The interview

Esme seethed with frustration. She muttered something under her breath, glaring at their retreating forms. 

Her gaze fell upon Emma's flustered countenance, her curiosity piqued by the evident distress etched upon her features. 

"What does she say that makes you pale?" Esme was unable to hold her curiosity.

Emma's response was swift and sharp, a warning gleam in her eyes as she rebuffed Esme's inquiry with a curt dismissal. "Mind your own business. Don't keep thinking about what other people are doing." She ignored her completely and returned her focus to her work.

Esme bristled with indignation, her fists clenched beneath the table as she fought the urge to lash out in response. Yet, a sense of resignation washed over her, and she swallowed back the sharp retort that threatened to spill from her lips.