Silas’s possessiveness

A frown creased Silas's brow as he watched Leo openly gawking at Esme. "Leo!" he barked, his voice laced with annoyance.

Leo's gaze flicked back to him, a sly grin replacing his initial surprise. "Ah, there you are, buddy," he drawled. "Seems I interrupted something." 

His gaze moved to Esme. "You stopped me dancing with her," Leo recounted. "You then possessively lifted her on your shoulder and took her out of the bar. Uh, now I know why you took time. Something is going on between you two. What were you doing?"

Esme's stomach dropped, fearing he would find out they had been making out. 

Leo's suggestive tone and lingering stare on Esme sent a surge of possessiveness through Silas. Recalling the bar incident, he gritted his teeth. "Esme, get that report finished. I need it on my desk by tomorrow morning."