The underlying attraction

The next morning… 

Esme stirred, gradually emerging from the depths of slumber. With a sluggish awareness, she opened her eyes, her vision clouded by the remnants of sleep. The unfamiliar surroundings greeted her, prompting her to scrutinize the room through hazy eyes.

Noticing she was not in her own room, Esme's long eyelashes fluttered as she widened her eyes and scanned the unfamiliar room carefully. The events of the previous night flooded back into her consciousness – Silas carrying her on his shoulder, escorting her out of the bar.

'So, he brought me to his house!' she murmured to herself in a mix of astonishment and annoyance. In a surge of frustration, she furiously kicked the blanket down, only to discover herself clad in a white shirt. Her mouth dropped open in shock.