I need time.

"I heard you were yelling at them," Silas said, "Are they bothering you?" 

Esme's head whipped around, her eyes flashing with anger. "Don't worry. I've dealt with such situations before," she spat.

Silas raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "I don't doubt that," he said sarcastically. "But you shouldn't escalate this matter further, hmm?"

Esme's anger subsided slightly as she met Silas's gaze. She realized how rashly she had behaved. She gently broke free from his embrace, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks as embarrassment flooded her senses.

"I-I understand," she stammered. "It was... They were talking nonsense, and I lost my temper."

Silas chuckled, his laughter low and husky. "Hmm, I can understand. You should be angry with those who talk nonsense about your boss."

He deliberately said that despite knowing that she had acted impulsively out of her jealousy.