Moving on

Inside Silas's cabin… 

The atmosphere was tense and uncomfortable. Samira looked downcast, her shoulders slumped in defeat, while Silas's expression was stern and unyielding. The sound of the rain pattering against the windowpanes added to the somber mood inside the room.

Samira had been talking nonstop for five minutes, attempting to explain herself. She had hoped that Silas would understand her perspective and forgive her, but his expression was far from what she had expected.

"I am sorry, Silas; please don't be upset with me," Samira pleaded, making a sad face. "I thought I would be accompanying you." 

But Silas's patience had worn thin, his frustration bubbling to the surface like a simmering volcano. He couldn't bear to listen to her excuses any longer, her attempts at justification ringing hollow in his ears.