Chapter 493: Monopoly Is Not Allowed

Except for Yuki, suddenly everyone took a step back; for some reason, their sixth sense felt danger, and to avoid getting caught in something thorny, they all agreed to give space to the trio of Ojou-samas.

Even Mikoto had decided to step back. She had a smile on her face; she had put all her trust in the Belly-Black duo to finally take this starry-eyed woman out of the game.

Finally, the trio stopped "gazing longingly" at each other; they regained their Ojou-sama facade and continued with their sweet smiles.

"Tokisaki-san, Rihavein-san, nice to meet you, this humble one is Misaki Shokuhou, please feel free to call me as you wish, it is always a pleasure for this humble one to meet more of Yuki's friends~"

Emphasizing 'friends,' Misaki introduced herself as a lady; after all, she didn't believe that these girls who came out of nowhere had such a serious relationship with Yuki.

"Nice to meet you, Shokuhou-san, our sugar lump has spoken a lot about you~ I always wanted to meet you, I am so blessed that my little wish is coming true today."

Bringing a hand to her lips, Kurumi responded in the same way as Misaki, and the latter smiled stiffly as she couldn't find an opening in their responses...

"Fufu, it's very accommodating to have another sister among us; my fiancé is, after all, very demanding~"

Misaki felt like an arrow was being thrust into her chest upon hearing the word 'fiancé' from La Folia. However, she quickly recovered and responded with a smile.

"The appearance of Rihavein-san and Tokisaki-san eclipses any other, there is no doubt about that…"

Misaki's starry eyes lit up, and she transformed into the most majestic person here, using her royal aura to eclipse mundane matters, including the one involving using false modesty to increase her charm. She showed that she was too majestic to stoop so low as to use her position to increase her worth.

"Shokuhou is satisfied with being by Yuki's side; I dare not ask for more than this~"

The trio of Ojou-samas quickly entered into a discussion and didn't hesitate to cloak their words with sarcasm and cynicism, but because they were used to it, each other's words slipped off them.

No matter how they responded, the trio was as fresh as lettuce.

The group was confused; not all of them could decipher the secret context in the words of these three Ojou-samas; literally, it was a headache. However, Yuki could do it; for him, no matter how much these girls fought, the winner would be him. All he had to do now was to watch that it didn't get out of control; otherwise, he would have to punish the butts of these naughty girls.

"Hehe, Tokisaki-san, Rihavein-san, you are so amusing; unfortunately, I will have to leave you for now, the time for the contest is approaching, and I won't be able to accompany you any longer. Little Yuki, don't forget our promise~✨..."

"Don't worry..."

As it seemed, Misaki wasn't willing to listen to them, so she left early, and Yuki smiled cunningly as he saw her leave.

"Eh? Wait, Misaki-chan~"

Alternating glances between Mikoto and Misaki, Dolly decided to follow Misaki; after all, she was her first friend. Yuki, on the other hand, didn't stop her from following. Both hadn't seen each other for a long time, so it was good that they could catch up.

"Is that so? That's a shame~"

Kurumi and La Folia shook their heads; Misaki wasn't going to understand unless they taught her with punches, and Yuki was very good at that. Remembering this, Kurumi unconsciously looked at her butt with the corner of her eye; she still remembered how bad her butt had felt and how pink a peach could be...

All they could do was wait, and since they were in a good mood, they would also show this 'Queen' a taste of the power of the Crystal Palace.


Mikoto huffed with pride; seeing Misaki run away with her tail between her legs for the first time made her feel very good. The Belly-Black duo was, as always, the best; they didn't disappoint her.

However, what Mikoto didn't expect was that her Karma would be paid so quickly, as Kurumi grabbed her arm.

"My sugar lump, we will also leave; we have much to do~..."

"Eh? W-wait..."

Without waiting for a response from Yuki, Kurumi grabbed a stunned Mikoto and began to drag her. The best way to make Misaki understand was to start with Mikoto, her rival. They wouldn't give Misaki the victory so easily...

"Fufufu, see you later, Yuki-sama."

And as if she were leading innocent sheep, La Folia took the whole group of girls away. This, of course, included Yami, Est, Saten, Uiharu, even the petrified Kuroko was dragged along with the whole group...

It seemed this princess was going to have her way again...

(I just hope this isn't the beginning of a religion...)

Yuki wasn't a saint, and he didn't want La Folia to brainwash these girls so badly that they would see him as a messiah.

"Just again, huh?"

Yuki didn't know whether to feel sad because his girls had abandoned him or happy for having a bit of privacy.

"Hm? Oh, wow..."

And when he was about to call the ITEM girls group to have fun, a gluttonous nun like a black hole appeared...

This caught his attention because this nun was alone; he looked around, and since the spiky-haired boy wasn't there, Yuki didn't hesitate to step forward.

"Hello, sister, may I sit?"



TN: Fufufufufufu