Silas’s aggression

Silas's grip on Esme's arm was firm, his fingers digging into her flesh with a cruel intensity as he hauled her forcefully into the house, heedless of her protests. Esme stumbled along behind him, her protests lost in the slam of the heavy oak door.

"Silas, stop it! It hurts!" she cried out, wincing as his grip tightened further.

But Silas was a volcano on the verge of eruption. He shoved her roughly against the nearest wall, pinning her there with his body. His hands slammed against the surface on either side of her head, caging her in his furious gaze.

Esme flinched, terror prickling her skin under the heat of his glare. 

"What is all this?" he roared. "You left without informing me… And then that letter! What did you say? Don't look for you! Are you breaking up with me?"