Bitter or Sweet Coffee

"Silas," Samira called out at the top of her lungs.

The door of the CEO's office swung open.

Esme's attention moved to the tall figure coming out of the cabin. Samira, undeterred by the guard's attempts to stop her, rushed towards Silas, throwing her arms around his neck in a display of familiarity.

Esme's eyes widened. Her bewilderment soon transformed into a complex mix of envy and annoyance. Her heart pinched as she watched the intimate embrace, and involuntarily, her fingers curled into fists. Silas reciprocated, his arms encircling Samira's waist, heightening Esme's internal turmoil.

Silas, aware of Esme's gaze, glanced in her direction. However, she averted her eyes, refusing to meet his gaze, her initial shock giving way to a simmering annoyance. Silas slightly narrowed his eyes as he studied her reaction, trying to gauge what she was thinking. 

"I miss you so much," Samira murmured, drawing his attention.