Esme poured out her heart to Silas.

Silas's expression softened, and his brow furrowed in empathy. He wished to reach out and gently wipe her tears away, but he resisted that urge.

"I'm so sorry, Esme," he murmured. "No one deserves to be treated like that. You deserve better than a lying, cheating scoundrel like him."

Esme took another sip of her drink, the burn in her chest temporarily replacing the ache in her heart.

"Thanks, Silas," she whispered, her voice hoarse.

For a few moments, they sat in silence. Then, without warning, Esme burst out laughing, the sound rough and humorless.

"God, I must be such a pathetic sight," she cackled, shaking her head in disbelief. "Crying like a baby and getting drunk in front of a total stranger. What a joke."

Silas chuckled, trying to defuse the tension. "I am happy that you are sharing your pain with me. Carry on. Believe me, you will feel better."

Esme managed a weak smile, her eyes still watery. She finished the rest of her drink and rested the glass on the table. The alcohol was beginning to take effect, but she felt the need for more. Pouring herself another, she didn't hold back.

"I am selfish, no doubt about it," she said, a slight slurring in her speech. "If fighting for the man I've loved since I was a teenager is labeled selfish, then so be it. Is it wrong to feel envious when I see my beloved with another woman?" She blinked, struggling to focus her gaze on Silas. "If trying to protect him from that woman is seen as insecurity, then call me insecure."

Esme's voice broke, and she began sobbing as she poured her heart out to Silas. "But isn't it natural to want the person you love to be yours alone? When I see him with her, it feels like someone's ripping my heart out. It hurts so much, Silas. I can't even begin to describe it."

Esme took another sip of her drink. "I don't know what to do, Silas," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I feel like I'm drowning in this sea of despair. I don't know how to swim to shore. I don't even know if there is a shore. Maybe I'm just stuck in this misery forever."

Esme felt a sob wrack her body, her shoulders shaking with the force of her emotions. She didn't try to hold back the tears; she simply let them flow, hoping that they would somehow cleanse her of the pain that had been plaguing her.

She spoke as candidly as if he were her closest confidant, revealing every thought and feeling without hesitation. She didn't care whether he understood her; she just needed to unburden herself. She hoped that by sharing her pain, even a little, it might ease her anguish.

Silas watched her, his expression filled with compassion. He didn't say anything, simply listening to her intently.

Silas grew sympathetic to her. He couldn't fathom why her ex-boyfriend would cheat on such a beautiful and innocent woman. As she poured out her heart, Silas found himself becoming increasingly indignant towards the man who had wronged her.

'Certainly, her ex-boyfriend doesn't know what he has lost,' he thought.

When Esme attempted to grab the whiskey bottle yet again, Silas intervened. "No, you've had enough," he said firmly, taking the bottle out of her reach.

Esme pouted, her lower lip jutting out in disappointment. "But I want to keep drinking. My boyfriend cheated on me and broke up with me tonight. I need to drown my sorrows."

She tried to reach the bottle.

Despite her protests, Silas stood his ground. "I can't let you drink anymore. It's not good for you."

Esme's eyes narrowed, her voice rising in pitch. "You don't want me to be happy either."

Without warning, Esme lunged forward, attempting to grab the bottle once again. Silas quickly sidestepped her, his arm wrapping around her waist as he pulled her up from the sofa. "Come on, let's get out of here," he said gruffly.

He signaled his assistant to come over and take their bags.

Esme struggled against his grasp, her legs wobbly from the excessive alcohol consumption. "No, no, no! I want to stay here and drink!" She exclaimed, her voice growing louder and more belligerent by the second.

Silas guided her toward the exit, ignoring her protest.

"Shall I book a hotel for her?" His assistant asked.

"No, Caleb. I'm taking her home." Silas led her out of the bar and into the cool night air.

Caleb watched the scene unfold with a confused expression. 

Silas carefully placed Esme on the passenger seat of his sports car and securely fastened her seatbelt. He felt a pang of empathy for her, seeing the pain she was going through. As he gazed upon her, a softness crept into his heart. Despite her flaws and vulnerabilities, Esme was a woman who touched his soul in ways he couldn't explain.

"Julian, you fool," Esme muttered. "You dared to hurt me. I'll teach you a lesson."

Ignoring her babbling, Silas got behind the wheel and drove the car away. Esme continued to mutter angry words under her breath.

"I'll make you regret it, Julian. You will beg for mercy, but I'll not forgive you. You chose that manipulative woman over me… You cheated on me. Me, Esme Shaw. Who do you think you are? You will regret it."

Silas glanced at her with a mix of sadness and frustration. He wondered what kind of man Julian was who had hurt such a woman who was deeply in love with him. Instead of feeling lucky to have someone like her, Julian broke up with her. He felt an overwhelming urge to protect her from the pain that Julian had inflicted on her.

Silas tried to focus on driving, his mind wandering to his own experiences with women. He had never been in a serious relationship, preferring casual flings to avoid the risk of heartbreak.

Every woman who approached him was merely after his money. No one truly loved him. Therefore, he never desired a relationship, as he was certain that every single woman was merely a gold digger.

But as he watched Esme's passionate display, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. How wonderful would it be to have someone who loved him unconditionally?

As they neared Silas's villa, he slowed down and turned onto the driveway. He brought the car to a stop and carefully lifted Esme out of the passenger seat, cradling her in his arms like a fragile doll.

Esme was inebriated, but she was still cognizant of the fact that she was in another man's arms, and it wasn't her boyfriend Julian. The thought of him being with Ruby stung her heart, and she recalled all the hurtful comments he had made to her. Determined to escape her pain, Esme wrapped her arms around Silas's neck and smiled at him.

"You are so kind, Mister Silas," she said, her voice laced with gratitude.

Silas halted in the hallway, captivated by her sparkling blue eyes. He couldn't help but stare at them, entranced by their beauty.

"Thank you for treating me so well," she whispered, her voice husky with emotion.

Silas felt a flutter in his chest as he gazed at her, but he pushed aside his feelings and led her to the guest room. As he placed her on the bed, she refused to release him, her arms still locked around his neck.

"Make love with me," she urged, her plea echoing with both desire and pain.

Silas's heart skipped a beat at her request. He didn't want to be just a means for her to forget her pain, but at the same time, he couldn't deny the mounting desire within him.

"Are you sure?" he asked, his voice husky.

Esme nodded eagerly, her eyes pleading with him. "Yes, please, Silas. I want to forget everything. Help me, please."

Without another word, she drew him closer and pressed her lips against his cheek.

Silas's resolve crumbled, and he decided to give in to the moment. He caressed her face and whispered, "You are beautiful, Esme."

With that, he sealed her lips with his, and they surrendered to their desires. The world outside melted away as they lost themselves in each other's embrace, seeking solace and comfort in the heat of their passion.