The promise (Part-1)

Esme wanted to tell Samira that it was all her mistake, but she changed the sentence in the end, "Emma was dismissed from her role due to her own mistakes." Her voice carried a hint of steel. "She was supposed to be loyal to her boss, but she followed an outsider's instructions." 

Samira's hand flew up to slap her, and the familiar gesture arrested mid-motion. Her fingers clenched into a tight fist. "You," she started, voice tight with barely contained fury. But instead of unleashing the expected tirade, she muttered a venomous curse under her breath, 'You are flying high. I'll teach you a lesson.'

With that chilling promise in her heart, Samira spun on her heel and stalked away.

Silence enveloped the space as Esme's gaze lingered on Samira's retreating figure, her chest tight with unresolved tension. In the aftermath of their encounter, emotions hung heavy. Esme inhaled and exhaled rapidly as she struggled to contain her fury.