Chapter 457: Prelude to Chaos

Academy City, School District, Tokiwadai Dormitory

Today was a good day, the sun began to rise, piercing through the clouds, and its light brought warmth to this cold morning.

The girls, regardless of age, began to emerge from their sheets to start a new day. It was summer vacation, a perfect time for these young girls to enjoy themselves. No matter how much they had exerted themselves the day before, today was a new day. Even if it was a holiday, they didn't have the luxury of hiding in bed and enjoying the sweet embrace we call a warm bed and blanket. Maybe it's an exclusive rule of Tokiwadai, or maybe it's because the girls were accustomed to enjoying their youth to the fullest.

But among the Ojou-samas, there were always exceptions, and there were those who exerted themselves more.

In a particular room, a girl with long golden hair stared at a mirror in front of her. Her hair was significantly arranged, and this girl was Esper no. 5, Misaki Shokuhou, Mental Out.

At the moment, she was applying makeup, while Junko helped her.

If you're wondering what was happening, well, it was obvious. Misaki had been waiting for this day for years. This was her date, the day she would unmask her favorite clown.

Because of this, Misaki had gotten up very early today, taken a bath, and styled her hair. Junko had helped her look even more beautiful. Misaki wanted to leave that clown speechless. She would attract him to make him forget about that annoying girl who shoots lightning, demonstrating her dominance as a Queen.

(Fufufu... I can't wait~..)

Looking in the mirror while applying lipstick, her starry eyes gleamed, and a pair of earrings with a star pattern adorned her ears.

These earrings were a gift from Yuki the day before when he was locked in her room.

Since Misaki was jealous of Mikoto, Yuki had no choice but to give her a pair of earrings to silence this starry-eyed girl. After all, he lost her necklace a year ago...

Once again, Misaki saw the light of the crown in those earrings. The feeling of being enveloped in this light filled her with satisfaction and happiness. However, she knew she couldn't let her guard down, as there were other girls who had set their sights on her 'Prey.'

"Joou, you look beautiful..."

Clasping her hands together, Junko's cheeks blushed. Misaki always looked beautiful, but today her beauty had left her stunned. Also, Misaki's genuine smile of happiness was something to admire...

"Of course, if I want to finally catch that man, this is the least I have to do~✨"

Flaunting her wonderful breasts, Misaki's smile widened. Today, she definitely had to bring a boyfriend home, and at the same time, keep him away from Mikoto.

This was the main task Misaki had for today...

(But it's a pity...)

However, after looking at her school uniform, Misaki sighed.

It was a rule of Tokiwadai that they had to wear the school uniform at all times. Otherwise, Misaki would like to wear a dress, and although she could ignore this rule because she could erase memories, she didn't, as this date should seem natural.

Yuki was very clear; they shouldn't attract too much attention. After all, they were talking about the shadow behind Academy City. Wearing a nice dress for a date in a City where 80% of the people are students is too much.

"Well, it's time to go. Remember, not a word of this to anyone~✨"

"As you command, Joou."

The identity of the Joker is a secret, and Misaki understood this very well, so she erased all memories involving the Joker and Tokiwadai from the Ojou-samas, except for Junko, who is her trusted friend and also the one who met the Joker in that laboratory. Although she was tempted to erase her memory because of what happened yesterday, she didn't. After all, Junko knew where and when to draw the line, just like now...

With high expectations, Misaki left the dormitory, attracting the attention of the Ojou-samas. There was admiration, envy, and jealousy in their eyes. Misaki is, after all, a high-caliber Ojou-sama.


Unfortunately, seconds later, they forgot they had seen Misaki.

At the same time, Junko in the room called for a meeting of Misaki's followers...

"Today is an important day for Joou. We must ensure she succeeds."


Although they didn't know why Junko was quite serious because Misaki erased their memories, after a brief explanation from Junko, each of these girls had flames of enthusiasm in their eyes...

Misaki had a secret love, and she was about to have a date with that man. According to Junko's words, Misaki aimed to bring a boyfriend home...

The girls were obviously in a frenzy, as it seemed so romantic, and they didn't know that their Queen could also attack the opposite sex.

They were also curious about this man who had managed to capture their Queen's heart.

Who is this boy who made their Queen sigh with love?

They didn't know, but they were definitely determined to find out.


"No, don't go..."

"Yami, we've talked about this. It's just for today..."

Meanwhile, in another district, Yuki was casually dressed, wearing a cap to cover his appearance a bit and avoid attracting too much attention without looking suspicious.

He didn't want his life to turn into a battlefield between Mikoto and Misaki over this date. So, he was cautious. However, just before leaving, Yami's long hair clung to his waist. Clearly, she didn't want to let him go...

(TN: Omg so cute yami >.<)

On that same day when Yuki was taken to Misaki's room, Yuki told Yami about this date with Misaki. Yami's reaction was as expected. She definitely wasn't going to let him go. Misaki was a thorn in her side, and Yami didn't like that girl.

However, after Yuki explained the circumstances that led Misaki to pursue him all these years, Yami reluctantly agreed to let him go. As for Mikoto, Yuki didn't even consider telling her, as he knew her response, and unlike Yami, this girl wouldn't change her mind. She would oppose and might even go to the extreme of spending the whole day at his house to avoid this date, so he had to be careful not to be discovered with Misaki...

However, after a night, Yami seemed to change her mind, as her long golden hair tightly tied him to her waist and prevented him from leaving.


Yami pouted cutely and looked away. She didn't care if Yuki went out with Mikoto or Saten, etc.

But she had been a victim of Misaki's pranks many times in the past, so Yami didn't like that blonde girl, and the mere idea of Yuki spending the whole day with her didn't sit well with her...

It's not that she didn't trust Yuki; she just didn't trust Misaki.

"Alright, I promise when I come back, I'll cook your favorite dish, okay?"


Yami didn't respond but looked at him sideways before quickly looking away again, leaving Yuki feeling a bit defenseless.

"Okay, I'll cook your favorite dish for a week, too."

Approaching slowly, Yuki stroked her head and leaned in close to her ear, murmuring softly...

"Next time, it'll be just you and me..."


These words were enough for Yami to quickly back away. Her hair returned to normal, and her cheeks were burning. Although she had accompanied Yuki for a whole year and they lived under the same roof, they hadn't had time for a date, and Yami knew what that meant...

"Hehehe... See you later."

Smirking playfully, Yuki knew this would work. He knew Yami well enough that whispering in her ear would quickly make her lose control of her emotions. He quickly left the house before Yami changed her mind and tied him up again with her hair.

However, what Yuki didn't know was that minutes after he left, Yami also left and proceeded to follow him from a distance...


TN: how dare this mf take advantage of my innocent yami