The Jealousy

The mirth in Adelynn's voice brought Esme back to reality.

Embarrassed, Esme avoided meeting her gaze. "What are you talking about? He is kind to his employees. There is nothing more than that," Esme insisted, her voice tinged with defensiveness. She could feel the heat creeping on her face.

"Are you sure?" Adelynn questioned skeptically. 

"Yes, I am quite sure about that," Esme affirmed firmly in an attempt to brush away any doubts from her friend's mind. 

"Okay, I trust you," Adelynn relented with a shrug. "But he can help you get rid of Julian."

Esme's brow furrowed in confusion, her curiosity piqued by Adelynn's cryptic statement.

Adelynn leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table. "Look, Julian thinks you are having an affair with your boss. He has already started regretting breaking up with you, right?"

"Maybe, I am not sure," Esme admitted, her uncertainty evident in her tone.