Chapter 484: Necessarius

Yuki smiled as he saw Index enter into total panic, as a carrier and also as someone who contracted the Apocalypse virus, he knew how horrible this virus could be.

It devoured energy, used it to mutate and accelerate its evolution. The worst part is that it could change its nature at will, which made it quite unpredictable and troublesome. Once infected by this virus, there was no turning back; the countdown on their lifespan would begin...

When Yuki first arrived in the world of Guilty Crown, he was very depressed about this; it was like a flamethrower made of paper mache, just using his power would burn him out.

By using this virus, Yuki was the natural enemy of all magicians, as having mana in their bodies made the Apocalypse virus more lethal to them since it tended to evolve faster.

For example, Index, who was struggling to regain control and her body was filled with pink crystals, a futile and senseless struggle...


A panicked shout was heard, and Stiyl began to run towards Index; unfortunately, Yuki reached out his hand, preventing him from advancing further...

"I wouldn't intervene if I were you..."


"There are barriers around this nun's body. I'm trying to destroy them and free her. If you intervene, it will only make my job harder, and your life will be at risk..."

Yuki wasn't joking; if Stiyl approached now, he would be caught between the Apocalypse virus's attack, ending up turned into crystal even before he destroyed the barrier.



"The unknown variant changed its attack pattern."


A scream of pain came from Index's mouth, and her body was increasingly covered in crystals. At the same time, a magic circle formed around her, and beams of energy were released in succession.

"Here it comes!"

Smiling, Yuki clapped his hands again, and pink crystals enveloped his body like armor.

*Bam, Bam, Bam

The beams of energy shot out randomly, bringing destruction to the room and consequently to those present.

Stiyl and Kanzaki changed their expressions and prepared barriers to block the attack. Tsuchimikado was even bolder; seeing the rain of beams, he hid behind Touma. After all, that spiky-haired guy was the best flesh shield in this world; no supernatural ability could affect him.

"Kamiyan~ I leave it to you..."

"Tsuchimikado, you bastard..."

The energy beams flew, and everyone defended themselves with their own methods. At the same time, Yuki's Sharingan lit up, causing Index to stop abruptly, and the light in her eyes faded...


"Unknown variant.... Invasion...."

"Final chapter.... chapter... 0"

"Collar.... Has suffered critical destruction...."



After saying these words, Index's eyes closed, and she fell to the ground...

The Apocalypse virus had completely devoured the seal left inside her; at the same time, her body was undergoing changes that caused the pink crystals on her body to disappear, and her DNA was mutating at a rapid pace.

"Hmph, mission accomplished. I have removed her restrictions..."

Smiling coldly, Yuki put a hand to his chin and observed the unconscious nun with interest.

The energy inside this nun was very large, so large that it rivaled his own. Now everything made sense why Index could record these 103,000 grimoires in her brain without exploding or dying; she was quite special...

"What... What just happened?"

The group still didn't understand what was going on, especially Stiyl, Tsuchimikado, and Touma. They were outside when all this started, and their brains hadn't processed all the information yet...


But Touma didn't stop to think and ran towards the unconscious nun; he was worried and had to confirm Index's health. This time, no one stopped him...

"Index.... Used magic?"

For Kanzaki, this was a shock; Index was, after all, a person without magical power, or at least that's what Necessarius led them to believe.

Seeing for herself Index's power made several questions appear in her mind, and not only her, Tsuchimikado and Stiyl also had many questions...

"Hehehe~ I think I can answer your questions..."

Suddenly an incredibly familiar voice was heard, and everyone's complexion couldn't help but change. They turned their heads to the origin of the voice and, upon doing so, opened their mouths...

"Congratulations, you have passed my test... Or at least one of them..."

Turning his head, Yuki now had a Clown mask on his face and a black top hat on his head.


The trio unconsciously stepped back a step at the abrupt change of events; even Touma couldn't help but hold onto Index tighter.

They knew how terrible this Clown could be, but that wasn't the main problem...

"Are you an Esper? Impossible!"

Even Tsuchimikado's way of speaking became strange, and he frowned deeply. It was a general fact that a Magician could not be an Esper; both energies were on the opposite side, both had different paths of evolution, and both were terrifying.

However, an individual could not be a Magician and an Esper at the same time; they renounced one path of power, or the consequences would be very bad.

An example of this is Tsuchimikado; his magic is sealed, and using it Tsuchimikado would have to be prepared to die.

But the Joker obviously is a magician ; they had seen with their own eyes him using magic and many strange abilities, each of them powerful.

However, now this same person was unconsciously sending AIM Field signals similar to those of an Esper.

Something was not right here.

"Instead of worrying about me, I advise you to listen carefully..."

Yuki shrugged; there was no way he would reveal this method of his with which he was able to deceive even Aleister for over a year. His methods were not simply using Time clones; they went one step further. But now that Aleister already knew his true identity, there was no reason to keep hiding.

"I'll get straight to the point. Necessarius has been lying to you all along..."


Explaining little by little, Yuki did not hesitate and revealed everything he knew about Necessarius and Index.

The reason for the seal and also why her memories had to be erased every year.

There was a reason why Aleister let these magicians move around freely in Academy City and why Index was with Touma.

Necessarius, is an international security maintenance organization created to counter magicians. It is the Eighth Parish of the Church of England, a secret branch of the church whose main purpose is to neutralize and destroy magic in England, and to investigate, arrest, and punish magicians.

The motives of Necessarius and Aleister were almost the same, so both could be considered to be on the same side. Necessarius is literally a witch hunter in the Middle Ages, so its roots are quite ancient.

Likewise, Index Librorum Prohibitorum was established out of a desire to counter, reverse engineer, and neutralize magic, even to neutralize all magic in the world.

With the cooperation of various churches and organizations around the world, such as the Roman Catholic Church, which has the Book of the Law, Index was filled with 103,000 grimoires.

Index was, after all, a juicy bait for all those magicians who had greed in their hearts...

And the reason Index had a seal and her memories had to be erased was to prevent her from becoming a Magic God and betraying the Church...

Laura Stuart, Archbishop and head of Necessarius, implemented this idea. She put the collar on Index and deceived Stiyl and Kanzaki about the memory erasure.

For Yuki, Laura was an interesting person with cruel methods and quite intelligent, to use Index and control Kaori and Stiyl without them realizing it; this girl could even sell the victim and make the money count for them.

"Those bastards!..."

Stiyl and Kanzaki clenched their fists; they had suspected this since they saw Index use magic...

(Although this is quite hypocritical...)

For Yuki, Necessarius was an organization that didn't deserve a second look. They used magic to destroy magic, which was similar to fighting fire with fire, which was not at all practical with their goal.


TN: Well I think enough chapters for today I'll just schedule 2 more chapters Imma go sleep gn folks