Drunken night

The three friends, Silas, Joseph, and Leo, sat in a dimly lit bar, the smell of alcohol and sweat filling the air. Silas, clearly inebriated, slumped over the table, his eyes glazed over as he tried to reach for a glass of liquor. 

"Silas, stop it now." Joseph, ever the responsible one, gripped the glass tightly, refusing to let Silas have another sip. "You've had more than enough. I can't let you keep drinking."

Silas reached out with a slurred plea, "No, give it back."

Joseph, dodging the drunken grab, passed the glass to Leo, who placed it safely out of reach.

"No more drink, Silas," he said sternly.

Leo shook his head. "I thought he was happy with his new girlfriend, but…" He trailed off, finishing his sentence with a helpless shrug, a hint of exasperation creeping into his voice. "Look at him, just a few days in and he is a mess."