Chapter 470: Hunting Dogs

After a few minutes, the rope holding Kuroko loosened, and she fell to the ground...

"Onee-sama... Kuroko.... Kuroko.... Is no longer... Pure..."

Her gaze was vacant, and it seemed like her soul had left her body.

(Did I go too far?)

Yuki was angry at first; this girl hadn't stopped giving him crap since he met her. She had chased him fervently for almost a year, and as a result, she always ended up tied to a traffic light or the target of his taunts. This had become so common between them that it had become a routine, and Yuki even wondered if this girl was a masochist for not giving up on trying to catch him. Even Anti-Skill and the other members of Judgment had given up, including, of course, the branch manager, Mii Konori.

No one in Judgment wanted to deal with him anymore; he was too much trouble. It was easier to deal with the aftermath of his songs than to catch him. Yuki also thought he had achieved his goal of being treated like a regular figure in Academy City, with the citizens treating him as naturally as possible. In other words, to be one of them. Unfortunately, Kuroko didn't give up, and because of that, every time she showed up, the other members of Judgment called Kuroko, the only one who hadn't given up, to deal with him.

Similarly, when he formally introduced himself as Mikoto's 'childhood friend,' this girl was waiting for the perfect moment to mess with him.

His patience had reached its limit, and the only reason he hadn't taken the next step and was so careful with her, treating her as kindly as possible, was that she was Mikoto's friend, as simple as that.

But today she crossed the line with her shitty words and fueled the fire even more. He had had enough with Misaki, so that Mikoto would also enter into a fight.

However, now he began to question his actions. He simply played with her with a feather; he did nothing else, to make her experience the pleasures that a woman can have with a man, and maybe, with a bit of luck, her yuri illness would ease a bit, and her obsession with Mikoto would be lessened. But depending on the shock she had suffered, it was possible that Mikoto would hate him. Fortunately, Mikoto didn't know his identity as the Joker, but it was different for Est and Yami, so it would be a headache if this girl managed to open her mouth...

"Are you okay?"

Asking with doubts, Yuki waved his hand in front of her, but there was no reaction, which worried Yuki a bit...

(Maybe I should go back in time and apply a more vanilla punishment...)

But just as he thought this, his hand, which was waving in front of Kuroko, was grabbed tightly...

"Hehehehe.... I caught you...."

An evil aura began to emanate from Kuroko, and her twin tails began to float without the help of the wind. Half of her face was covered in darkness, while the smile on her face was akin to that of a demon from the underworld...

"You let your guard down, circus clown!"


At the same time she said these words, Yuki and Kuroko disappeared in a flash.

Approximately 300 meters in the air, two people suddenly appeared and began to fall.

"How dare you do this to me, you bastard! Damn son of a *****! I won't forgive you! Even if I die, I'll drag you down to hell with me! I won't allow a threat like you to keep living!"

Grasping Yuki's neck tightly, Kuroko began to strangle him, the flames of hatred burning fiercely. The wind moved her twin tails.

"Pervert! Animal! Scum! Dirty homo-erectus! You dared to stain my purity! My first time!"

Squeezing even tighter on Yuki's neck as they fell faster, tears filled Kuroko's eyes as she looked at the bastard with the clown mask.

"My first time that I was saving for my Onee-sama! You dared to steal it! I'll kill you! I'LL KILL YOU!"

Yuki wanted to say for her to stop accusing him, as it wasn't all one-sided; he barely touched her a bit. The only thing he did was play with the feather, so his biggest sin had been just looking, but apparently Kuroko wasn't being rational and was willing to commit double suicide.

You only needed to see her determination and the strength in her hands, after all, she was strangling with all her might...

Which was a joke, of course; her little physical strength wasn't even worth mentioning, but still, Yuki let this girl vent all her rage, so at least they would be even when it was all over...

And just as they were about to touch the ground, Yuki skillfully twisted, took Kuroko in his arms, a white circle appeared under his feet, he stepped on the air and landed softly, as cool as a lettuce, causing a vein to bulge on Kuroko's forehead...

"Damn it! Dirty animal! Why won't you die?! Why did you have to stop me?!"

Kuroko, of course, knew what had just happened; she had seen it several times in the past, which angered her even more, and she continued to strangle him. Her plan of mutual destruction didn't work, so she shook the clown's neck with all her might...

"Ha.... Ha..."

This continued for a few more minutes until all of Kuroko's physical energy ran out, and she breathed heavily...

Yuki, on the other hand, straightened his shirt collar, as Joker should always look well-groomed like a gentleman...

However, at that moment, a danger alert went off in his brain, which made him react immediately, taking Kuroko in his arms and jumping back.

"What are you doing?!"


Kuroko wanted to protest, and fear showed on her face, after all, she mistakenly thought that this clown wanted to play with her again, but her concerns only increased as the concrete they were standing on suddenly was pierced, leaving a small crater...

*Bam, Bam

But this wasn't over yet, as the moment the ground was pierced, two more projectiles were fired, causing Yuki to dodge with agility.


Kuroko was surprised, while Yuki narrowed his eyes; these projectiles were not normal. While their explosive power might not be great, their piercing power was very significant, as they easily left a large hole the size of a fist in the ground. And from the depth of the hole, this projectile could easily take down tanks, and it was not easy to evade either, its trajectory speed was crazy. Yuki had to use his future sight to evade such projectiles; they were too fast, even with the Sharingan, he could barely see them...

*Bam, Bam

The projectiles continued, and Yuki's Sharingan spun; likewise, on top of a building, he could see the figures of his enemies...

(Hunting dogs, huh? I guess Aleister ran out of patience...)

What he had been waiting for had finally arrived; the elite from the dark side of Academy City had come...

If Anti-Skill was Aleister's police working in the light in Academy City, then the Hunting Dogs were the shadow of that darkness. They were highly trained soldiers for tracking and hunting threats, also the trash that could be replaced at any time.

Due to their nature, they were not subject to any protocol or law, as they were a covert paramilitary unit. They fulfilled their mission regardless of the damages and consequences they incurred. As such, the Hound Dogs would eliminate any potential threat, such as witnesses or bystanders, who got in the way of their mission, so it was not a surprise that after eliminating him, they would also eliminate Kuroko, to avoid witnesses or any possible threat...

Their most appreciated ability was to track a target tirelessly, using olfactory sensor technology that surpassed the abilities of a trained police dog.

And at this moment, the Hunting Dogs were using cutting-edge technology, with these anti-tank rifles whose power was far beyond normal, to deal with a simple clown... But.

(You underestimate me too much if you think you can kill me with that...)

Yuki's eyes gleamed as he thought about it, and he clapped both hands...

(Let's play hunters...)

[Hyoton: Kōri no raion]


Yuki's shadow expanded, and from it, two ice lions emerged, roaring as they launched themselves against the Hunting Dogs...


TN: gimme powerstones and I'll post more chapters when I wake up later today :V

Time to slep