The rising conflict

Esme felt awkward when Silas said nothing. A full minute passed, but he just kept staring at Denis mindfully. Finally, Esme, unable to bear the tension any longer, suggested, "I think we should accept the invitation."

Silas tore his gaze from Denis and looked down to Esme, his brow furrowing. A flicker of annoyance, like a brief storm cloud, crossed his face, not escaping her notice.

Sensing his annoyance, she hurried to explain, "It's a great opportunity for you to build a rapport with Denis. You'll be working together after all." Her voice trailed off, laced with uncertainty. "Don't you think so?" She hesitantly asked. 

Silas's jaw clenched tight, then relaxed. He would have scoffed at the invitation without another thought. But this was Esme's request, and the thought held him back. He needed to show Denis how far out of his reach Esme truly was.

'Esme can only be mine, mine alone,' he murmured in his mind, his resolve to make her his strengthening.