Is she mental?

Esme felt a knot in her stomach as she entered the changing room, her eyes meeting Ruby's accusatory gaze. She knew she hadn't done anything to the dress, but Ruby's words still stung.

Esme still felt remorseful. She blamed herself for not checking the stitches properly. If she had seen some loose ends, she would have stitched them out. It was her responsibility, but she had failed to carry out things diligently and the shoot was canceled. 

"Look, Ruby. I know you're upset. Anyone would be in this situation. But I didn't tamper with the dress. Please believe me," Esme pleaded. "Why would I do such a thing to a woman?"

But Ruby was unforgiving. "No, I don't trust you," she spat. "You can do anything to humiliate me. Remember what you did at my apartment? You called me names and tagged me as a mistress. Do you have any idea how many problems I faced after that?"