Chapter 478: Cooperation

Since the Demon King managed to awaken the Rinnegan, Yuki had many doubts about how he did it. According to Rasiel, the only option to awaken such eyes was to obtain the chakra of the Sage of the Six Paths, which is equivalent to obtaining the chakra of his two sons, Indra and Ashura. Since their chakra has been reincarnating, in the previous generation, the chakra belonged to Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju, which explains why Madara has been able to awaken it.

In this generation, it belonged to Naruto and Sasuke, respectively. Yuki had been tempted to awaken such a Dojutsu, so he patiently waited for Naruto and Sasuke's chakra to mature to obtain a pinch of both and thus evolve his eyes. But now this was unnecessary because the Demon King, on his own, managed to awaken such a Dojutsu. Yuki didn't know how he did it, but in the end, he didn't care.

What was an even bigger surprise is that since it is his body, that also meant that by default, Yuki could also use the Rinnegan. When he discovered this, he was deeply surprised, and this is also the reason why his Chakra reached the limit of the High Tectonic Rank. One more step and he would enter the Destruction scale, and for that, he needed an Angel or a Demon from this world, which would allow him to enter that level without much effort and even more.

Entering the Rank 5 Destruction scale meant that he now had the capital to be a full-fledged Champion. Black Rock Shooter's strength still lived in his mind, and he knew that compared to her, Yuki was simply a baby.

However, he also knew that it would be very difficult to hunt down these powerful beings on his own. Even with Yami's help, it would still be dangerous. But there was no need to exert himself too much since he had a vicious Hikikomori who could facilitate the work.


Aleister contemplated deeply. It's not that he's amazed by spells to bring the dead back to life; in this world of magic, there is no shortage of mages who would commit such taboo magic. He is also in that category, but he also knows that more than 'Resurrection,' this magic is 'Reanimation,' a spell to create Undead, which is not bringing a dead person back to life; it's reanimating the body again. And as Yuki said, this concerns the soul.

These are areas that have been explored with magic very carefully and are extremely dangerous. After all, almost all have failed. The Will of the World takes care of the souls, and almost all of these souls end up in a cycle of reincarnation or receive a different treatment by the Will of the World. In other words, in this world, the Mother of All prohibits the return of the souls of the dead to their own bodies. Because of this difficulty, Aleister worked hard and did the impossible to bring back his daughter, but so far, he has not completed his plan.

Furthermore, so much time has passed since his daughter's death, which makes his goal much more difficult.

So if what Yuki said is possible, this would save a great deal of his projects and focus on his secondary goal, which is to destroy magic.

"What do you think, Director? I believe my proposal is sincere enough..."

Lilith Crowley was at stake, which for Aleister was a great shadow in his heart. Yuki didn't believe that Aleister could ignore it, and Aleister did not disappoint him.

"What do you want?"

He didn't know why Yuki knew about his daughter; after all, this concerns his dark past. But now that didn't matter; he had to know this Clown's objectives if they were beneficial to him and if there were gains from such a deal or not.

Aleister believed in equivalent exchange, so he knew that no one moved by their own will, and there was always a price for each person. This Clown surely had a high price to pay...

"Three things..."

As if expecting these words, Yuki raised 3 fingers, and Aleister frowned.

"My first condition is the total and indefinite cancellation of the Misaka Network and the cloning of Mikoto Misaka, as well as her data, and also the custody of these sisters."

This was his primary objective, as after kidnapping so many sisters, the Misaka Network project was in its critical phase. From what he read in Rasiel, Aleister would very soon take drastic measures, and it was possible that the project would resume, and more sisters would be born. After all, Aleister maintains the DNA of Mikoto, and it is easy to continue cloning. This was something that Yuki had to prevent; otherwise, the nightmare would never end.

"I refuse..."

But Aleister immediately refused; he didn't even consider it. Of course, this was not about a strange and unconsidered experiment like Level 6 Shift; the important and most valuable part of the Misaka clones is the Misaka Network. This was something that Aleister would definitely not give up on; after all, this concerns the materialization of Aiwass and many other projects.

Whether Accelerator leveled up or not didn't matter to Aleister; he didn't even care if that experiment failed. On the contrary, he hoped it would fail to keep all the sisters.

But with Yuki and Yami stealing sisters left and right, Aleister was in a critical stage, and now that Yuki mentioned it, he dismissed it immediately. At the same time, he also knew the identity of the kidnapper who had been causing him so many problems recently, the Clown in front of him.

"Don't reject me so soon, Director. I know how important the Misaka Network is to you..."

Of course, Yuki expected such a rejection; it wasn't easy to deal with this Hikikomori, but Yuki had come prepared. A small pink tube appeared in his hand.

"I believe 'this' will satisfy your needs, Director, or perhaps even more..."


Aleister remained expressionless, but inside, he felt surprised. That tube was the Apocalypse Virus; Aleister recognized it instantly, which caused his gaze towards the Joker to change...

Yuki continued, and a small world suddenly appeared and began to float in his palm. In that world, the map of Europe, Asia, and America was marked in red.

"Unlike the Misaka Network, I believe using the Apocalypse Virus is much more profitable, more powerful, more discreet, and of course, more efficient..."

What the Misaka Network could create by uniting their brains into a large network, the Apocalypse Virus could also do. For a year, Yuki had been spreading this virus in the world, and so far, more than 80% of humanity had been infected, and no one suspected anything. This is what Yuki meant by discretion, as being so small that the human eye couldn't see, the Apocalypse Virus could easily infiltrate anywhere in the world. In other words, Yuki had become the greatest danger to all the inhabitants of the world; a single snap was enough to kill more than 80% of the world's population, the terrifying Mutated virus.

The Apocalypse Virus could use the brains of all the inhabitants of the world and create a super network of information that would far surpass the Misaka Network. At the same time, it would also create a more stable model of Aiwass's body; even Fuze Kazakiri would be stronger. All the benefits that this virus could bring far outweighed the danger.

This would not only benefit Aleister in his information network but also Yuki. The moment Aleister accepted to use his method, that meant all his movements would be revealed to Yuki, and consequently, this would also be a countermeasure for Aleister in case this Hikikomori did something improper. After all, the true controller of this virus is Yuki, and it didn't really matter if one day Aleister managed to find a way to control the Apocalypse Virus. Faced with the existence of Adam and Eve, no one could revitalize control of the Apocalypse Virus; it was just a matter of changing the nature of the Apocalypse Virus and continuing to mutate. This was a perfect method to put a collar on Aleister.

"Is this a threat?"

"No, just cooperation."

Seeing how Japan was marked in red on the map of the small world, Aleister quickly guessed that at this moment, the Apocalypse Virus was already the governor of this country, which also implies Academy City.

In other words, if Aleister does not accept this deal, it would be the end of Academy City and all its Espers, which also means the destruction of all his plans.
