The Sullivan Estate

Esme eagerly inspected the outfit as soon as she entered the bedroom. She was taken aback by the beauty of the blue dress in her hands. 

It was a slim fit, with a V-neckline and a widening hem below the waistline that ended just above her knees. 

Esme couldn't help but admire Silas's impeccable taste in fashion.

"You have an excellent eye for dresses," she praised him, her voice filled with wonder.

Without delay, Esme slipped into the dress, feeling its smooth texture glide against her skin. She gathered her hair into a messy bun, leaving a few loose strands framing her face. Subtle makeup enhanced her natural beauty, while a bold red lipstick added a touch of confidence to her ensemble. 

As she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, an idea struck her. She captured a quick selfie and sent it to Adelynn.

Adelynn's response was immediate. 'Wow! Where are you heading, looking absolutely stunning?' 

Esme grinned, pleased with her friend's reaction. 'Going out with Silas on a dinner date,' she replied, keeping her answer brief.

'What? Where? Tell me everything!' Adelynn's subsequent message urged.

Esme giggled at her friend's eagerness. 'It's a secret. I'll tell you later. Bye.'

She bit her lower lip, pressing the phone against her chin. Her heart thumped without any reason. Despite the fact that the dinner was merely a pretense, Esme couldn't suppress the excitement swirling within her. She allowed herself to get swept up in the fantasy of a lovely evening, letting her imagination run wild with visions of a joyful gathering. 

'Come on, Esme. Please tell me, where are you going?' Esme's phone kept buzzing with Adelynn's messages. But she ignored them and prepared to leave.


The doorbell chimed, signaling Silas's arrival to pick her up. Esme took a final look at herself in the mirror, satisfied with her appearance, and made her way out.

Silas came to a standstill when Esme emerged in front of him. The blue dress beautifully complemented her eyes, and the bold red lipstick accentuated her fair complexion. Her hair fell in delicate strands around her face, framing her features perfectly. Her captivating beauty took Silas by surprise, drawing him in like a magnet.

Silas's heart was slipping out of his grip. Esme's presence struck him differently from his past relationships. There was something in her that made her different from others. Maybe it was her simplicity or elegance that fascinated him. Whatever it was, it had him hooked. It was too early to say that he was in love with her, but he was eager to get close to her and know her more.

Esme, sensing his intense scrutiny, grew uneasy. She fidgeted nervously, avoiding direct eye contact. "Shall we go now?" she asked, trying to break the spell cast by Silas's penetrating gaze.

Silas snapped back to reality at Esme's words. "Yes, of course," he replied, gesturing for her to go ahead. "Please, ladies first." 

Esme lowered her head to hide her shy smile from him as she walked away. 

Silas's eyes followed her, drinking in her beauty as she moved with fluid grace. 'God, she is going to kill me tonight,' Silas murmured in his head as she glanced at her bare back. 

As the car sped down the street, Esme's anxiety and excitement reached new heights. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't shake off the feeling of restlessness that had taken hold of her. 

Silas noticed her nervousness and attempted to reassure her. "Don't be concerned. I am with you." 

Esme managed a smile. "Thank you, but this nervousness isn't going away easily."

"You are quite serious as if you are getting married to me," he teased her in an attempt to ease her tension. 

Esme's irritation flashed across her face. "I'm nervous because of you," she replied curtly.

Silas arched his eyebrows, eager to know what she was going to say. 

"If they catch on to our lies, you will be punished," she stated bluntly. "I'll simply tell them you asked me to pose as your girlfriend to avoid marrying Lara. Your parents won't be pleased. I'm nervous because I don't want to get caught and embarrass my boss."

Silas found her defiance rather amusing. He smirked, enjoying the challenge. "So, Miss Esme Shaw does care about me," he playfully declared. "I think she's falling for me."

Esme rolled her eyes and averted her gaze.

"Miss Shaw, admitting your feelings would be easier," Silas teased. "I am quite the catch, you know."

"Never," Esme retorted. "I'll never fall in love with you." 

"Why not? I am handsome and wealthy, and a lot of women want me." 

"I am not on the list. Sorry." She faked a smile at him. 

Silas smiled but remained silent. Her resistance only heightened his interest. It was now a challenge, and he loved a challenge. He was determined to make her fall for him.


As the car rolled into the grand entrance of the Sullivan estate, Esme couldn't help but gawk at the magnificent sight before her. The imposing structure loomed above her, casting a regal shadow over the surrounding landscape. The whole area was brightly illuminated with different lights. The sound of trickling water added a soothing ambiance to the atmosphere, drawing Esme's gaze toward the majestic white fountain that stood proudly in the center of the courtyard.

Transfixed by the beauty of her surroundings, Esme failed to notice the car had come to a halt until Silas's warm smile captured her attention. His extended hand beckoned her to step out of the vehicle, and she felt a flutter in her chest as she placed her hand in his. The gravel crunched beneath their feet as they walked towards the entrance.

She gulped. It was showtime. 'Get ready, Esme,' she mumbled in her mind. 

Esme's heart raced with anticipation as they approached the grand entrance, the towering columns and ornate carvings a testament to the estate's opulence. She couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer scale of the mansion, her mind struggling to comprehend the vast wealth and power that lay behind it.

The middle-aged guard politely greeted them with a smile.

"Good evening, Sam," Silas responded, returning the smile. "All good?"

"Everything is going well, sir," the guard replied modestly. 

"Hey, I brought something for your son." Silas reached into his pocket and retrieved some football player cards. "These are some cards I found in my cabinet. I hope he will like them."

"Thank you very much. He will definitely like them." Sam's eyes gleamed with joy and excitement. 

Esme observed their exchange in silence, surprised by this unexpected act of generosity from Silas. It was rare to see wealthy and powerful men pay attention to lower-ranking workers, but Silas seemed different. This new side of him, generous and kind, caught Esme off guard, and a subtle smile danced across her lips as she admired him.

When Silas turned to her, he found her staring at him. The corners of his lips hooked mischievously as he leaned in closer and whispered in her ear, "I am impressed with you, Miss Shaw. Your acting looks so real. Just keep acting like this." 

Esme's excitement waned, and the admiration she had felt for him just moments ago disappeared. She scowled at him, displeased. This was not an act. Couldn't he differentiate between what was an act and what was real?

Silas chuckled and drew her closer to him, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Don't be nervous. We are together in this."

With that, he led her into the house.