it was because of what he hid in that right hand. Before rewinding everyone's time, the Demon King faced Imagine Breaker, which resulted in that spiky-haired boy hiding 8 dragons and something else in that right hand.

Fortunately, the Dragons weren't as powerful since the Demon King only needed one bullet to destroy them. However, that's for the Demon King. For Yuki, he knew he had to be careful.


TN: ok