The fiery encounter

Seeing Esme alone, Julian thought of going to her and talking to her. He was about to rise from the sofa when Ruby tugged at his hand once again.

"Where are you going?" Ruby inquired, wearing a sheepish smile. "Are you ready for the dance?"

"No," Julian grunted, clearly irritated. "I'll be right back." He glanced at Esme, checking to see if she was still there. Or maybe he wanted to check if any guy had approached her. Restless, he pulled his hand away from Ruby's grip. "If you want to go home, you can leave," he stated firmly.

"Why would I leave alone?" Ruby retorted, noticing his eagerness to reach Esme. Resentment tugged at her heart. "I came here with you. I'm not leaving without you."

"Okay. Stay here."

Refusing to let Julian go, Ruby forcefully pulled him toward her and smacked her lips against his. She hoped to distract him and win his attention back.

"Mm…" Julian was momentarily taken aback. He broke free, scowling at her disapprovingly. "What is it? Have you lost all your senses?"

"I am sorry, Julian," Ruby apologized. "You have been ignoring me since Esme walked in. It's painful. I can't tolerate that my man looks at another woman. I can tell you are going to talk to her. This is something I'll never let happen."

"What's wrong with you?" he snapped. "You're acting like a jealous woman. I can't stand it when someone tries to control me. Don't ever do that again."

Ruby was taken aback by Julian's harsh words. Her face paled. "I...I'm sorry," she stammered. "I just feel like you're neglecting me and…"

Julian dismissed her apology and slammed a few dollar bills on the table. "Take a cab and go home. Don't wait for me," he told her curtly, already turning his attention back to Esme.

However, he couldn't see her. 'Where has she gone?' he muttered in his mind, restless. Julian's heart raced with anxiety, wondering if she had left with another man. Without a second thought, he bolted down the stairs, leaving Ruby behind, seething in anger.

Ruby sank her nails into her palms, her wrath boiling inside her. She believed she had finally removed Esme from Julian's life. However, Julian's behavior demonstrated that he had not completely let Esme go. She felt trapped, unable to escape the torment of knowing that Julian's heart still belonged to Esme.

Ruby's fists trembled with rage as she watched Julian look for Esme. Despite her best efforts, tears began to well up in her eyes, threatening to spill over. Ruby fiercely blinked them away, refusing to give in to her emotions.

"Why can't you just leave Julian alone?" She muttered, grinding her teeth.

While Julian was searching for her in the bar, Esme came to the bathroom. She splashed water on her face, trying to wash away the image of Julian with Ruby. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal and hurt.

The pain was overwhelming. Esme's determination to stand strong and seek revenge against Julian began to crumble. How could she confront him when her emotions were spiraling out of control?

Esme looked at herself in the mirror, water dripping from her face. Her eyes were red and puffy, with unshed tears filling them.

Just as she was about to be engulfed in overwhelming emotions, a group of women entered the bathroom, laughing and chattering. Their loud voices jarred Esme out of her misery, and she quickly composed herself.

She blinked away her tears and stepped out of the restroom, only to collide with someone she had hoped never to encounter again. Her steps faltered, her eyes widening as they fell upon that familiar, handsome face. Without warning, her heart skipped a beat.

'What is he doing here?' She murmured to herself, bewildered. 'Is he following me?'

"Hello, Miss Esme Shaw." Silas addressed Esme with a smirk. "What a pleasant surprise! I never thought of running into you here."

Esme attempted to mask her unease with a forced smile. "I came here with my friend. Excuse me, she must be waiting for me," she hastily replied, her steps unsteady as she attempted to walk past him.

"Miss Shaw." Silas's voice halted her in her tracks, causing her breath to hitch in her throat.

"I don't need your money," Silas proclaimed, maintaining his sly smile.

"Shit," Esme muttered softly, a grimace crossing her features.

Silas sauntered over to her, deliberately taking his time. Standing before her, he asserted, "I don't take money," leaning closer to whisper in her ear, "especially when a beautiful woman requests that I make love with her."

Esme's face was flushed. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to evaporate into thin air.

"Here, I'm returning your money," Silas continued, taking her hand and stuffing the cash she had left into her palm.

Esme's hand trembled slightly, his touch sending shivers across her arms.

Silas, still holding her hand, leaned in further. "I enjoyed a lot last night," he murmured, his voice lowering and filled with seduction. "And I want to know you more. Please come with me. I'll buy you a drink."

His words sparked irritation within Esme, and she glared at Silas, withdrawing her hand and clutching the cash tightly.

"Look, Mister, I am not the type of woman you're assuming. Last night was a mistake. I was drunk. Please don't take it otherwise. And this money…"

She paused, looking down at the dollar bills in her hand. "It was my first time sleeping with a stranger, and I didn't know what to do. I am sorry if I offended you. Please don't follow me."

She turned to depart, intending to put the encounter behind her.

"But I am interested in you," Silas declared, causing her to freeze in her tracks.

Esme turned back abruptly, her incredulity evident. "What did you say?" The cheeky grin on his lips churned her stomach, fueling an urge to retaliate.

Silas closed the gap between them and said huskily, "You heard me right, Miss Shaw. I am interested in you. I've met many women, but none like you. You are different." He reached out to caress her cheek.

"Don't touch me," she snarled, swatting his hand away.

"You must be thinking that, given that I have already ended my relationship with my boyfriend, I will easily be captivated by your charisma. So sorry, Mister Silas. Don't think so highly of yourself. Not every woman will fall for your handsome face."

She hurriedly turned to walk away, but her escape was abruptly halted as she was yanked back and forcefully pressed against the wall. She struggled to break free, but Silas's grip was too tight.

Panic set in as she looked up at Silas's enlarged face, mere inches away from hers. She held her breath, fear coursing through her veins.

Her defiance made Silas agitated. He could see he was losing this challenge, which he would never accept. His expression was one of determination, his eyes blazing with fierce intensity. "You begged me last night, remember?" he growled, his tone tinged with frustration.

"I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing." Esme tried to explain with her faltering voice. She felt her courage dwindling, bewildered as to how someone could intimidate her in this manner.

Observing her timidity, Silas felt a sense of satisfaction. He believed in his irresistible charm, and Esme, in his mind, was no exception. He was convinced she would soon surrender to him.

"That's just an excuse, a poor excuse," he said, leaning closer to her, his lips almost brushing against hers. "Accept it, Esme Shaw. You have already fallen for me."

Without warning, Silas sealed her lips with his.

Esme's pupils dilated in shock. She couldn't believe he was kissing her. How dare he?

"Leave me alone!" she shouted, her voice hoarse with anger. Esme pushed Silas away, her hand wiping her mouth as if to erase the memory of his lips. The slap that followed was like a crack of thunder, echoing through the corridor.